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Discovery > Striving> Achieving > loop ...


Active Member
Hey all :)

Embers means discovering things for oneself, with your own time & effort. (Whereas following a mini-map to a quest marker is following a track to someone else's previous discovery. Boring.)

That means striving to find it yourself, using eyes and brain, maybe a lil help from guildies. Not easy mode, must work, think, strive. Likely some stuff-ups on the way, some risk, maybe even a death.

So when you finally do discover that item / quests / location it's a real achievement - it was your own journey, your own solution. Your stuff-ups on the way are a part of the experience. YOU did it. No-one else.

So now you have grown and can go out to discover and achieve more, on-and-on ... my loop of addiction.

Much thought has been put into this game's design. Classes, skills, risk / reward. Professions and tiers fit nicely. Better than New World with 100 times the budget. Impressive.
The Stuff-Ups are important to the fun -

1. Risk/Reward. Well discussed.

2. Personalisation. The stuff-ups are personal.
I did Eye of Ibax first part with Nathan's public raid. Coming back to complete it with a wonderfully vague clue about an object in ruins. So I knew some ruins, went off and searched. Nope. Maybe over there ... nope. Those far ruins? Nope. Did I miss it back over there? No. Hours later ... OK then - ask in guild : "it's a few steps from first part" D'oh. Now that stuff-up is part of My Version of the Eye of Ibax quest. I remember it. I write in forums about it :) Players tell stories about their personal stuff-ups. We laugh.

3. We grow from stuff-ups.
After a stuff-up (recovering by the fire), we think how NOT to stuff-up next time. "OK, must do the sleep before the Ashen turns, then do the doodad first, and then whatsit attack next...". We get experienced enough NOT to stuff-up (at least not as often :) ) We learn. We feel good about getting better at it.

It's a sad sad situation ...
Popped in to LOTRO's Umbar with a friend. Much loved game and world. Click the ring, click accept, check the map, run to ring with a pew pew, click the ring, take the loot, click accept ... sudden shocking realisation : this is boring, had my fill of LOTRO, I wanna go play Embers.
To be honest I already felt that way about all but the Epic quests in Lotro :)
And New World
And WoW

However the games with minimal questing have always been the most immersive: UO, Darkfall, and even Lineage2.
Its funny how quests often make a game less immersive.