What's new?
This weeks' patch brings a slew of fixes, improvements, and new content. Chat tabs can now be renamed, you can roll on loot while unconscious, and a new static dungeon has been added to Meadowlands. In addition, a number of NPCs have taken up a weird obsession with turnips...
Bug fixes / improvements:
Chat tab renaming
As mentioned above, chat tabs can be renamed via a context menu.
The townsfolk of Newhaven seem to have gone a little turnip crazy. For some reason the town is covered in carved turnip heads? I wonder if there is anyone who might know what is going on...
Loot Rolls While Unconscious
You can now roll on loot while unconscious. You should also be able to manage your bag & gathering bag while your equipment and abilities will remain locked. This should allow you to destroy items if need be to make room for those precious rolls.
Meadowlands Changes
As many of you have reported over the past week Meadowlands NPC navigation is a bit of a mess. To address this we have made some minor adjustments to the landscaping to help improve the situations. These changes slightly reduce the playable space in areas that were underutilized, and allows us to more effectively create separate navigation meshes that are stitched together at run time through links. Ideally this will reduce the computational overhead of NPC navigation costs and improve performance as a whole.
In addition to the above changes we have also blocked off access to all water outside of crossings. Until we can get a better understanding of what is causing the pathing issues near the shorelines we feel it is best to just exclude these areas from NPC navigation entirely. Once we get a bit more time we will revisit these areas and potentially open them back up.
Now that the water is blocked you can no longer swim to the frog island. Two dinghies have been placed along the shoreline which can be interacted with (via right click) which will take you to the island. Note that you must be out of combat to interact with these boats.
The Aquifer
A new static dungeon has been added to the Meadowlands called The Aquifer. At least one more static dungeon is planned for Meadowlands in the near future.
NOTE: if your character was parked in Meadowlands you have been moved to a safe spot.
Works in progress:
To see a full list of what is currently in progress head on over to this thread. I will do my best to update this list on a weekly basis and highlight the differences from the previous week with bold font. Below I will highlight some of the upcoming changes in more detail.
More Shirts!
The art team has delivered a bountiful selection of new shirts that should make their way into the loot tables within the coming weeks.
More Ashen! (timeline 1-2 weeks)
More ashen creatures are on the way. This includes raccoons, basilisks, doe/stags, and others. I know we said 1 week last week, but some things came up and this kind of got pushed back.
Repair Cost (timeline: 2-3 weeks)
We are looking into improving how repair costs are calculated to mitigate repair costs at higher levels. Still some work left to do but just wanted you to know we are working on it! We should have this updated by the time players get to high enough levels where this starts to become a pain point.
New Zones?! (timeline 2-3 weeks)
We have a handful of new zones nearing completion including the Dryfoot Fortress and Redshore Outskirts (names pending). More Emberdrift dungeons are also coming for Meadowlands & Dryfoot.
Quest Changes (timeline 1-2 weeks)
Since launch we've gotten a ton of great feedback on our quests along with some critiques. One of the things that has bubbled to the surface is the frequency in which we ask you to go kill an uncommon or rare spawn in order to progress a quest. After some internal discussions we have come to the conclusion that this type of ask is not in line with the design philosophies of our game. We intentionally designed a spawn system that makes it difficult to "camp" rares; we then turn around and ask you to go camp a rare for a specific quest. Couple that with RNG and/or competition for kills and you have yourself a recipe not good feelings.
To that end we will be revisiting these types of quests in the near future. Let's take the Ancient Bear quest as an example. The purpose of this quest is to encourage and introduce players to grouping. Accomplishing this goal does not require a rare spawn; we could instead ask that you cull the population of 3^ bears in the area (i.e. kill 10x 3^ bears) which would shift the focus of this quest towards finding a group and working together. Not to mention it would be far more accessible to those trying to finish it.
But what about the ancient bear you ask? What if killing the rare NPC actually started a quest? Instead of asking you to go find a rare, you now happen upon a rare during your adventures and get a new quest. This way if you want to do the ancient bear quest you are actively making the decision to go camp the rare, rather than us asking you to do it. I think the difference here is a subtle but important one: if we ask you to go camp a rare then you will likely feel compelled to do that rather than doing what you find most enjoyable. Whereas coming across a rare and acquiring a quest from killing it is a much more organic way to handle this. And for those of you who seek this rare, you are actively choosing to do it rather than feeling compelled.
