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Random Requests

Blyte Plays

Well-Known Member
Zip lines in DryFoot
Specialty specific weapons/armor
Specialty quests
Shoulder slot gear
More ring drops
More NPCs in towns, and roaming the roads.
Talent point system with a finite number of meaningful choices. Not an AA system, but maybe that too. Would of course need to feel out max level first.
Mounts, or even rented ponies that take you from A to B only. I know ember monoliths will help, but a few intrazone horses to different camps would be welcome.
Dryfoot stronghold not killing my computer on zone in

That's it for now.

Loving my play experience.
Ok and another thing...

Spears please!
I cant see why the most historically prolific weapon isnt represented in the game.

I think it would make a fine addition to the game as another neutral non-role specific option
Ohh and chest hair option for character build. I want to be a big hairy berserker! Back and shoulder hair, optional :)
Ok and another thing...

Spears please!
I cant see why the most historically prolific weapon isnt represented in the game.

I think it would make a fine addition to the game as another neutral non-role specific option
The more options available the better. Cant wait to see when more weapons and armor start getting their own unique graphics.
Zip lines in DryFoot
Specialty specific weapons/armor
Specialty quests
Shoulder slot gear
More ring drops
More NPCs in towns, and roaming the roads.
Talent point system with a finite number of meaningful choices. Not an AA system, but maybe that too. Would of course need to feel out max level first.
Mounts, or even rented ponies that take you from A to B only. I know ember monoliths will help, but a few intrazone horses to different camps would be welcome.
Dryfoot stronghold not killing my computer on zone in

That's it for now.

Loving my
Optimization on zoning into the stronghold is definitely something that needs looking into.
Optimization on zoning into the stronghold is definitely something that needs looking into.
Are you talking about the actual loading of the zone (loading screen), or after the loading screen goes away and you are loading up many humanoids?
After the loading screen, it is a lag fest for 10 sec sometimes more.
Ok thank you. You are experiencing the load of generating many many humanoids in succession. I will have to do some more work at seeing where we can optimize this but it seems to vary drastically from machine to machine.
Are you talking about the actual loading of the zone (loading screen), or after the loading screen goes away and you are loading up many humanoids?
after the loading screen as everything in the zone is trying to render in.
Ok thank you. You are experiencing the load of generating many many humanoids in succession. I will have to do some more work at seeing where we can optimize this but it seems to vary drastically from machine to machine.
Ya, my budget gaming rig of yesteryear, crashed if I dont stand still for a minute or two, after the initial load screen