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Embers Adrift

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Overall Game Feedback


New Member
Thanks so much for taking the time to appeal to oldschool gamers. I’m a huge Everquest Online Adventures fan. It was the PlayStation EQ version. I believe that the old school mmo gaming crowd is looking for the same type of fun those games had that don’t exist in modern mmos.

That aside, there are things in Embers Adrift that I enjoyed. I have only played a few levels (6) and so far here is what I love…

The difficulty level of the monsters is on point. I felt challenged and in danger often, but the right amount.
Some newage mmo fans may disagree but I love the grind. Each level felt like an accomplishment.
Each piece of gear acquired at a low level felt epic and special even if it didn’t have many stats. Just to equip something was meaningful.
Crafting was simple and straightforward and also rewarding. I got to level 5 in mining. Didn’t get to craft any items yet but I had materials to do so and was excited to see more.
I played a support role and enjoyed healing. I had to choose between pushing out more dps or saving stamina for heals. The “screen spell”cooldown didn’t feel too long or short. My dps did feel like it helped.
Having a crossbow to switch between was a good idea and I like having to find bolts. It keeps it as something I don’t use often but in times where I absolutely need it.
The chevron/color system for monster difficulty is perfect imo. It was a clear indicator on what we should and shouldn’t attack.
Shout out to the person who created the ponytail hairstyle and the bun.

Now for some things I felt would have elevated the fun of the game….

The attacks/abilities weren’t much fun to use. I didn’t feel any “magic” aka excitement in using them. Maybe that’s something that will change as graphics improve? Something that EQOA did well that was an addictive factor, is every two levels you either gained new attacks/abilities or new ability upgrades. The upgrades were the same spells just stronger and cooler looking. Key words being cooler looking. For example, low levels your healing spells started off looking like water and gradually turned into sleet then snow as you became higher level. It was exciting to just look forward to your abilities making you look cooler and more powerful as you leveled. I guarantee this is an addictive quality in a game. I want my bandaid skills to look cool where I feel awesome when I use it.

Need a compass on UI so we know where we are and indicators of where group members are.

Not a fan of retrieving my bag after death. I’d rather have a death xp debt system. It caused issues in grouping and group mates missing out on rare loot because they couldn’t reach their bag. Then they left the group upset. I did like the resurrection debuff but that should fall off overtime, not just by a campfire. We already spend time by the campfire as is.

Need a better system in group caves/dungeons for getting around. Group members often got lost and I had to leave the game mid-cave and had to log out where I was. Need some kind of hearth or way back out easier.

The distance the mobs chase you is a little too far. They need to reset at some point and they don’t seem too.

I wouldn’t mind if the ring around mobs was also the color of the difficulty.

This is probably controversial in the game… but there isn’t magic spells… it feels like it’s missing. I get the game wants it to be more realistic maybe? But like someone said on a video about Embers Adrift.. add potions… explosives.. tamed wild beasts? So many possibilities. Why keep it basic? Add some cool weapon choices with wow factors. You don’t have to add “magic” but something a little more exciting, maybe there is further in the game?
“Need a compass on UI so we know where we are and indicators of where group members are.”
- Members in your group have an arrow on their group portrait that is always pointing to them. And for other navigation, I believe the big blue planet is always North. But yes some more indicators for direction would be helpful.
I noticed several people I grouped with not notice the directional arrows. I think making them bigger and/or having them be a different color could be helpful. Ooh, I like the idea of them changing color the closer/farther away you get too.
Hey hey @Aevirey
Thank you so much for testing our game and sharing your feedback. I will answer you a few questions!

Shout out to the person who created the ponytail hairstyle and the bun.
That's @introvertices work! :D

The attacks/abilities weren’t much fun to use. I didn’t feel any “magic” aka excitement in using them. Maybe that’s something that will change as graphics improve? Something that EQOA did well that was an addictive factor, is every two levels you either gained new attacks/abilities or new ability upgrades. The upgrades were the same spells just stronger and cooler looking. Key words being cooler looking. For example, low levels your healing spells started off looking like water and gradually turned into sleet then snow as you became higher level. It was exciting to just look forward to your abilities making you look cooler and more powerful as you leveled. I guarantee this is an addictive quality in a game. I want my bandaid skills to look cool where I feel awesome when I use it.
I think we all agree on that. However we have a small team/ressource/time and we have to focus on the essential. This will be improved eventually, but not right now and probably not for launch.

Need a compass on UI so we know where we are and indicators of where group members are.
As explained already, the compass is the Blue Planet. We do not want to add a GPS in the game as we want the players to learn the world. As @Dalton explained there is a compass in the group panel though, to find your comrade more easily. This compass is sutuated on players's portrait.

Need a better system in group caves/dungeons for getting around. Group members often got lost and I had to leave the game mid-cave and had to log out where I was. Need some kind of hearth or way back out easier.
This is something we are discussing internally

This is probably controversial in the game… but there isn’t magic spells… it feels like it’s missing. I get the game wants it to be more realistic maybe? But like someone said on a video about Embers Adrift.. add potions… explosives.. tamed wild beasts? So many possibilities. Why keep it basic? Add some cool weapon choices with wow factors. You don’t have to add “magic” but something a little more exciting, maybe there is further in the game?
Our "magic" system is not in game yet. This is the intent: players have an emberstone where they can gather emberessence by farming ashen mobs arround rupture. You see the Rupture appearing in Meadowlands (and will be introduced in Dryfoot and Redshore Forest aswell). With this Ember essence, players will be able to "empower" the reagents that are modifying certain of their abilities.

Taming requiere new tech to be developed and we will not have the time/ressource before launch. Maybe something that we will add after launch
We did find that when my husband was farther away using the system to locate group members didn’t work anymore and phased out. We weren’t very far away and in the same zone. Maybe increase the range at least?