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Scavenging Meadowlands Reward

Blyte Plays

Well-Known Member
I just would like to say, there are no options for Strikers among the many reward options.

This quest requires a group to complete, but not everyone in the group was rewarded.

No one is excited about the scale armor (of the players I know), but at least defenders got a variety of shields to choose from, and supports got a flag.

Would be nice to have another possible support option, and a few striker options.

Perhaps a neutral option as well, like a piece of jewelry or two.
What are the rewards? I haven't finished yet... also my fiance tanks in scale with a maul it's awesome :D they might be interested
I just would like to say, there are no options for Strikers among the many reward options.

This quest requires a group to complete, but not everyone in the group was rewarded.

No one is excited about the scale armor (of the players I know), but at least defenders got a variety of shields to choose from, and supports got a flag.

Would be nice to have another possible support option, and a few striker options.

Perhaps a neutral option as well, like a piece of jewelry or two.
Kinda like the Ranger quest in Northreach. It was a vambrace and an earring…after all that, I was hurt.
I too was at first disapointed at the available rewards, but then there had been a weapon reward for the other Brookhollow quest so I thought about what could I use.

My armour weight was at max but I felt my AC was a bit low and all pieces where level 10 items. So I took the chest piece and then proceeded to re-do what pieces I was wearing going for best AC/weight ratio first and stats second. Yes I lost a few points of stats but had big increase in AC. I've kept the bits I couldn't wear and as my armour weight increases I hope to be able to put 1 or 2 of them back on; although maybe I would have obtained something better by then.
Ya, I'm just talking from a group centric striker standpoint. I go flank+ stats over ac, and I'd lose a ton of flank if I tried to fit in a piece of scale. I still solo fine with my terrible ac, due to beserkers guts ability. If I was gonna fit in tanky gear for soloing or duoing it would definitely be chithorn paldrons
I think the scale is a middle weight OT option for juggernaught, but I still wouldn't touch it as a jugg tbh