Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Fyredancer

    Discovery > Striving> Achieving > loop ...

    Hey all :) Embers means discovering things for oneself, with your own time & effort. (Whereas following a mini-map to a quest marker is following a track to someone else's previous discovery. Boring.) That means striving to find it yourself, using eyes and brain, maybe a lil help from...
  2. Fyredancer

    Alchemy - The Great Art

    Looking forward to Alchemy. Interesting topic, back on earth Alchemy became a big thing in the 1600s, a roller coaster time of powerful bankers and warring Kings and secret societys like the Rosicrucians. In the 1400s the Hermetic documents escaping from fallen Roman Byzantium have inspired...
  3. Fyredancer

    Suggestions: Mouse & rats, home, well...

    Hey all, Some suggestions - I use BIG mouse pointer, but it looks horrible, and the active point is weirdly out of place so it can be hard to just click the right spot. Also, the 'tooltip' that appears on mouse-over appears mouse-under so it can't be seen. Random loot boxes (stashes and...
  4. Fyredancer

    Hungry for 'shrooms

    Got a thing for 'shrooms :) But as I move further out, shrooms become very scarce. Plenty in Northreach, some in Meadowlands, a few in Red Shore, barely a handful in Dryfoot. (Maybe shrooms need moisture, maybe this keeps supplies down and potions rare.) Please Sir, can we have some more ?