Hello. Didn't realize we could make arrows with stat modifiers. Made a few, will try to make every single one later this weekend for folks to compare with what they have or would like to make. Looks like we will need a crafted quiver to hold some of these arrows. Wonder what the limited will be, since there are over 20+ types of arrows.
Rough & Coarse Bone Arrowheads, (x2: Boar, Bear, Deer, Rabbit, Racoon, Wolf).
Copper, Tin, Zink, Bronze, Brass. Merchant bought arrows/bolts. Arrowheads & Bolt heads for basic arrows/bolts. Mob & Chest loot, Arrows/Bolts. Piercing Quills from Quillbacks. Are the merchant arrows/bolts stackable with the drop/loot arrows/bolts? I forget. I was going to add the starting arrows, but think we would have used it up by then.
Type of Arrowheads: (Coarse Boar, Bear, Deer, Rabbit, Racoon, Wolf). (Rough Boar, Bear, Deer, Rabbit, Racoon, Wolf).
Type of Arrowheads: (Copper, Tin, Zink, Bronze, Brass). (Merchant Arrowheads).
Shaft: Wooden Shafts.
Type of Fletching: Linen, Cotton.
Do the stat modifiers on the arrows, stack with any other items or skills/abilities stat modifiers?