Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. R

    Seeking Warden Power Level to 14

    Hail and well met, all, I'm wondering if someone could help power level my Warden from 6 to 14 please? I just want to be able to play him with his HoT, (lv 10), and run speed buff, (lv 14). I'm not able to play often due to busy RL, so while I'm always down to group, I haven't been able to...
  2. R

    Bulletin Board Not Active?

    Hail and well met, all. So, I've read, and watched YouTube videos, about these new bulletin boards around that have solo'able tasks that give XP. However, I'm at the tower/campfire circled on the map, but when I check the bulletin board there, it says that it's not active Is there some...
  3. R

    Best Solo, Group, and Balanced Between the Two Class(es)?

    Hail and well met, all. I know that this isn't a solo game, but as the title says... Which class(es) do you think are the best... Solo when you gotta? Group when you can or want to? Blend of the two? Thank you for your time. Take care, Rokal
  4. R

    Gear & Crafting for Warlord

    Hail and well met, all. I'm really digging my Warlord, and plan to go "all in" on him. TL;DR: So... not being really "into" crafting, I'm planning to pick up the three harvesting options. Is that viable? I figure that I can provide mats to a crafter to make the gear I need? Any advice on...
  5. R

    Fear as CC Question.

    Hail and well met, all. A question regarding using Fear, (Warlord), as CC. In some MMOs using Fear as CC could be bad, usually in dungeons, because often times the feared mob would pick up adds when running back to you after the Fear wore off... causing a potential group wipe. Does Fear...
  6. R

    Thoughts on Warlord vs Duelist.

    Hail, and well met, all. Looking for insights and opinions on Duelist vs Warlord, (no interest in Sentimel... no offense to those Sentinels out there). When solo, (when a group can't be found or I just wanna) ? When grouping? The Warlord only gets two heals; levels 2 & 6, compared to the...
  7. R

    To quest or not to quest?

    Hail and well met, all. So, it's my understanding that quests do not give you XP... so what is the point in doing them? Lore? Items/gear? <-- If so are those things worth the time that could otherwise be spent leveling/harvesting/crafting? Can I get equal/better gear from drops? Can I get...
  8. R

    A Few Class Questions If I May?

    Hail and well met, all. I have some questions regarding classes, and trying to decide which I want to start with. I only play 4 to 6 hours per week, so if I ever want to see any progress, especially in a slower to level game such as this, I need to focus on one character initially. "On paper"...
  9. R

    Community Towards Supports/Healers?

    Hail and well met, all. Question regarding community attitudes towards the Support/Healer classes... in many an MMO Healers catch a metric crap ton of vitriol and invective for deaths, wipes, etc. I've been playing a Healer in a ton of MMOs since EQ1, and pretty much since the WoW era started...
  10. R

    Community Towards Supports/Healers?

    Hail and well met, all. Question regarding community attitudes towards the Support/Healer classes... in many an MMO Healers catch a metric crap ton of vitriol and invective for deaths, wipes, etc. I've been playing a Healer in a ton of MMOs since EQ1, and pretty much since the WoW era...