What's new?
This week brings a new higher level zone, chat item linking, a handful of new Ashen variants, and a few QoL improvements.
While our server memory issues are still ongoing I am happy to report that the servers have remained extremely stable. We have not encountered a single server crash since reverting the memory leak fixes from a few weeks back. We do however, have to cycle zones out periodically to keep their memory footprint down - thank you for your patience while we continue working on this. New memory is on the way and we should have it within a few weeks (which will reduce the frequency in which we ask you to swap instances).
Bug fixes / improvements:
Item Linking
You can now send item links in chat! With your chat input active you can shift+left click on an item to insert a chat link to that item. This also works on abilities, roles, specializations, and crafting recipes within the crafting UI. However, this does not work on your action bar (abilities, pouches).
Redshore Ridge
Added new lvl 33+ zone called Redshore Ridge. Located in the North-Eastern part of Redshore, the Ridge has been deserted by both the folk of Newhaven and the Exiles of Redshore. What hasn't been reclaimed by nature has been claimed by the aggressive Snatchscale tribe. This zone does not yet have map discoveries.
More Ashen!
New ashen variants for Doe, Stag, Small Bear, Raccoon, Rat, Croc, Wolf have been added to the game.
Works in progress:
To see a full list of what is currently in progress head on over to this thread. I will do my best to update this list on a weekly basis and highlight the differences from the previous week with bold font. Below I will highlight some of the upcoming changes in more detail.
Patch Size (ongoing)
We are working on migrating our scenes to a new loading system that will reduce the overall size of patches. At the moment all scenes are lumped together into a large ~3gb file. Any time data within this file changes it must be redownloaded - even if those changes are small. By breaking our data up into smaller chunks those downloads will ideally be minimized to smaller individual files moving forward. The end result will be saving us bandwidth (money), and saving you download time on patch day. The tech required to do this loading has been implemented. The work remaining is breaking the scenes up into individual files along with creating the shared bundles that contain assets used by multiple scenes.
Recently released and upcoming zones:
The following table does not include all in-progress zones; only the ones in our most immediate future. Redshore Ridge's first pass made its way to QA this week and has developer eyes on it. We have already found a few small tweaks that need to be made but this zone should be available in the next patch.
Known Issues:
This week brings a new higher level zone, chat item linking, a handful of new Ashen variants, and a few QoL improvements.
While our server memory issues are still ongoing I am happy to report that the servers have remained extremely stable. We have not encountered a single server crash since reverting the memory leak fixes from a few weeks back. We do however, have to cycle zones out periodically to keep their memory footprint down - thank you for your patience while we continue working on this. New memory is on the way and we should have it within a few weeks (which will reduce the frequency in which we ask you to swap instances).
Bug fixes / improvements:
- Tech
- Fixed some culling exceptions
- A few players have been having issues with invalid guild ranks which was preventing them from using many guild actions such as speaking in guild chat. These players will now have their guild ranks reset to the lowest guild rank on login. Improved logging has been added to help us suss out the root cause if it continues.
- Environment / Art
- Added colliders to a room that was missing them in The Aquifer: Undercroft.
- Closed off some areas of the Redshore zone that were underutilized and underpopulated. This will allow us to increase the mob density outside of these regions in the coming weeks and reduces navigation complexity for NPCs. If your character was camped out in Redshore they have been moved to a safe spot.
- UI:
- Your bag indicator will now only be shown when you are in the proper region. Given that many of our dungeons share the same server scene (which means they are the same executable and exist in the same space) but are not physically connected it is important that we do not mislead you into thinking your bag is accessible if you are in the wrong dungeon. As an example if your bag is on level 2 of The Undercroft then the backpack indicator will NOT show when you are on level 1 or 3.
- Design:
- Rearranged active defense priorities. Server now checks in this order: Parry --> Block --> Avoid
- Enabled Line-of-sight checks for social aggro in the Meadowlands wolf cave.
- New Darkwater mobs added to The Aquifer: Undercroft.
- Added mid-tier skinning to Elks and Ravens.
- Raven Feathers usable as a fletching source.
- Elks skinning for new Noble Carcass, dropped recipes added for Noble meat/bones/leather.
