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Community Towards Supports/Healers?


Hail and well met, all.

Question regarding community attitudes towards the Support/Healer classes... in many an MMO Healers catch a metric crap ton of vitriol and invective for deaths, wipes, etc.

I've been playing a Healer in a ton of MMOs since EQ1, and pretty much since the WoW era started, Healers in every MMO catch a ton of crap and blame... it's made me only want to heal for folks I know/guildies/etc, or simply stop playing in groups altogether... which is annoying since I do enjoy grouping and meeting folks.

Yes, sometimes it's my fault, though I'm seasoned enough that it's not often my fault, but I do, every Support/Healer does, screw up at times.

So, honest answer please... do Support/Healers in this game catch a bunch of hatred in general,even if the death/wioe is their fault?

Thank you for your time and thoughts.

Take care,
Rokal, Newbie Wannabe Support Player
I think we have a pretty healthy community and people just like help or to help. All classes can resurrect people after they fall unconscious even tho it is easier for a support. As a sentinel i think this game is amazing for healers with the abilty to target your party with f1-f6 and then tab target the enemy.
I think we have a pretty healthy community and people just like help or to help. All classes can resurrect people after they fall unconscious even tho it is easier for a support. As a sentinel i think this game is amazing for healers with the abilty to target your party with f1-f6 and then tab target the enemy.
Hi Pipz, Pel here -- we've grouped a few times and I hope to get the chance to again soon! I agree that the "all classes can rez" thing may help out with people being less focused on just the healer's role in preventing wipes. Like, when a group wipes, the wipe was a group effort ;) and people recognize that... Or it was just one of those times something went wrong but it was beyond anyone's control.