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Embers Adrift

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Feedback Beautiful experience, enjoy the relaxing pace

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Active Member
First of all the visual and audio experience is excellent! And I actually like that the game is slow paced so that I can enjoy and really discover all the beautiful environments have to offer. As a software developer myself I understand that the success of a software app is not whether it's "perfect" and has a billion superfluous features but fulfills its intended, designed purpose. Embers Adrift I feel does that very well, it's not a hold-you-by-the-hand, level-to-end-game-for-epic-loot sort of game. As a game that is meant to be discovered and enjoyed I feel it gives the player all the tools they need to figure out things, the UI is minimal but gives great feedback (for example, I tried crafting while I was holding my torch, when I couldn't craft I looked at the UI tooltip that said I can't do that while holding a torch.) In summary, this is a great game that achieves exactly what it intends to in my opinion. To those who complain about it not being like other mmo's, my question is "why do want to play another cookie-cutter mmo? wouldn't it be nice to experience something fundamentally different?" I think people who "get it" will really LOVE this game, it has so much to offer!
First of all the visual and audio experience is excellent! And I actually like that the game is slow paced so that I can enjoy and really discover all the beautiful environments have to offer. As a software developer myself I understand that the success of a software app is not whether it's "perfect" and has a billion superfluous features but fulfills its intended, designed purpose. Embers Adrift I feel does that very well, it's not a hold-you-by-the-hand, level-to-end-game-for-epic-loot sort of game. As a game that is meant to be discovered and enjoyed I feel it gives the player all the tools they need to figure out things, the UI is minimal but gives great feedback (for example, I tried crafting while I was holding my torch, when I couldn't craft I looked at the UI tooltip that said I can't do that while holding a torch.) In summary, this is a great game that achieves exactly what it intends to in my opinion. To those who complain about it not being like other mmo's, my question is "why do want to play another cookie-cutter mmo? wouldn't it be nice to experience something fundamentally different?" I think people who "get it" will really LOVE this game, it has so much to offer!
My reason is because you don't have to throw out all the good things that are in another game just because you don't like something or many things about a game.

Example is why is chat so bad here? Is there a problem doing the "cookie cutter" chat system? Where I can have a tells window, options on chat, change fonts etc etc.

Another example is, I would like to see the game for more than 1/2 the time I'm playing, why does it have to be pitch black where I can't even see anything.
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Lot of gaming developers and sadly players are so affixed on what graphical technology is used, how many animation frames there are. Forgetting the true spirit of gaming or maybe the exploration aspects.
Example is why is chat so bad here? Is there a problem doing the "cookie cutter" chat system? Where I can have a tells window, options on chat, change fonts etc etc.
Just to touch on this - our chat system is one of the older systems that has been around for a long while. It was never meant to be an end product solution and is something that very much needs improvement.
Just to touch on this - our chat system is one of the older systems that has been around for a long while. It was never meant to be an end product solution and is something that very much needs improvement.
Can you apply this statement to travel times too then. Thanks =P
Can you apply this statement to travel times too then. Thanks =P
I will continue to support your crusades. But please for the love of god calm yourself :p . I've said my peace on travel times on discord, you were there. We are working on it, there's not much else to be said until we get something in your hands for you to test.
I will continue to support your crusades. But please for the love of god calm yourself :p . I've said my peace on travel times on discord, you were there. We are working on it, there's not much else to be said until we get something in your hands for you to test.
Thanks for understanding I'm passionate speaker often about things I'm passionate about and I love you guys.