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Stormhaven Studios Press Release 10.29.24


Executive Producer
Stormhaven Studios
Digital River Fails to Pay, Plans for Steam Launch, Temporary Free to Play

Our small independent game development company, Stormhaven Studios, has trusted Digital River with payment processing for Embers Adrift since before launch. Until recently they have been a reliable partner, however, we have not received any payments since our June revenue payment. After making inquiries we were informed about an unconsulted adjustment to the agreed upon payment schedule. Despite our patience, repeated inquiries, and expected payment dates coming and going, we have not received our expected revenue. Stormhaven Studios is taking decisive action to ensure the continued support and development of our game.

After consulting with our legal counsel, we sent a legal demand letter to Digital River on October 11th, which has been confirmed delivered, yet we have received no response. Additionally, we have seen a growing number of complaints from other companies facing similar issues with Digital River, casting doubt as to whether we will ever recover the funds owed to us.

In light of this situation, we have terminated our partnership with Digital River. To ensure that our community continues to thrive, we intend to migrate Embers Adrift to Steam. All active subscriptions through Digital River will be canceled.

In an effort to reduce any further damage to our community and game, we are excited to announce that Embers Adrift will TEMPORARILY be available for FREE, granting all who wish to play Embers Adrift access to the game AND all subscriber perks while we work on this migration. We anticipate that this process will take a couple of months, after which we plan to return to our standard monetization model. We will keep our community updated with details on our migration plan and schedule as work progresses.

In the meantime, we have set up a donation page to help cover our operational costs while we work through this challenging period. We appreciate any and all support given to our dev team to help us keep the lights on and continue the development of Embers Adrift.

We thank you for your unwavering support and understanding as we navigate this difficult transition. To donate to the dev team please visit www.embersadrift.com/Donate

Stormhaven Studios


To Join the game for free please follow the same instructions used for our free trial here: https://forums.embersadrift.com/ind...-instruction-try-embers-adrift-for-free.4508/
Man, super sorry to hear that. You all deserve better. I can't give much, but I'll donate what I can in hopes that it'll give you all some repreive.

I hope Steam works out great for y'all and the player base grows from this.
I’ll donate as well. Been away from the game for a while, but I’m always a fan and support underdogs. Cheers! Here’s to a successful launch on steam!
Just donated. Hope it helps some. I dare anyone to ever question your loyalty to the game after this. Working for free since June! You guys are the best and I hope everything turns out positive for you.
This truly sucks. I stumbled across this yesterday when I got an email saying my subscription was cancelled. I haven't been around much at all lately for personal reasons, but I've always kept my subscription going because I want you guys to succeed. I'll gladly donate if there's a way. I've apparently given Digital River a bit of money for nothing, so there's no reason I can't pass some money your way.

Just donated. Saw the link after posting this.
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I haven't played for about six months and was waiting for more content. When I heard this news, I felt that they had given me enough free play time that I could donate a couple of months' worth of subscriptions to help them through the Digital River theft.

We will see you on the other side (Steam)

AKA: Zedakiah, Zed, Torstad
I bought the game quite a while ago but this year has been nuts and I haven't had the time to activate it. Will I still be able to activate it and get my "free" month once payments go under Steam?
I bought the game quite a while ago but this year has been nuts and I haven't had the time to activate it. Will I still be able to activate it and get my "free" month once payments go under Steam?
When the time comes, if you link your steam account to this game account and THEN activate the key it would work, but we are still ironing out the details of how we will connect accounts. Either way, we will make it work out for you. We may just have to do some manual work.