In this an expectation that you have developed from other games? Because we're not trying to make a clone of other games.
You do realize that defenders have 80% more armor weight capacity at level 6 than supporters or strikers yes? STK/SUP are 10-25 armor weight capacity from levels 1-6, while defenders are 25-45. So it's quite a bit more than "that little bit extra".
We are still talking circles here so I will leave it at that. Thank you for continuing to support us even through our disagreements!
That is a nice bonus when compared to other classes but as I said when the overall system is THAT restrictive, its not that impressive at all because tanks still struggle to wear plate just as everyone else struggles to wear anything but cloth. I constantly see players running around with a piece of random armor here, a piece of random armor there, and it looks SILLY. Its like they went to the armor shop but didn't have enough money for a full set, but really its not the money its this damn armor weight system!
And I updated my last post its not level 30 to wear full plate which is already crazy, its actually level 43 according to a blacksmith player that added up all of the weight....and that's for a knight even to wear full plate and knights are the main single target heavy tank class with the most armor weight capacity in game right? So let me get this straight... the main tank of the game with the highest armor weight capacity has to level all the way up to only 7 levels from the max level of the game, level 43.......just to wear a full set of plate armor...
Holy freekin' crap!! on any level can you think that is ok? I just dont get that "logic".
Again, you can spin it how you like and try to explain things away with excuses(like I see you doing on other posts too

). But the fact will remain that the system is flawed with all armors of all levels being the same weight, and because of that its a very restrictive system and for tanks at least, it shouldn't be like that so badly as it is. AGAIN...The tank armor weight bonus you are so proud of is NOT enough with the overall extreme restrictive armor weight system. If a nations people are starving across the board but you give one class of person a bologna sandwich, it doesnt really help the situation lol. If anything at all, please boost the armor weight capacity of the defender classes, or at least give them a better armor weight boost after they pick their level 6 classes. Even just a mild boost would help a lot and make tanks, actually seem more like tanks...classes that live and breath by their heavy armor more than any other class.
THANK YOU again for the chat and yes I WILL 100% keep on supporting this little gem of a game, including any expansion packs you guys might have. I think you and the Embers team are FANTASTIC, I truly mean that overall I love what you have done and are doing with Embers Adrift. Im just sorry for some mysterious reason you are stuck on a very restrictive, illogical(all armor slots same weight regardless of item level) and frustrating overall system of 'armor weight' for anyone but high levels. Ive MMORPG'd 20 plus years now and have never seen such a restrictive system quite like this. Thats because its >not< a good idea and most players wont want to fight "armor weight" they would rather just fight mobs. Maybe part of the uniqueness of Embers is the armor weight system, even if I dont agree with it. Like I said I guess I need to level up, but even more now haha!