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The game is not ready for launch.


Active Member
I played during closed beta and open beta. I leveled my character from 1 to 30. To be honest with you for a game that is supposed to be enjoyable from start to finish it’s simply not fun.

Starter zone is pretty empty, killing the same mobs over and over again with no variety, harvesting feels like a job. It’s hard to find ore especially when the ore looks like bushes. Harvesting does not yield enough resources. Crafting is just not fun, having to create multiple characters to be able to create a piece of armor or an item feels like a job.

All in all I wish the developers would take more time to make the game fun and more polished out. Good luck I guess with your release.
Sadly I didn't know about this game until recently but I think if you give a game some time and help the devs with feedback it can get much better. Sorry to hear that you didn't have a good experience but I hope you come back and give it another chance! It seems the devs and community are excited for this and I am right there with them.
I played during closed beta and open beta. I leveled my character from 1 to 30. To be honest with you for a game that is supposed to be enjoyable from start to finish it’s simply not fun.

Starter zone is pretty empty, killing the same mobs over and over again with no variety, harvesting feels like a job. It’s hard to find ore especially when the ore looks like bushes. Harvesting does not yield enough resources. Crafting is just not fun, having to create multiple characters to be able to create a piece of armor or an item feels like a job.

All in all I wish the developers would take more time to make the game fun and more polished out. Good luck I guess with your release.
Game dev does not stop at launch. Feedback will still influence changes and features.
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Game dev does not stop at launch. Feedback will still influence changes and features.
I understand that development does not stop at launch. However over the years we have had 'aaa' game studios AND indie developers release games that have been half baked. The excuse of 'The game will get better after launch' should never be an excuse.
Sadly I didn't know about this game until recently but I think if you give a game some time and help the devs with feedback it can get much better. Sorry to hear that you didn't have a good experience but I hope you come back and give it another chance! It seems the devs and community are excited for this and I am right there with them.

Getting to level 30 takes a fair bit of time in this game, so it is not as though it wasn't given.