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Feedback Game - List your 3 favourite things and 3 most disliked things about the game


Stormhaven Studios
Elloa -336.png

Greetings everyone!

I would like us to play a little game, which will be a way to understand better what you like and what you dislike about Embers Adrift.
This is not to have a conversation, but just to gather what you enjoy about the game and what you do not enjoy about the game. I think this can be both fun, and interesting!

So the rules of the game:
  • Write in SHORT, concise answers
  • Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
    Example: My friend is playing, No other game to play at the moment, Feels like EQ.
  • Write down your 3 favorite things about Embers Adrift
    Example: 1.Group Based 2.Vast world to explore 3. Blupiter!
  • Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
    Example: 1. Too slow to lvl up 2.Not enough beard choices 3. No Magic
  • Do not respond to other players. Just write down your short answers. Have fun doing so!

This little game interests me greatly to understand you better. If you LOVE the game and enjoy it I want to know your favorite things and your most disliked things. If you DO NOT LIKE the game, I want to know what you like, what you dislike and why you joined in the first place.

Thank you for participating! Please share with your friends so we have a maximum of feedback. I know players that enjoy the game tend to NOT post on forums, but here it would be nice to have their feedback too!
  • Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
    I was interested after watching a Lazy Peon youtube

  • Write down your 3 favourite things about Embers Adrift
    1. The challenge
    2. The grouping
    3. What you wear is what you've earnt

  • Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
    1. The limited horizontal progression
    2. The lack of housing
    3. The limits of how to trade
  • Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
    Desperate to find a new tab target, slow paced combat MMO

  • Write down your 3 favourite things about Embers Adrift
    1. Group centric gameplay
    2. Social atmosphere (through Intentional removal of modern QoL features)
    3. Combat mechanics

  • Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
    1. Low Population / Not finding groups
    2. Limited meaningful activity for solo when in between finding groups
    3. Lack of variety in dungeons
  • Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
    • I've been playing it for years, even before it was Embers Adrift. Always looking to play any new fantasy mmo's.
  • Write down your 3 favorite things about Embers Adrift
    1. The challenge to level
    2. Grouping with friends
    3. Vague Map/No compass

  • Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
    1. No magic
    2. Low population
    3. Long night cycle

- Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
The grind even without teaming. My first and most favorite mmorpg, anarchy online. was based on grinding to level up and had many levels (( 200 in vanilla game )) so it feels more natural for me to not level fast.

- Write down your 3 favorite things about Embers Adrift
World that feels big to explore: learn node areas and mob areas. The graphical style: reminds me of a renewed vanguard saga of heroes that i like as its not cartoony nor realistic. Crafting has a reason to exist and is not only a side game inthe game.

- Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
No Auction house/market/something similar. Random crashing in newhaven city. Seasonal events ( although i havent been playing for long only my second month here)

EDIT : Lack of seasonal events
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Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
I also found the game after LazyPeon made a video on it. Despite his generally negative take on the game it was evident to me that Embers was offering something unique outside of other smaller indie games like Planet Gorgon that resembled what I experienced on EQOA as a child.

Write down your 3 favourite things about Embers Adrift
1. Rock Solid Trinity game design - The trinity class interplay is amazing and versatile allowing for virtually any combination of players to form a group ESPECIALLY once each class gets their more unique abilities after level 20.
2. Social dependence. Outside of dual boxing this game requires a willingness to reach out and team up with people to make any substancial progress.
3. The gear hunt. At every level bracket (10-15-20-25-30) there's a new tiers of gear available to further improve my character's performance and visualy appearance.

Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
1. The LFG and Guild tools- Embers is a die hard group game with LFG and guild UIs that leave much to be desired. Please let me post LFG for all my characters at once. At the very least a LFG channel would be great.
2. No proper community hub - The crafting guild area serves as this space currently and it's not intuitive. Lore be damned we should have a mono IN NHC within eyesight of both the north and south exits of the city. I want to run into old friends and new players alike and the current layout does nothing but add an extra loading screen and hide the later level playerbase from the noobs.
3. Loot drama - Non-class restricted gear often leads to fracturing in the community. I don't think gear should be class restrcited necessarily, but pieces such as Chithorns or Assassin's need to drop in pairs to increase availability or have some viable replacement in higher tiers. With how small the community is and how few people are exploring the content currently, Stormhaven could be far my generous with their named spawning and loot distribution without negatively effecting the game. ESPECIALLY in the lower levels 10-20 since you level past them so fast.
Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
Wanted to play group focused MMO where the meta is not already set in stone by neckbeards

Write down your 3 favourite things about Embers Adrift
1. Stingy loot drop rates
2. No map/compass
3. Group combat

Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
1. Progression, both vertical and horizontal feels limited
2. Combat does not punish disorganized groups enough
3. Limited dungeon ingress and egress options
Started playing after a friend mentioned he was playing it…a couple weeks after launch.

