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Bulletin Board Not Active?


Hail and well met, all.

So, I've read, and watched YouTube videos, about these new bulletin boards around that have solo'able tasks that give XP.

However, I'm at the tower/campfire circled on the map, but when I check the bulletin board there, it says that it's not active

Is there some other place that I, as a LV 8 Warlord can go that has an active bulletin board?

Thank you for your help.

Take care,


  • Screenshot_20240505-122709.png
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Hail and well met, all.

So, I've read, and watched YouTube videos, about these new bulletin boards around that have solo'able tasks that give XP.

However, I'm at the tower/campfire circled on the map, but when I check the bulletin board there, it says that it's not active

Is there some other place that I, as a LV 8 Warlord can go that has an active bulletin board?

Thank you for your help.

Take care,
What do you mean it says that it is not active? Could you provide a screenshot?
What do you mean it says that it is not active? Could you provide a screenshot?
Apparently I was wrong... when I click on the board, an envelope displayed that says "Coming Soon."

But after watching a YouTube video, I clicked on the red dot in the middle of the envelope, and it sent me to kill 15 raccoons.

Sorry... seeing the message "Coming Soon," led me to think it wasn't active yet
Apparently I was wrong... when I click on the board, an envelope displayed that says "Coming Soon."

But after watching a YouTube video, I clicked on the red dot in the middle of the envelope, and it sent me to kill 15 raccoons.

Sorry... seeing the message "Coming Soon," led me to think it wasn't active yet
AHH no worries. The bottom two envelopes are "coming soon" as those will represent gathering and crafting tasks. The top envelope is the adventuring one!