Blyte Plays
Well-Known Member
First off, I'd like to say the new mob types are impressive! The new dungeons are HUGE, and exciting to tackle! There are named monsters and they drop loot! This is all great!
Here are my top concerns and suggestions concerning the current dungeon dynamic, in no particular order.
1) nav mesh issues, particularly with Mires in the ember drift dungeon accessed from northreach. Also, with the spiders in the northreach static entrance. (I havent retested the spider area since the mini patch during the world breaker)
2) swarms of adds for seemingly no reason, likely due to nav mesh issues, but some due to multi level rooms which monsters on different tiers will aggro, and take a long time to calculate how to get to the party, and we think we are unagrroed, and pull a nearby monster in the room, then suddenly mid fight, we get a ball of adds.
3) super high densities of three cheverons. It's a real slog, to get from A to B. Likely certain death for on level parties.
4) fast respawning roamers and plenty of them, constantly repoppong 2 chev roamers in halls, with a wide roam range, makes it possible to get 3-5 adds in any given fight.
5) ember drifts need to be shorter, the mire dungeon is HUGE with many winding paths and branches. We went in with a full group, way too high level for the content, and we constantly struggled to make headway and not wipe. Our group was 32, 30, 28, 27, 21, and 19 (all high level for the content of around level 14 monsters). We were trying to maintain some dungeon discipline and do our best to pull effectively, and we were constantly swarmed by certain death for any appropriately leveled party. Our party was constantly getting members knocked out, and it was a slog the whole way. We never found an end to it after hours of hacking through the monster hordes.
6) deep boss rooms need to have an egress option. (Interactable shaft of daylight, the party can scurry up). It's a long road to get there, and to have no fast option out, is just harsh.
7) need to have a mid-point ring and res, also with an egress option and summoning option. Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew, or underestimated the difficulty level, and need to have a way out, or a way to replace someone who needs to leave early.
8) need to have an evac. Real life calls, and there needs to be a way to get out of dodge. There are all sorts of reasons people sometimes need to cut and run at a moment's notice. I personally work in a field of emergency medicine, and have to take call, which requires me to drop everything and run to my hospital. The current set up, only allows me to dungeon delve on a week I'm not on call. Even when I'm not on call, wife aggro, or family emergencies can strike... stuff happens, and having to suffer bag loss whenever it does, just adds injury to injury.
Thin out the 3-Chev Population just a bit (perhaps replace some with 1&2-Chev), and reduce the 2-Chev roamer spawn rate and number a bit.
Bake a summon option into a class or two.
Bake an evac option into a class or two.
Give everyone an, 8 hour cool down, "EmberStone" item which fast travels you to a designated ember ring you are bound to and a /bind option to ember rings.
Put a few evac spots into dungeons, mid and end point, if they are huge.
Put a summon option into the front of an ember drift dungeon, since they are short lived and it might be hard to assemble a party before they despawn.
Put a summon option into a midpoint of long dungeons, so that when an essential person must leave, the party doesn't have to end.
Suggestion for evac classes, marshal and duelist, "fighting withdrawl" group evacs. Everyone appears at the zone in with 10% less hp and durability. Some might be knocked out and need help up.
Suggestion for summoning classes, knight "knights errand" and brigand "fools errand", summons a party member.
Sorry this probably has a lot of redundancy, just trying to get my recent world breaker dungeon experience concerns/suggestions down while they are still on my mind
Here are my top concerns and suggestions concerning the current dungeon dynamic, in no particular order.
1) nav mesh issues, particularly with Mires in the ember drift dungeon accessed from northreach. Also, with the spiders in the northreach static entrance. (I havent retested the spider area since the mini patch during the world breaker)
2) swarms of adds for seemingly no reason, likely due to nav mesh issues, but some due to multi level rooms which monsters on different tiers will aggro, and take a long time to calculate how to get to the party, and we think we are unagrroed, and pull a nearby monster in the room, then suddenly mid fight, we get a ball of adds.
3) super high densities of three cheverons. It's a real slog, to get from A to B. Likely certain death for on level parties.
4) fast respawning roamers and plenty of them, constantly repoppong 2 chev roamers in halls, with a wide roam range, makes it possible to get 3-5 adds in any given fight.
5) ember drifts need to be shorter, the mire dungeon is HUGE with many winding paths and branches. We went in with a full group, way too high level for the content, and we constantly struggled to make headway and not wipe. Our group was 32, 30, 28, 27, 21, and 19 (all high level for the content of around level 14 monsters). We were trying to maintain some dungeon discipline and do our best to pull effectively, and we were constantly swarmed by certain death for any appropriately leveled party. Our party was constantly getting members knocked out, and it was a slog the whole way. We never found an end to it after hours of hacking through the monster hordes.
6) deep boss rooms need to have an egress option. (Interactable shaft of daylight, the party can scurry up). It's a long road to get there, and to have no fast option out, is just harsh.
7) need to have a mid-point ring and res, also with an egress option and summoning option. Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew, or underestimated the difficulty level, and need to have a way out, or a way to replace someone who needs to leave early.
8) need to have an evac. Real life calls, and there needs to be a way to get out of dodge. There are all sorts of reasons people sometimes need to cut and run at a moment's notice. I personally work in a field of emergency medicine, and have to take call, which requires me to drop everything and run to my hospital. The current set up, only allows me to dungeon delve on a week I'm not on call. Even when I'm not on call, wife aggro, or family emergencies can strike... stuff happens, and having to suffer bag loss whenever it does, just adds injury to injury.
Thin out the 3-Chev Population just a bit (perhaps replace some with 1&2-Chev), and reduce the 2-Chev roamer spawn rate and number a bit.
Bake a summon option into a class or two.
Bake an evac option into a class or two.
Give everyone an, 8 hour cool down, "EmberStone" item which fast travels you to a designated ember ring you are bound to and a /bind option to ember rings.
Put a few evac spots into dungeons, mid and end point, if they are huge.
Put a summon option into the front of an ember drift dungeon, since they are short lived and it might be hard to assemble a party before they despawn.
Put a summon option into a midpoint of long dungeons, so that when an essential person must leave, the party doesn't have to end.
Suggestion for evac classes, marshal and duelist, "fighting withdrawl" group evacs. Everyone appears at the zone in with 10% less hp and durability. Some might be knocked out and need help up.
Suggestion for summoning classes, knight "knights errand" and brigand "fools errand", summons a party member.
Sorry this probably has a lot of redundancy, just trying to get my recent world breaker dungeon experience concerns/suggestions down while they are still on my mind
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