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Striker Skills & Subclass/Specialist

Ravenwolf Silvermoon

Well-Known Member
Hello. Added the new and current Striker & Subclasses abilities for current Beta test build (June 22 2022). Will update newer abilities and changes when can. For now this is what I have for those who are wondering what the Striker class has to offer overall. With current Beta test build, we have more abilities skills across the board (Defenders, Supporters, and Strikers alike).

Did not get the desired info because of in game screenshot not working. Used Windows screenshot. Unfortunately the Alt key in game does not correspond with the Windows key & print screen. Maybe next test build will get better info. Will try to get the last Warden abilities, don't know why the screenshot didn't work (pressing it at the same time).

The below info/opinion was from earlier Beta test. In general, its similar to current Beta test.
Warden has the DoT specs (Damage over Time) and a very weak HoT (Heal over Time). But a heal is a heal never the less. Wonder what the DoT & HoT will be like at level 50.
Brigand is a fun class with the stun ability as its bread and butter imo. Single CC target compared to Marshal multiple CC target (three for now). Will Brigand get to CC more then one target at level 50?
Berserker dishes out a lot of damage, but uses up a lot of stamina. The mobs I tested out on were one and two chevron greens & blue, able to defeat them faster then the Warden and Brigand.

Striker Abilities New.jpg
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Hard saying how the Warden's abilities will be at 50. As I can tell atm at 14 there has been no changes in any dmg or healing done off the base ability dmg/healing they do. Not sure if they'll increase at a certain level once reached and progress as such till end game. Or if they'll only increase based off what lvl of reagents you use with them. That of which would not be a reliance to fall back on due to the rarity especially of striker reagents not to mention how fast you go through them.
Hello. Yeah for now hard to tell what it will be like at higher levels, 40-50. Compared to Alpha test build, a few things has changed. Seems overall, classes and skills are improving with some balanced adjustments. More to come of course with up coming beta tests and test builds.
Just from comparing those abilities, am I the only one who feels Grit makes more sense for Warden than Zerker?
Hello. A level 18 Warden would make a great asset, a great support for the group in additions to the one or two Supporters already in the group. Not sure what the ideal group will be, but having two Supporters, Two Defenders, and two Strikers would be nice. A Brigand and a Warden, if Marshal and Knight, and Duelist and Sentinel. Or which ever combination the group feels is suited for said encounter, raid, dungeon crawl or just exploring around areas.

Lay of the Land (LoL). Some of you may be familiar with SoW (Spirit of Wolf/EQ1). Though it last 4 minutes (that's what she said), its a decent group buff. I really can't tell much of a difference between 10% movement bonus to 0% movement bonus. You are only as fast as the slowest member of the group who is looting or harvesting. If it was changed/boosted to 20%, that would be nice.

The Acid Strike doesn't seem to be something notable, of interests. Other then taking up a lot of stamina. But, maybe having a Juggernaut, oh wait they can't do that anymore, maybe having a Duelist in a group with a Warden, would those two ability stacks? Debuffing an opponent's armor down, making it easier for the group to defeat said mob?

PS...I still don't understand how Assist works in a group.

I dont know LotL? LtL? LTL? LoL? lol!!!!
Buffing group lol. You need lol? Send tell if you need lol.
Me as a Supporter: Any Strikers lol?
Random player: I am a Striker, whats so funny about it?
Hello. A level 18 Warden would make a great asset, a great support for the group in additions to the one or two Supporters already in the group. Not sure what the ideal group will be, but having two Supporters, Two Defenders, and two Strikers would be nice. A Brigand and a Warden, if Marshal and Knight, and Duelist and Sentinel. Or which ever combination the group feels is suited for said encounter, raid, dungeon crawl or just exploring around areas.

Lay of the Land (LoL). Some of you may be familiar with SoW (Spirit of Wolf/EQ1). Though it last 4 minutes (that's what she said), its a decent group buff. I really can't tell much of a difference between 10% movement bonus to 0% movement bonus. You are only as fast as the slowest member of the group who is looting or harvesting. If it was changed/boosted to 20%, that would be nice.