(the Ancient Bear quest was used for illustrative purposes and may end up differently than my example)
Known Issues:
Role Distribution:
I took a look at level progression events in our logs and put together some stats for you regarding the distribution of roles, specializations, and trade professions.
The first table is the fraction of base roles to reach level 6.
Next I queried the fraction of specializations to reach level 7.
If we do the same stats for Gathering to level 6 we have:
Finally we can look at the distribution of Crafting professions to reach level 6:
This weeks' patch brings a slew of fixes, improvements, and new content. Chat tabs can now be renamed, you can roll on loot while unconscious, and a new static dungeon has been added to Meadowlands. In addition, a number of NPCs have taken up a weird obsession with turnips...
Bug fixes / improvements:
- Tech
- Fixed: you can no longer auto attack while swimming
- Fixed: server caching issue that was causing some reaction abilities such as Riposte to hit for absurd amounts of damage.
- Fixed: prevent multiple connections to the game server with the same character causing clones.
- Fixed: issues with Emberdrifts showing "Unauthorized" when attempting to enter.
- Fixed: server exception with the use of Hemorrhaging strike that was causing buffs/debuffs to freak out
- NPCs that get stuck in a "reset" mode will teleport to their point of origin after 60 seconds and finish resetting. This should reduce the likelihood of encountering an NPC that is stuck and constantly avoiding.
- An NPC's initial target will now get a slight threat boost to reduce the chance of getting peeled away by innocent bystanders.
- Overhauled logging for Undone's Wrath & Stuck requests. This should help us investigate and fix problem areas more effecively.
- Increased the speed of the camera when turning with keybinds.
- Armor class is now properly recalculated after using a repair kit.
- Rebaking nav mesh in all dungeons to resolve some boundary issues.
- Environment / Art
- Meadowlands has undergone some landscaping. See below for more details.
- UI:
- Added a confirmation dialog if you attempt to sell a soulbound item.
- Renamed grass distance slider to "Vegetation Distance".
- Added "Extra Tree Distance" slider distance slider which dictates how far past the vegetation distance to render tree meshes before they become billboards. Extend this slider to improve distant tree rendering at the expense of more rendering overhead.
- Adjusted wording on all death icons to reference a missing bag rather than missing belongings.
- Clicking a reagent in your reagent pouch will now toggle the checkbox on/off. You can still use the checkbox and/or keybinds to do this.
- Revamping Chat channels.
- World --> System (GM only channel)
- Global --> World
- OOC --> Zone
- Group --> Party
- /group remains an alias for party.
- /t is now used for tells. To use the trade channel you must at least do /tr
- Chat channel filters have been overhauled to be less confusing.
- Chat input is now limited to 200 characters.
- Added the ability to rename chat tabs via right clicking the tab.
- Group window renamed Party
- Death UI elements (countdown and give up button) have been moved to the area just above your action bar.
- Quests:
- Updated: "The Missing Arms Race" now requires fewer trips back to Voyce Kemb.
- Updated: "The Tradeswoman's Lament" now requires fewer trips back to Magda.
- Fixed: various quest and NPC dialogue typos.
- Design:
- The second ember stone max capacity has been reduced from 1000 to 150. This was due to an internal miscommunication as to what was and was not available - the 1000 quantity was meant as a test - not to be used in production. If you currently have more than 150 essence it will be clamped to 150 the next time it is altered.
- Fixed: issue with Poppy Toads and Drybone Scavengers dropping higher level items.
- Fixed: Poppy no longer turns ashen.
- Fixed: data issue on various polearms / greataxes that had higher than desired dice values.
- Fixed: data issue on various great swords / long swords that had lower than desired dice values.
- Fixed: issue that was causing Misha to attack NPCs and potentially get flagged as unlootable.
- Fixed: issue with ground torch recipes not outputting the correct type.
- Fixed: issue with Hemorrhaging Strike damage being absorbed by armor, and an issue preventing additional procs from triggering.
- Fixed: issue with level 10 crafted throwing knives that was adding additional threat.
