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Fear as CC Question.


Hail and well met, all.

A question regarding using Fear, (Warlord), as CC.

In some MMOs using Fear as CC could be bad, usually in dungeons, because often times the feared mob would pick up adds when running back to you after the Fear wore off... causing a potential group wipe.

Does Fear work like that here... sending a mob running and potentially bringing adds back?

Or does it, as in some MMOs, just cause the mob to cower in place?

Thanks for your answers.

Take care.
Hail and well met, all.

A question regarding using Fear, (Warlord), as CC.

In some MMOs using Fear as CC could be bad, usually in dungeons, because often times the feared mob would pick up adds when running back to you after the Fear wore off... causing a potential group wipe.

Does Fear work like that here... sending a mob running and potentially bringing adds back?

Or does it, as in some MMOs, just cause the mob to cower in place?

Thanks for your answers.

Take care.
Fear causes the mob to run away from you; when it wears off there is a chance that it calls for help.
Fear causes the mob to run away from you; when it wears off there is a chance that it calls for help.
Thank you so much, and I personally would rather not have a form of CC that could ultimately cause a group wipe.

<shrug> Guess it would be something to discuss with a group before entering a dungeon... is the benefit of sending an add(s) running away worth the risk of more coming back?
Thank you so much, and I personally would rather not have a form of CC that could ultimately cause a group wipe.

<shrug> Guess it would be something to discuss with a group before entering a dungeon... is the benefit of sending an add(s) running away worth the risk of more coming back?
There's nothing wrong with having that ability; just have to know when to use it.
There's nothing wrong with having that ability; just have to know when to use it.
Like I said, while I'd prefer a different, less potentially dangerous implementation, like cowering in place, or another type of CC altogether, but implemented as is, should be discussed with a group before possibly using.
I'm in the same boat, I never ever use fear as any sort of crowd control, but rather as a panic button. It's just always way way too risky. That is, unless you combine it with a snare or root.
Like I said, while I'd prefer a different, less potentially dangerous implementation, like cowering in place, or another type of CC altogether, but implemented as is, should be discussed with a group before possibly using.

What I was getting at, is that in most games it is not the kind of spell to use in a dungeon. It's an outdoor ability for kiting mostly.
Pro-tip : One thing you can do is angle yourself around the mob so when you fear it, it will go in the opposite direction away from you. This way you can somewhat control the direction of your fear, sometimes in a corner or away from an area it might bring back adds. You can also move away from your feared mob (easier outdoors) so that it will lose aggro. The leash can be long but once you learn the range you can fear, back off far enough, and the feared mob will drop aggro on the way back.