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Feedback Skill book vendors - kindly change the "already learned" color from red to a brighter color & add a sorting mechanism

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Well in my age my baby blues are at the point where I often need glasses to read the description on examined items - that I can fix by putting on glasses.
Still there remains one minor and a major gripe I have with the skill book vendors:

Unfortunately I am also color impaired - that I cannot fix.
As a result picking up the disclaimer "already known" when browsing for recipes at the vendor is hard (mildly annoying bug since alot of games do this and adding a color blind mode never fixes anything - your options are for players to freely choose colors or not helping :p).

Please add filters to the book lists (by crafting skill, by already learned, by lvl required - anything would help) - currently it is a rather tedious experienceg purchasing from one of the more "general" skill book vendors.