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A Few Class Questions If I May?


Hail and well met, all.

I have some questions regarding classes, and trying to decide which I want to start with.

I only play 4 to 6 hours per week, so if I ever want to see any progress, especially in a slower to level game such as this, I need to focus on one character initially.

"On paper" I'm leaning towards either the Warlord, (Support), or Warden, (Striker).

My questions...

Given an overall balance between having to solo when grouping isn't available, and of course grouping, which is the better overall option?

The Warden does more damage, and has a heal so they can probably heal group members in a pinch as well, so I'm thinking solo it's a better option with some group utility... more damage with the ability to heal themselves.

The Warlord of course has heals and buffs, so is probably the overall better option for grouping, but I've heard hits like a wet noddle, thus making solo'ing even more of a slog.

But given an overall gameplay experience, which likely mixes solo and group, which might be the better overall experience? Who might level more quickly? Who might survive out in the world better?

I'm leaning Warden because of, I'm assuming, a better/easier solo experience, and can use their heal in a group if necessary... but I don't know what I don't know.

Also, regarding the Warlord vs Sentinel, and Duelist... the Warlord only has 2x heals; levels 2 & 6, the other two Support classes have 3x heals; levels 2, 6, and either 22 or 30.

Is this a problem? How do Wardens fare in keeping their groups up with one less heal than the other two Support classes?

I have no interest in Tanking, but any and all insight into the various Support and Striker classes, especially Warlord and Warden, is greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
I would choose Warden over Warlord if you are wanting to do some soling, you also have some running speed aura that can help you out with your traveling time.
Warden are very good puller so they still have a great use in Group