Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. G

    Feedback About character slots...

    I know. - all 5 of them are full. :)
  2. G

    Feedback About character slots...

    How to quantify fun? Objectively you cannot as it is subjective. Some players like 1 character, others want to have more than 1. How many? Subjective (from 1 character, 1 of each class, 1 of each spec to all of them .. it depends). While I appreciate the game not wanting to introduce a cash...
  3. G

    The Big Flaw

    try "/who all" that should list everybody in game atm. caps around 80ish people in the late EU evening, when US and EU players overlap somewhat. Also consider joining a guild - right now there are 2 big player guilds around which make up a sizeable amount of the playerbase simply because it is...
  4. G

    You Had Me at ... Central Veins :O

    the living soundtrack i ll try the link again, must have screwed it up first time.
  5. G

    Steam Access

    While I agree with the reasons given (third party taking a cut and the general shark tank attitude especially of steam reviews) the devs need to enhance the visibility of the game. Given the state of modern mmos (ie vaporware or asia grinder) people WANT new mmos of every playstyle. I had my...
  6. G

    bug: Mapping Auto-Run to Mouse 4 (side button) fails to persist through client restarts.

    Hello, not sure if this problem still persists but oddly enough mapping autorun to mouse 4 works for my setup. Not posting this to be one of these annoying "oh it must be on your end guys" - just want to point out that most likely you will have to go into specifics on your system and file a...
  7. G

    Feedback Skill book vendors - kindly change the "already learned" color from red to a brighter color & add a sorting mechanism

    Well in my age my baby blues are at the point where I often need glasses to read the description on examined items - that I can fix by putting on glasses. Still there remains one minor and a major gripe I have with the skill book vendors: Minor Unfortunately I am also color impaired - that I...
  8. G

    Feedback Please change repair kits to work on every equipped item (emergency repair and tank tax)

    I like playing support and always gravitate to healer/mezzer (and a lesser extent tank) type roles. I have had rather long dungeon crawling experiences where at the end our gear was pretty broken down (luckily nothing broke for good, since we had few downs and deaths). So after returning to...
  9. G

    Feedback Please add an exit portal to every dungeon ember fire

    Entering a Central Veins dungeon without a map or guide can easily turn into a raid level time commitment of 2-4 hours while trying to hit all the objectives. While I realize that you are going for the old school experience us old people are sometimes unable (or yes I will say it unwilling) to...
  10. G

    You Had Me at ... Central Veins :O

    that moment when "of memories ancient and deep" kicks in..... https://embersadrift.bandcamp.com/album/the-living-soundtrack
  11. G

    Feedback/Request: Please make friend list account wide

    I like alts and I cannot lie - I think I am not alone though. It would be considerably easier to hook up if you friend an account with all the alts instead of single characters. In case somebody wants to be anonymous on an alt, maybe add a hidden tag as well? I see no reason for this but there...