Hail and well met, all.
Question regarding community attitudes towards the Support/Healer classes... in many an MMO Healers catch a metric crap ton of vitriol and invective for deaths, wipes, etc.
I've been playing a Healer in a ton of MMOs since EQ1, and pretty much since the WoW era started, Healers in every MMO catch a ton of crap and blame... it's made me only want to heal for folks I know/guildies/etc, or simply stop playing in groups altogether... which is annoying since I do enjoy grouping and meeting folks.
Yes, sometimes it's my fault, though I'm seasoned enough that it's not often my fault, but I do, every Support/Healer does, screw up at times.
So, honest answer please... do Support/Healers in this game catch a bunch of hatred in general,even if the death/wioe is their fault?
Thank you for your time and thoughts.
Take care,
Rokal, Newbie Wannabe Support Player
Question regarding community attitudes towards the Support/Healer classes... in many an MMO Healers catch a metric crap ton of vitriol and invective for deaths, wipes, etc.
I've been playing a Healer in a ton of MMOs since EQ1, and pretty much since the WoW era started, Healers in every MMO catch a ton of crap and blame... it's made me only want to heal for folks I know/guildies/etc, or simply stop playing in groups altogether... which is annoying since I do enjoy grouping and meeting folks.
Yes, sometimes it's my fault, though I'm seasoned enough that it's not often my fault, but I do, every Support/Healer does, screw up at times.
So, honest answer please... do Support/Healers in this game catch a bunch of hatred in general,even if the death/wioe is their fault?
Thank you for your time and thoughts.
Take care,
Rokal, Newbie Wannabe Support Player