What's new?
Our first patch for live brings a ton of fixes and improvements! I wanted to share a ton of user stats regarding which roles were most popular etc - but I ran out of time so those will have to wait until future patch notes. Launch was very smooth for the most part but the team is still trying to catch up with all of the feedback, bugs, and suggestions. Keep em coming!
Bug fixes / improvements:
Emberdrift Updates
Emberdrift dungeons have been moved to their own scene called the "Ember Veins". For the 9 characters that were either camped out in a current drift and/or were missing their bag in one your character has been placed in Northreach and your bag returned to you. Please let us know if there are any issues.
Two new Emberdrift dungeons have been added! One can be found in Meadowlands and the other in Dryfoot. These include new itemizations, rares, etc. Oh, and frogs & toads can now turn ashen.
Works in progress:
To see a full list of what is currently in progress head on over to this thread. I will do my best to update this list on a weekly basis and highlight the differences from the previous week with bold font. Below I will highlight some of the upcoming changes in more detail.
More Ashen! (timeline 1 week)
More ashen creatures are on the way. This includes raccoons, basilisks, doe/stags, and others.
Repair Cost (timeline: 2-3 weeks)
We are looking into improving how repair costs are calculated to mitigate repair costs at higher levels. Still some work left to do but just wanted you to know we are working on it! We should have this updated by the time players get to high enough levels where this starts to become a pain point.
New Zones?! (timeline 2-3 weeks)
We have a handful of new zones nearing completion including the Dryfoot Fortress and Redshore Outskirts (names pending). More Emberdrift dungeons are also coming for Meadowlands & Dryfoot.
Known Issues:
Our first patch for live brings a ton of fixes and improvements! I wanted to share a ton of user stats regarding which roles were most popular etc - but I ran out of time so those will have to wait until future patch notes. Launch was very smooth for the most part but the team is still trying to catch up with all of the feedback, bugs, and suggestions. Keep em coming!
Bug fixes / improvements:
- Tech
- Instance swapping must now be performed at an Ember Ring and out of combat.
- Instances can now be "closed" to prevent further switching into them. If your switchinstance command fails keep an eye on the chat as it should tell you if the instance is either unavailable, or closed.
- Switched to a different spatial query method to determine nearby players. This impacts a number of systems including loot rolls, group bonuses, group xp/coin distribution, and combat messages. This alternate method should (in theory) result in more reliable behavior for anything requiring a nearby query (loot rolls, etc). However, this also comes with an additional performance cost so I will be keeping a close eye on this.
- Added new keybind options for Zoom In and Zoom Out to control camera zoom via keyboard. These are unbound by default.
- Added new tech that allows us to force a character rename. When a character is flagged you will be required to rename them before you can enter the game world. Characters in this state will have a "RENAME" button below their character on selection.
- Guilds with offensive names will soon be disbanded. We have zero tolerance for these sort of shenanigans. Consider this your first warning.
- Fixed some client side exceptions.
- Fixed: Egress points can no longer be used when in combat. Egress points are the one way exits found in the middle of the dungeon.
- Fixed: -100% movement effects that was not actually rooting players with +Movement effects. i.e. halt, webbing, etc.
- Environment / Art
- Fixed props in Newhaven City.
- Fixed a number of stuck spots.
- Fixed animation issue when using Strike or Assault with a bow
- Doubling fallen log size for forestry.
- Adding stump near stump man
- Adjusting the post processing effects of hallows and ember rings.
- Reduced max brightness in the daytime.
- UI:
- Added a tooltip to the accept button in trade if your inventory is full
- Added: tooltip to crafting stations when you are missing your belongings telling you why you cannot interact with it.
- Added: zone name and instance number to the server status tooltip (globe on your chat windows)
- Added: close button to the group window for leaving the group
- Fixed an issue with draggable UI windows that would freak out when the UI scale was above 100%.
- Fixed: Emotes from blocked players should no longer show in your chat
- Fixed: quest log UI should now remember its location
- Fixed: social UI should now remember its location
- Fixed: friends not showing as offline if they last set their presence to anonymous
- Fixed: login message will no longer show unless there is something important to tell you
- Fixed: zone names correct in social window
- Quests:
- Misc. grammatical and typo fixes to quest dialogue.
