Well-Known Member
Please see The Defender: Juggernaut / Knight / Marshal Part 1.
Continuing on from that thread:
This is an always on ability or at least thats the theory. It has a +20 (so I think this is only 20% chance to work), so with those low of odds at it's current iteration, it's an ability you probably won't have on your hotbar. If it is something that is on your hotbar, it's something that is annoying because it might work it might not but you gotta keep it on just in case. Having to use "cast it just in case abilities, which even if it does work doesn't do that much" are the worst abilities. Grade: D-
Up for 30 seconds on a 1 min cool down is nice. Again, not sure what +50 means but if it's 50% of damage for 30 seconds on a 1 min cool down, that's legit. (NOTE: Again, the wording is weird here as it says IncomingStatusEffectDamage and other Damage mitigation abilities are IncomingDamage, so IDFK. But if this is a damage mitigation ability, I'm expecting a big nerf to this. Anyway.) Get to 40 noob! Grade: A
Marshal. Group play: the actual OT of groups. The OG of OT's ya hear me. As an MT, probably won't hold aggro vs. the other two Defender if there is one in the group. But a solid OT as they have AoE's and an AoE stun that is probably the best ability's in the game right now. Solo play: Might be a bit more engaging than the other two, and probably a bit safer too if you needed to run away. Can MT if no other Def's in group. Best OT. Pairs well with Jugger or Knight as MT. Overall Class Grade: A-
AoE stun that lasts longer with better reagents. Cast this on reuse to keep mobs on lockdown. This makes the Marshal a requirement of every group. Bar none. Grade: A+
Unfortunately, becomes a very hit or miss ability. Only needed against a very few mobs in the game. But the mobs it's needed against, you almost want to cry for joy when you have it. Good movement speed buff though. 15 secs every 30! Grade: B
Decent damage doing ability for a Defender, but again it has a word in it that gives us no clue as to what it affects. I don't know what Disadvantage means. Grade: C+
AoE threat and damage. Comes in second among defenders as the most efficient damage doing ability at 6.3 stamina per mob damaged. And it has 3 mobs. Grade: A
+23 to Avoid. You avoid 23% of damage, or 23% to avoid all damage? Who knows...I've given up on trying to figure it out. Regardless, it's up for 16 seconds, which is nice. Has an almost 2 minute reuse so they must think it's legit. I think it's minorly ok at 23%. Grade: C-
For 3 hits you get a 50% resistance to Elemental? So, you get to take less damage from rocks thrown at you? Either that or magic is in the game. As the Marshalls level 40 ability, it's a dud. Grade: D+
Continuing on from that thread:
This is an always on ability or at least thats the theory. It has a +20 (so I think this is only 20% chance to work), so with those low of odds at it's current iteration, it's an ability you probably won't have on your hotbar. If it is something that is on your hotbar, it's something that is annoying because it might work it might not but you gotta keep it on just in case. Having to use "cast it just in case abilities, which even if it does work doesn't do that much" are the worst abilities. Grade: D-
Up for 30 seconds on a 1 min cool down is nice. Again, not sure what +50 means but if it's 50% of damage for 30 seconds on a 1 min cool down, that's legit. (NOTE: Again, the wording is weird here as it says IncomingStatusEffectDamage and other Damage mitigation abilities are IncomingDamage, so IDFK. But if this is a damage mitigation ability, I'm expecting a big nerf to this. Anyway.) Get to 40 noob! Grade: A
Marshal. Group play: the actual OT of groups. The OG of OT's ya hear me. As an MT, probably won't hold aggro vs. the other two Defender if there is one in the group. But a solid OT as they have AoE's and an AoE stun that is probably the best ability's in the game right now. Solo play: Might be a bit more engaging than the other two, and probably a bit safer too if you needed to run away. Can MT if no other Def's in group. Best OT. Pairs well with Jugger or Knight as MT. Overall Class Grade: A-
AoE stun that lasts longer with better reagents. Cast this on reuse to keep mobs on lockdown. This makes the Marshal a requirement of every group. Bar none. Grade: A+
Unfortunately, becomes a very hit or miss ability. Only needed against a very few mobs in the game. But the mobs it's needed against, you almost want to cry for joy when you have it. Good movement speed buff though. 15 secs every 30! Grade: B
Decent damage doing ability for a Defender, but again it has a word in it that gives us no clue as to what it affects. I don't know what Disadvantage means. Grade: C+
AoE threat and damage. Comes in second among defenders as the most efficient damage doing ability at 6.3 stamina per mob damaged. And it has 3 mobs. Grade: A
+23 to Avoid. You avoid 23% of damage, or 23% to avoid all damage? Who knows...I've given up on trying to figure it out. Regardless, it's up for 16 seconds, which is nice. Has an almost 2 minute reuse so they must think it's legit. I think it's minorly ok at 23%. Grade: C-
For 3 hits you get a 50% resistance to Elemental? So, you get to take less damage from rocks thrown at you? Either that or magic is in the game. As the Marshalls level 40 ability, it's a dud. Grade: D+
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