The Acid Strike doesn't seem to be something notable, of interests. Other then taking up a lot of stamina. But, maybe having a Juggernaut, oh wait they can't do that anymore, maybe having a Duelist in a group with a Warden, would those two ability stacks? Debuffing an opponent's armor down, making it easier for the group to defeat said mob?

PS...I still don't understand how Assist works in a group.

I dont know LotL? LtL? LTL? LoL? lol!!!!
Buffing group lol. You need lol? Send tell if you need lol.
Me as a Supporter: Any Strikers lol?
Random player: I am a Striker, whats so funny about it?
From what I can tell the Wardens acid strike is pretty much worthless. It doesn't put a debuff on the mob. So how do we know its actually affecting said mobs armor? Only thing that comes up is the text in the combat text that you hit said mob for X amount of damage.
They could probably remove this ability in its current state or actually have it put a debuff on the mob reducing armor for a duration of time.
As it is now, that ability will not be used by this Warden due to it being a waste of an ability slot and stamina.
Venom Strike and Acid Strike use the same amount of stamina. One is a hit with an added dot and the other is a hit with an equal amt. of damage reducing the mobs armor. Since it isn't a typical debuff that last for x seconds, there isn't really a way to "see" it working. I don't know how you could test it to make sure it works. Not sure if the dummies have armor to reduce or not. I guess you could try and fight the same level mob over and over using it and not using it and then compare. I would assume you would kill things slightly faster if using it.

I suppose they could just change it to be like a dot and act like Venom Strike except instead of 19 to health over 20s it would deplete their armor for 19 over 20 s. Then it would place a icon on the mob that you could see and feel like it is doing something?

My bigger question about the Warden is the Assist skill. Best I can tell, if you hit the mob with the skill you deal damage and also apply an "+Advantage" to your defensive target, affecting their next (1 on Perfrom Hit (All)) damage skill they use. So it's the same amount of damage as venom strike and acid strike for 5% more stamina use. So... what does +Advantage do and is is worth the extra 5% of you stamina? Without knowing what +Advantage is, I have no idea if it is worth using or not. Guess when the stat/tooltip updates are done we might have a better idea.
affecting their next (1 on Perfrom Hit (All)) damage skill they use

It's 3 hits now. You can see the buff showing up on them now that its for more attacks. Yea some of these stats and stuff we don't have explanations for. While we've answered multiple times maybe we need to keep a forum post until such a time as these tooltips can be added in-game.
Grit is definitely on the wrong class. Should go on Defender.

I wouldn't put much stock into those lvl 40 abilities, when I add in the higher level abilities those will all be reworked or removed. I should just remove them for now.
Hello. Having redone the Striker chart, have concluded that having a Brigand in your group is a must imo. That Daze is nasty. Want to see what it does? Try engaging with a bear for starters. Other mobs has it, some higher level mobs has it. Think down the road, they will add Daze to some boss type and or name mobs (4 Chevron and up type, name type, uncommon type or rare type).

I do like the AoE on the Berserker, am picturing rain of arrows from the sky. Your Marshal may not like it nor will your Brigand lol.
Hello. Yep correct. I should have said, the newer name mobs (not from the current test build) lol. Hence down the road.

Some names mobs that has it, Knave of Hearts, (Queen of Hearts, as you mentioned), Misha. One of the four name Emberfly, forget which. Don't remember others at the moment since Alpha and last few Beta test build.
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Hello. Will try to update newest, current Striker class and subclasses abilities when I have time. Will keep the old version for reference for few, then delete it after few months.
Hello. Added the new and current Striker and Subclasses abilities for June 22 2022, overall view for those wanting to see what the Striker class has to offer. The in game screenshot was not working today (though it was working on Weds/Thurs earlier), ended up using Windows key and print screen key. The Alt key for next level tier/progression did not work for me (Windows key + Print screen + Alt) did not work for me, it didn't take the screen shot.

Anyways, will update newer stuff when can.
Just from comparing those abilities, am I the only one who feels Grit makes more sense for Warden than Zerker?
Zerker is a Viking type that shrugs off wounds. It's like that in D&D and historically. Warden is a more ranged class similar to a Ranger. Grit makes zero sense for a Warden