- Fixed: issue with Northreach spider cave where spiders were ignoring Line of Sight when calling for help.
- Fixed: spawn issues with frenzied mobs in Newhaven Valley.
- Changed spawn in Northreach around house closest to Newhaven Wall to better serve players seeking infected skins for the Warlord Specialization quest line.
- Northern Crocs in Meadowlands are on a new dental plan and can now also drop unbroken teeth.
- Reduced Ashen Boar AoE damage.
- Added multiple versions of the Basilisk Armored Plates to better balance the ability for solo and group play.
- Soggy Boots updated with -movement debuff resists rather than -movement.
- Yosef's mask fixed to have 0 armor weight.
- Adjusted difficulty of group content (2 & 3 chevron mobs)
- Changes to Duelist:
- We have been monitoring a lot of the feedback on discord related to the power of the specialization as well as many of the great suggestions on how to change things. For now, the changes are targeted around the values of the current abilities and will be monitored.
- Reduced stamina usage on Patch
- Damage and duration of Serration increased. Trigger count decreased.
- Damage increased on Combined Strike. Cooldown decreased.
- We have been monitoring a lot of the feedback on discord related to the power of the specialization as well as many of the great suggestions on how to change things. For now, the changes are targeted around the values of the current abilities and will be monitored.
- Changes to Quest Spawns & Rewards:
- We have had a lot of feedback regarding spawn rates and difficulty of finding specific quest mobs. Results appear to vary greatly, between 30m and 6hrs in some cases. The difficulty of these quests has proven to be more frustrating than fun with no feedback to the player that they are doing the right thing to finish the quest. With this in mind we have made two changes:
- Current quest mob spawn rates have been drastically increased.
- A few quest rewards have had their item power reduced.
- Hallick's weapon rewards reduced in item power.
- Brookhollow weapon rewards reduced in item power.
- Note that there are planned changes to how these quests will work in the future (see below for more details)
- We have had a lot of feedback regarding spawn rates and difficulty of finding specific quest mobs. Results appear to vary greatly, between 30m and 6hrs in some cases. The difficulty of these quests has proven to be more frustrating than fun with no feedback to the player that they are doing the right thing to finish the quest. With this in mind we have made two changes:
Chat tab renaming
As mentioned above, chat tabs can be renamed via a context menu.

The townsfolk of Newhaven seem to have gone a little turnip crazy. For some reason the town is covered in carved turnip heads? I wonder if there is anyone who might know what is going on...

Loot Rolls While Unconscious
You can now roll on loot while unconscious. You should also be able to manage your bag & gathering bag while your equipment and abilities will remain locked. This should allow you to destroy items if need be to make room for those precious rolls.
Meadowlands Changes
As many of you have reported over the past week Meadowlands NPC navigation is a bit of a mess. To address this we have made some minor adjustments to the landscaping to help improve the situations. These changes slightly reduce the playable space in areas that were underutilized, and allows us to more effectively create separate navigation meshes that are stitched together at run time through links. Ideally this will reduce the computational overhead of NPC navigation costs and improve performance as a whole.
In addition to the above changes we have also blocked off access to all water outside of crossings. Until we can get a better understanding of what is causing the pathing issues near the shorelines we feel it is best to just exclude these areas from NPC navigation entirely. Once we get a bit more time we will revisit these areas and potentially open them back up.
Now that the water is blocked you can no longer swim to the frog island. Two dinghies have been placed along the shoreline which can be interacted with (via right click) which will take you to the island. Note that you must be out of combat to interact with these boats.
The Aquifer
A new static dungeon has been added to the Meadowlands called The Aquifer. At least one more static dungeon is planned for Meadowlands in the near future.
NOTE: if your character was parked in Meadowlands you have been moved to a safe spot.
Works in progress:
To see a full list of what is currently in progress head on over to this thread. I will do my best to update this list on a weekly basis and highlight the differences from the previous week with bold font. Below I will highlight some of the upcoming changes in more detail.
More Shirts!
The art team has delivered a bountiful selection of new shirts that should make their way into the loot tables within the coming weeks.