Things I like: Not fair, there are more than 3
1. Low fantasy - extremely refreshing seeing armor that looks like armor (no 18’ tall shoulder pieces please) and weapons that look like weapons (crystal sword is nice, but about the max of what I like to see in a weapon). The enemies you fight have their unique physical traits without being ridiculous. You’re not fighting things while fiery explosions and lightning are zooming in every direction. I dig that.
2. Limited QoL - I love the fact that if you want to learn your way around, you have to pay attention. If you want steady groups, you have to put yourself out there and make them, not just click a magic “port me to the dungeon” button with a randomly filled group. If you want to sell or trade something, you have to actually stand there and try to make a deal with someone.
3. Class/Skill design - Of course there will always be tweaking/updating/balancing going on, but these are all some really fun classes with mostly interesting and unique abilities. You are rewarded for learning your class well and it is really noticeable when people “get it”.

Things I do not like:
1. Stats - I realize this is a WIP and is already looking better with some of the newer loot. I still feel like some of the stats could be removed completely or rolled in to other stats to simplify gear stat allocations and gear sets (i.e. make physical/mental/chemical/ember resists 1 stat each that affects debuff duration and damage on the back end with their own modifier weights…combat movement and haste could be 1 thing…etc). Not a major gripe, more of an aggravation as a tank that likes to stay top end.
2. Armor weight system: I understand the reasoning behind it, but still annoys me that at level 50 as a marshal tank, I will not be able to equip a full suit of top end real armor no matter how much I grind/farm it.
3. Spawn/loot logic in some cases: I get wanting some items to be unique and more powerful than others, but in several instances the ridiculously wild rareness of some items will cause players to outlevel the item before they ever see it. Spent weeks in 1 zone leveling…killing every creature there several dozen times….just to see the next group behind us after we move on linking some cool items they got fighting the same stuff on day 1. Two weeks in one camp should be more enough time to see everything it has to offer…I don’t think everything needs to be super common, but this could use some tweaking.

All that said…Huge thanks to this dev team…this game is great and lots of fun…You will never please everyone so ignore the noise and stay on course.

<3 Diab
P.S. - no change to marshal please…we’re all good here.
  • Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
    I was hungry for a new and decent, slow-paced, holy trinity and tab targeting MMO to call home.

  • Write down your 3 favourite things about Embers Adrift
    1. Holy Trinity (thank god one game that is not an all dps fiesta like modern games)
    2. The tab targeting (another good thing about old-school MMOs, I hate the new action fast paced gogogo! combat)
    3. Crafting system is robust and crafted items are interesting.

  • Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
    1. Gearing progression is scarce and not rewarding (crafting should be optional, not a mandatory step in the gearing process).
    2. Limited solo options / lack of people to group up.
    3. The lack of an option to leave a dungeon / no hearthstone to leave safely when you want or need to leave because real life stuff.
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Write down your 3 Favorite Things about Embers Adrift

1. 6 Person Group Gameplay
2. Challenge and Death
3. Tab Target

Write down your 3 Least Favorite Things about Embers Adrift

1. All Melee Groups (needs magic classes, pet classes, different range specialized classes to prevent clustering on mobs)
2. Darkness is horrible for streaming
3. No raiding
4. No auction house (yes I cheated with 4, and yes I know it's coming)
Write down your 3 Favorite Things about Embers Adrift

1. Slow Combat, tab target
2. Group Gameplay is awesome
3. Atmosphere, day/night cycle, seasons....etc (missing snow in winter :p)

Write down your 3 Least Favorite Things about Embers Adrift

1. Corspe Run are as painful as it gets
2. lack of character/gear progression, skill points or similar system
3. Slow xp grind
4. Lack of QoL for groups/dungeons (heartstone/summon friends)
  • Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
    I started after looking for an old school mmorpg that plays like WoW Classic and found Embers :cool:

  • Write down your 3 favourite things about Embers Adrift
    1. Group content, i enjoy doing dungeons/quests with other players
    2. Social part of the game that is very much missing in most mmorpgs nowadays
    3. Gear/skill progression, slow but very rewarding (We need more!)

  • Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
    1. Low Population, can't find a group most of the time :( = can't play and log out
    2. Very little to do when solo and waiting for a group
    3. Skill animations/effects, would be nice if they looked different as most look the same and can't really tell what you or others are casting/using
- Also dislike the bag recovery system as a plus.
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Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
-Looking for an old school tab target, slower paced game with group grinding for lvls not questing constantly.

Write down your 3 favorite things about Embers Adrift
1. Rare loot chase
2. World exploration and discovery of new monsters (need more)
3. Group centric gameplay for the best items (could be more challenging)

Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
1. Lack of combat depth and animations. (I believe this will be one of your biggest barriers to entry for new players.)
2. Lack of class depth and uniqueness
3. No magic
Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
Friend pulled me in at launch and i've been playing ever since.

Write down your 3 favorite things about Embers Adrift:
  • Hunting for secret and rare named items
  • Slow paced MMO that just doesn't exist outside of 20 year old games
  • Humble, Private server vibe, Open communication with Staff
Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
  • Big world, huge zones, no fast travel
  • Class identity - no talent system, attribute point allocation. customization, optimal itemization is the same for everyone
  • Limited character design options - everyone looks the same, more short hair/bald options for females chars than long lol
Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
  • I wanted to relive the experience of an old school MMO as an ex-EQ player - Getting that Evercrack fix now from Embercrack!
  • 3 favorite things are the community, the content, and the development teams engagement with the players​
  • 3 most disliked things are no monolith in the city (feels very disconnected and a city recall in some form would be nice), the pace of xp and content 40+ (solo content and solo xp seems very nerfed), and lack of population (could use more marketing?)
On a side note higher tier weapons should't look like lower tier (example: the lvl 40 healer offhand looks just like the lvl 15 one) Even a different color would be welcome here. Also the ability to hide other pieces of equipment like the head (mole bear has nice stats but the look isn't for everybody).

With such a small community it is very tight nit for the most part. Yes some people roll on items thy don't need to later put up in /trade, but for the most part its a very welcoming population. I dont really sell items as I enjoy giving away gear to make someone's day. We all benefit from better geared group members and it helps the community as a whole!

Keep up the great work and kudos to Elloa for being so helpful with the streams and group matchmaking.

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I discovered Embers Adrift a year ago on youtube. Kept track ever since and finally joined for the buy-to-play model.

  • Write down your 3 favorite things about Embers Adrift

1. Community interaction. I've been putting myself out there to get to know the community and it doesn't feel like a clique. It seems like everyone knows everyone which is amazing. People have been very helpful and encouraging.

2. NewHaven City. Although it's not often so populated, that's where it really starts to feel like the world comes to life. Seeing players running around and doing their thing makes me feel like I'm not alone in the world.

3. Combat difficulty. It took some adapting, but I fell in love in a short time. Fights feel more strategic and stamina management makes fights far more engaging without feeling like I'm constantly suffering from being unable to use my skills.

Sneaky bonus positive: Elloa is just the best
  • Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
1. Lack of incentives. The quests have been interesting and the rewards have been nice, but I feel I've completed them too quickly and the gap between content feels quite long. More goal options from milestone A to B is desired.

2. Too little reason for world exploration. I enjoyed the first zone, discovering points of interests which unlocked my map, but I've found cabins that I can't enter. I've explored woods with only logs and mushrooms. Spider caves and bat-infested farms are a couple of examples I'd love to see more, but I'm still early into the game. Being able to enter a cabin, seeing a bed, cupboard, table, firepit gives npcs a little more life. Throwing in a rare chest in there once in awhile makes exploring a little more fun. Even finding something like a chest with 5 copper is exciting and makes me more curious to keep my eyes open.