- Fixed: various typos in NPC dialogue
- Fixed: quest list not updating in certain cases
- Fixed: dialogue choices not hiding in certain cases
- Updated: "The Hunters of Northreach" now simply requires you to kill Nighthunter as opposed to looting her pelt.
- Updated: "Turning Over a New Leaf... or Stone... or Pelt" now allows you to perform any refinement, though Darrimar will express his disappointment
- Updated: "The Missing Apprentice" to better describe where to find Lt. Krenner & to require fewer returns to Balgar.
- Updated: "Acolyte's Ambition" should now be more clear about one of its objectives.
- Design:
- Named mobs will be slightly stronger than other 3-chevron mobs
- Removed some specialization reagents from the Newhaven Valley dungeon (Spec reagents are only obtainable in Northreach and beyond)
- Removed some recipes from merchants who should not have had them (Belts on outfitter)
- Reduced delay on Longbows and Heavy Crossbows
- Fixed: issue with incorrect NPC weapon delays. Most notably ants attack faster than they did previously.
- Fixed issue preventing health regen potions and food buffs from stacking
- Fixed stats on Ruffian Dagger
- Fixed balance on a few of the Ravenrock Weapon rewards
- Added additional group content mobs around Ancient Bear spawn. Made ancient bear spawn a bit more consistent.
- Added two new Ember Drifts. One in Meadowlands and one in Dryfoot.
- Added profession trainer Mordina to Newhaven City
- 4-chevron mobs have had their respawn timers adjusted.
- Bumped loot roll timer from 30s to 45s.
Emberdrift Updates
Emberdrift dungeons have been moved to their own scene called the "Ember Veins". For the 9 characters that were either camped out in a current drift and/or were missing their bag in one your character has been placed in Northreach and your bag returned to you. Please let us know if there are any issues.
Two new Emberdrift dungeons have been added! One can be found in Meadowlands and the other in Dryfoot. These include new itemizations, rares, etc. Oh, and frogs & toads can now turn ashen.
Works in progress:
To see a full list of what is currently in progress head on over to this thread. I will do my best to update this list on a weekly basis and highlight the differences from the previous week with bold font. Below I will highlight some of the upcoming changes in more detail.
More Ashen! (timeline 1 week)
More ashen creatures are on the way. This includes raccoons, basilisks, doe/stags, and others.
Repair Cost (timeline: 2-3 weeks)
We are looking into improving how repair costs are calculated to mitigate repair costs at higher levels. Still some work left to do but just wanted you to know we are working on it! We should have this updated by the time players get to high enough levels where this starts to become a pain point.
New Zones?! (timeline 2-3 weeks)
We have a handful of new zones nearing completion including the Dryfoot Fortress and Redshore Outskirts (names pending). More Emberdrift dungeons are also coming for Meadowlands & Dryfoot.
Known Issues:
Loot roll occasionally does not trigger leaving the loot open to anyone. We are currently investigating.Characters can get stuck in any looping animation if they do not properly complete. This is most noticeable for strikers using a bow. We have some tooling to fix this, just need to get back around to it.- Not all ember rings and/or POIs are proper map discoveries.
- Deconstructing crafted items returns junk 100% of the time.
- Cannot roll on loot while unconscious
- Not all clothing/armor has visuals
- Dragging a group-nameplate in the group window will set the wrong pivot point for the group window and the whole thing will drag a bit weird.
- Typing chat text may occasionally become invisible. Unfocus your chat window and trying again a few times typically resolves this.
- Sometimes when you respawn you don't end up at the proper Ember Ring --> if this happens please report the position where you died via the "/report" command or "/debugposition" (if using debugposition you'll need to paste the value here)
- MacOS:
- Zooming the camera while holding the right mouse button can cause your chat window to scroll. This is not intended behavior.
- At some camera angles the sun may go dark. This should not happen frequently but is readily reproducible at some locations. Investigating a fix.
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