More Ashen! (timeline 1-2 weeks)
More ashen creatures are on the way. This includes raccoons, basilisks, doe/stags, and others. I know we said 1 week last week, but some things came up and this kind of got pushed back.
Repair Cost (timeline: 2-3 weeks)
We are looking into improving how repair costs are calculated to mitigate repair costs at higher levels. Still some work left to do but just wanted you to know we are working on it! We should have this updated by the time players get to high enough levels where this starts to become a pain point.
New Zones?! (timeline 2-3 weeks)
We have a handful of new zones nearing completion including the Dryfoot Fortress and Redshore Outskirts (names pending). More Emberdrift dungeons are also coming for Meadowlands & Dryfoot.
Quest Changes (timeline 1-2 weeks)
Since launch we've gotten a ton of great feedback on our quests along with some critiques. One of the things that has bubbled to the surface is the frequency in which we ask you to go kill an uncommon or rare spawn in order to progress a quest. After some internal discussions we have come to the conclusion that this type of ask is not in line with the design philosophies of our game. We intentionally designed a spawn system that makes it difficult to "camp" rares; we then turn around and ask you to go camp a rare for a specific quest. Couple that with RNG and/or competition for kills and you have yourself a recipe not good feelings.
To that end we will be revisiting these types of quests in the near future. Let's take the Ancient Bear quest as an example. The purpose of this quest is to encourage and introduce players to grouping. Accomplishing this goal does not require a rare spawn; we could instead ask that you cull the population of 3^ bears in the area (i.e. kill 10x 3^ bears) which would shift the focus of this quest towards finding a group and working together. Not to mention it would be far more accessible to those trying to finish it.
But what about the ancient bear you ask? What if killing the rare NPC actually started a quest? Instead of asking you to go find a rare, you now happen upon a rare during your adventures and get a new quest. This way if you want to do the ancient bear quest you are actively making the decision to go camp the rare, rather than us asking you to do it. I think the difference here is a subtle but important one: if we ask you to go camp a rare then you will likely feel compelled to do that rather than doing what you find most enjoyable. Whereas coming across a rare and acquiring a quest from killing it is a much more organic way to handle this. And for those of you who seek this rare, you are actively choosing to do it rather than feeling compelled.
(the Ancient Bear quest was used for illustrative purposes and may end up differently than my example)
Known Issues:
- Occasionally a loot roll may be skipped entirely and a carcass will be given. When this happens please provide any relevant details as we are still trying to track this one down.
- Not all ember rings and/or POIs are proper map discoveries.
- Deconstructing crafted items returns junk 100% of the time.
- Not all clothing/armor has visuals
- Dragging a group-nameplate in the group window will set the wrong pivot point for the group window and the whole thing will drag a bit weird.
- Typing chat text may occasionally become invisible. Unfocus your chat window and trying again a few times typically resolves this.
- Sometimes when you respawn you don't end up at the proper Ember Ring --> if this happens please report the position where you died via the "/report" command or "/debugposition" (if using debugposition you'll need to paste the value here)
- MacOS:
- Zooming the camera while holding the right mouse button can cause your chat window to scroll. This is not intended behavior.
- At some camera angles the sun may go dark. This should not happen frequently but is readily reproducible at some locations. Investigating a fix.
Role Distribution:
I took a look at level progression events in our logs and put together some stats for you regarding the distribution of roles, specializations, and trade professions.
The first table is the fraction of base roles to reach level 6.
Role | Distribution |
Striker | 40% |
Supporter | 35% |
Defender | 25% |
Next I queried the fraction of specializations to reach level 7.
Specialization | Distribution |
Warlord | 16% |
Warden | 16% |
Berserker | 14% |
Knight | 13% |
Sentinel | 10% |
Brigand | 9% |
Duelist | 9% |
Juggernaut | 7% |
Marshal | 6% |
If we do the same stats for Gathering to level 6 we have:
Gathering Profession | Distribution |
Hunter | 40% |
Forester | 30% |
Prospector | 30% |
Finally we can look at the distribution of Crafting professions to reach level 6:
Crafting Profession | Distribution |
Provisioner | 28% |
Outfitter | 20% |
Armorsmith | 14% |
Weaponsmith | 14% |
Tinkerer | 12% |
Woodworker | 12% |
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