3. Group content calls for a long-term commitment. I find the Exile Camp and Ember Veins to be an excellent duration. As much as I'd like to help in central veins, I know that means I need to commit a lot of time to the group and that becomes a frequent missed opportunity when the average time frame is so broad. I crave smaller, denser group content with an easier way in and out in case life interferes and I must sign off.

Sneaky bonus issue: only 1 character for non subs. I would so pay for another character slot.
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This is Hesperus, one of the guild leaders of Flat Blupiter Society!
  • Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
    I've been waiting for a game with a true grind to max level AND a true a crafting grind, specifically with around 50 levels, without the annoying bloat of modern MMOs. I just wanted someone to keep it simple. So I'm right in the target demo.

  • Write down your 3 favourite things about Embers Adrift
    1. Obviously, the long grind + good challenge in combat to make it worth it + a leisurely crafting and gathering grind. No bells or whistles.
    2. Being able to group with any level player so far. As long as high level players are willing to help out. We just took a new guild member from level 2 to 12 in one day via this grouping mechanic.
    3. The attention to detail. I love a good paper doll where you can see your gear, or QoL things like easy interaction with UI or other players.

  • Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
    1. Character customization. I would take: A full RGB color system for things like hair and clothes (not skin,) multiple color layers for clothes, blush and eyeshadow, hair, etc. Many more facial features, even sliders for each one, including separate arm, leg, and other body part sliders.
    2. The lack of RPing systems like housing, even just a guild hall, things to do in city that aren't just character progression related: Like an inn with interactables like chairs, a fireplace, or music. Even better if you find them throughout the land, how cool would it be to stumble on a bustling inn full of players in the dead of night, drawn by music and light dancing out of it. Music could be as simple as a jukebox type system. Just a nice inn soundtrack + usable seats would be a nice atmosphere.
    3. Character customization in the paper doll sense as well. This would also help the RP. Being able to put on more interesting outfits when not in combat. Just in general making characters look cooler, even with gear.
Thanks so much! I love this game!

Edit: Clarity.
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Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
Because it is a tab-target, strategic MMO with a focus on being classically spirited

Write down your 3 favourite things about Embers Adrift
1. Group Focused Content : And massive content updates on the monthly
2. Exploration of areas : Finding Named Mobs, Exploring zones, Exploring Dungeons
3. Great Community, Always a fun time playing in a group with the Community

Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
1. Needs more fantasy mobs (big improvement over time and love all the new stuff) We just need more
2. Character Creator needs more options, and I do wish it had different races
3. Need more unique looking gear

Love this game so much! Devs doing a great job and I thoroughly enjoy playing Embers Adrift!
Why did I start Playing?

I stumbled across a live stream of Nathan Napalm and immediately knew I had to play!

My 3 most liked things?

Feels like EverQuest !

Being able to camp Named Mobs !

Grouping is super fun!

The things I dislike , sorry but I want to list things on my mind.

Lack of a pet class
No Magic
No Auction House
Lack of special gear that really feels good to have , example: Miners helm provides night sight.. cheetah boots provides a boost in run speed or a special ring that provides plus to weight capacity.
I play a sentinel, currently level 15.. I don’t feel like most of spells are exciting to the point im feeling like there isn’t anything to look forward to. I hate recasting the same buffs , I don’t need a triple attack .. I want more healing !
No mounts
No Raids… where’s the 10man or more raiding content?
It’s always Dark !
Soloing is almost pointless, xp bar barely moves.
I want to see Hill Giants , Cyclops and Black Burrow Knolls

It may seem like Im not enjoying the game , but I ensure you I am loving it ! There is so much potential!
  • Write down your reason to start playing Embers Adrift
    • I've tried pretty much every MMO out there, hate the direction World of Warcraft pushed the genre, and have long been looking for a game that builds off ideas and mechanics found in classic MMOs such as EverQuest. Embers Adrift does this very well.
  • Write down your 3 favorite things about Embers Adrift
    • No microtransactions or cash shop
    • No PvP
    • Heavily focused on social interaction and community
  • Write down your 3 most disliked things about Embers Adrift
    • Night time - it sucks
    • Weak selection of cool/interesting abilities and gear limits ability to stand out
    • Crafting & harvesting - everyone is after the same resources and high-level recipes aren't compelling