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Seeking Warden Power Level to 14


Hail and well met, all,

I'm wondering if someone could help power level my Warden from 6 to 14 please?

I just want to be able to play him with his HoT, (lv 10), and run speed buff, (lv 14).

I'm not able to play often due to busy RL, so while I'm always down to group, I haven't been able to find any when I'm on... so I think leveling solo would be at least a little bit easier if I had my HoT and run speed buff.

If anyone is interested in helping me, please let me know.

Thank you.

Take care,
Perhaps tell us what time of day you play?

Elloa runs a group for low level players on Tuesdays, perhaps you could join in.
Perhaps tell us what time of day you play?

Elloa runs a group for low level players on Tuesdays, perhaps you could join in.
Ooh, thank you... and sorry I forgot to add that

Anytime after 5pm Eastern til about 10pm Eastern on week days, and can make myself available pretty much anytime on weekends.

Do you know what time she runs those groups?

Again, thank you.
Not to discourage your plan. But leveling via BB quests and a CV run or 3 would get you VERY close, wouldnt take long at all.
Ooh, thank you... and sorry I forgot to add that

Anytime after 5pm Eastern til about 10pm Eastern on week days, and can make myself available pretty much anytime on weekends.

Do you know what time she runs those groups?

Again, thank you.
Um, east coast of australia, east germany, or east coast US mate?

She runs them from 3pm CET for about 4 hours, which if you are in the US means about 5am to 9am.
Just get up early mate.
I can help you, just ping me in game.


Thank you very much.

What are best times for you?

For me it would be 6pm+ Eastern USA time on Fridays, or really anytime on the weekend... except this coming Sunday, May 19th... every other Sunday is my D&D game day

Having said all of that... other than D&D Sundays, I am flexible.

I really appreciate this.
I'm PST and work from home. 7pm+ EST works best for me...

Awesome... I work from home too... it's nice "being home" one second after I log out, lol.

Does this Friday or Saturday work for you, or if too short notice maybe next Friday, Saturday, or Sunday <-- if it's next week.
What level are you now and what level are you trying to get to? We can knock this out tonight if you have time....
Sorry for the late reply... watching Survivor and The Amazing Race with da wife... so no go tonight.

I'm level 6 and would like to get to 14; so that at 10 I get my HoT and at 14 my run speed buff.