Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Battlestorm

    Basic Guide on playing Marshals (1-22) Updated 11/10/22

    So much more than just a great guide for Marshals (and not just for tanks, either). Well done!
  2. Battlestorm

    Striker or Warden?

    As others have said, of the three “base” classes, Striker is the DPS class. Once you reach level 6 you’ll pick from one of three specializations: Berzerker, Brigand, and Warden. Berserker - Purist DPS specialization. If you need it dead, none do it quicker (though they’re all quick). Talking to...
  3. Battlestorm

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    I’ve not seen that, might be worth a re-download and reinstall from scratch. There’s also right-clicking the installer AND the client and running them both as administrator. I did get asked by windows if I was sure if I wanted to run the executable, but I accepted. Beyond that, you’ll want to...
  4. Battlestorm

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    Maybe? Is it jumping to 100% and then going back to 0% and starting over again and again? Might help to know your download speed and if you’re getting any strange prompts, output, client restarts, etc.
  5. Battlestorm

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    You can! Hit “J”, navigate to the tab of the crafting/harvesting skill you want to unlearn, right click the crafting icon, unlearn that skill. Then find a crafting trainer and pick up the new crafting skill. Now, get that new crafting skill to level 12, drop the next harvesting class, pick up a...
  6. Battlestorm

    Impressions of a noob Knight tank.

    No problem. I thought that ES had a threat mod listed on it, just lower than the other two you probably have at this point. In any case, yeah, it’ll turn the enemy to you, but won’t keep it! Best to save it if things are shady or just spam it if the coast is clear and you want to contribute to...
  7. Battlestorm

    Impressions of a noob Knight tank.

    1. Enraging strike is a hard steal of the mob, but doesn’t build as much aggro as other aggro-abilities. It’s a great skill, but if it was on a shorter cooldown, you’d almost not even have to manage aggro. Always the right tool in your kit, but you have to balance your usage of it in the...
  8. Battlestorm

    Your crafting template?

    Literally doing exactly this, myself. Seemed like the right/perfect combo.
  9. Battlestorm

    Magda Grey questline lost - no warning

    Honestly, you’re right, there doesn’t HAVE to be a reward - that’s life. Having a zero outcome options means being a Brigand has its downsides - even from an RP perspective. I can respect that stance, 100%. I guess, as I consider the game as a whole, it feels a little too limiting for the...
  10. Battlestorm

    Magda Grey questline lost - no warning

    idk, see, I love that there are different outcomes, but if asking for more coin means I get no reward or story/lore…I mean, I can see how that would be frustrating. Going down a different reward path, sure, give me a different reward, that’s fine. Knock me out of the quest line and give me...
  11. Battlestorm

    Scavenging Meadowlands Reward

    Kinda like the Ranger quest in Northreach. It was a vambrace and an earring…after all that, I was hurt.
  12. Battlestorm

    Quest and Boss for new players

    I’m tempted to provide a list and order and likelihood you could accomplish it as a group of two, but like the other post said, the beauty really is in the exploration and discovery. In NHV there are a few alcoves, towers, and outposts with NPCs that you should definitely talk to…but don’t...
  13. Battlestorm

    November 17th; what's new?

    Safe moves, something to get the EA Team and their family (hopefully) through the holidays and re-introduce the previous level of stability as you work through the core of the memory issues. Sounds like the right thing to do, even if not the one everyone might want. Good luck! I hope that the...
  14. Battlestorm

    November 10th; what's new?

    The /rope command! I think this is awesome. We can save one another. :) The update says 90% of development time was spent on server memory remediation, but there are a TON of great fixes/adjustments, here. You've all been busy! I've heard several Marshals saying that they wished they had parry...
  15. Battlestorm

    Missive or Repeatable task

    This type of posturing is cancerous. These are subjective elements; none of us is the superior “nerd”. The ratio of “time spent” to “advancement gained” is not paramount in your arguments, not for someone who adamantly defends lore, discovery, and non-reward questing. It sounds like the crucial...
  16. Battlestorm

    Missive or Repeatable task

    It was a way to help you understand that a mechanic in a game that is optional is of no consequence to someone with your preference. You can ignore it. So you can leave the numbers behind if you like. That’s much too large of a discussion. What’s on-point is simply as singular game mechanic...
  17. Battlestorm

    Missive or Repeatable task

    This is another area where we’ll need to agree to disagree. We now know how you, personally, categorize those components. For me… Repeatable Quests = Gaming mechanic, can be found in many types of games. Open World Cooperative Dungeons - Two different gaming mechanics (1. Open World / 2...
  18. Battlestorm

    Crafting Professions

    Let me ask: Are you in favor of crafting restrictions that are so limiting that no single account could ever do it all? If so, what would be the outcome of those restrictions? I’d like to at least offer one possible outcome: If a gamer STILL wanted to do it all, and some certainly would, they’d...
  19. Battlestorm

    Missive or Repeatable task

    No, I’m not. It’s the suggestion of just one, single possible gameplay concept - there’s no conversion; these games are made up of many such mechanics. I don’t feel that this game is so fragile that one such new (and entirely ignorable) dynamic will peform a complete transformation. That seems a...
  20. Battlestorm

    Missive or Repeatable task

    Careful. I ran a guild in Vanguard with more concurrent players online on a Tuesday morning than I've seen on the entire Embers server on a Saturday night. I don't know what you're alluding to here, but it doesn't seem accurate. Also, we did a TON of complaining, tyvm - that game was a mess (and...