- Elks skinning for new Elk leaves, dropped recipes added for Tea Leaves and Tea.
- Fixed issue with Nighthunter using the wrong loot table.
- New large roaming mobs added to most zones. These are very big and very dangerous.
- New VFX added to halt (WIP)
- Increased higher level damage values for the following abilities: Bleeding Strike, Venom Strike, Quillback Spines, Viperid Toxins, Perforate, Rip.
Item Linking
You can now send item links in chat! With your chat input active you can shift+left click on an item to insert a chat link to that item. This also works on abilities, roles, specializations, and crafting recipes within the crafting UI. However, this does not work on your action bar (abilities, pouches).
Redshore Ridge
Added new lvl 33+ zone called Redshore Ridge. Located in the North-Eastern part of Redshore, the Ridge has been deserted by both the folk of Newhaven and the Exiles of Redshore. What hasn't been reclaimed by nature has been claimed by the aggressive Snatchscale tribe. This zone does not yet have map discoveries.
More Ashen!
New ashen variants for Doe, Stag, Small Bear, Raccoon, Rat, Croc, Wolf have been added to the game.
Works in progress:
To see a full list of what is currently in progress head on over to this thread. I will do my best to update this list on a weekly basis and highlight the differences from the previous week with bold font. Below I will highlight some of the upcoming changes in more detail.
Patch Size (ongoing)
We are working on migrating our scenes to a new loading system that will reduce the overall size of patches. At the moment all scenes are lumped together into a large ~3gb file. Any time data within this file changes it must be redownloaded - even if those changes are small. By breaking our data up into smaller chunks those downloads will ideally be minimized to smaller individual files moving forward. The end result will be saving us bandwidth (money), and saving you download time on patch day. The tech required to do this loading has been implemented. The work remaining is breaking the scenes up into individual files along with creating the shared bundles that contain assets used by multiple scenes.
Recently released and upcoming zones:
The following table does not include all in-progress zones; only the ones in our most immediate future. Redshore Ridge's first pass made its way to QA this week and has developer eyes on it. We have already found a few small tweaks that need to be made but this zone should be available in the next patch.
Zone | Notes | Status |
Meadowlands Emberdrift A | Added 10.20.22 | |
Dryfoot Emberdrift A | Added 10.20.22 | |
The Aquifer: Karst | Meadowlands smaller static dungeon. | Added 10.27.22 |
Dryfoot Emberdrift B | Added 11.03.22 | |
The Aquifer: Undercroft | Meadowlands larger static dungeon with solo/small/full group content. | Added 11.10.22 |
Redshore Ridge | A higher level zone considered more of an extension to Redshore located in the north eastern part of the zone. | Added 11.29.22 |
Redshore Freehold | A higher level zone occupied by a faction of humanoid NPCs in the north western part of the zone. | Name pending. Content & quest design in progress. Base layer of spawns and configuration is complete. |
Redshore Dungeon | A very large custom dungeon located below Redshore. | Name pending. Initial layout and prop placement complete. Awaiting cleanup and initial spawns and design. |
Dryfoot Fortress | A higher level zone located in the middle of Dryfoot. | Name pending. Content pending. Design pending. |
Gorge | A higher level zone offering a bit of overlap in content with Redshore. This zone is a large canyon with arid terrain similar to Dryfoot. | Name pending. Zone layout and design nearing completion. Awaiting initial content pass. |
Known Issues:
- A recent change was supposed to make all Emberdrifts available at all times - this seems to not always be occuring. Their spawn system was not designed to operate this way so some tech changes need to happen to iron this out so they have 100% uptime.
- Occasionally a loot roll may be skipped entirely and a carcass will be given. When this happens please provide any relevant details as we are still trying to track this one down.
- Not all ember rings and/or POIs are proper map discoveries.
- Deconstructing crafted items returns junk 100% of the time.
- Not all clothing/armor has visuals
- Dragging a group-nameplate in the group window will set the wrong pivot point for the group window and the whole thing will drag a bit weird.
- Typing chat text may occasionally become invisible. Unfocus your chat window and trying again a few times typically resolves this.
- Sometimes when you respawn you don't end up at the proper Ember Ring --> if this happens please report the position where you died via the "/report" command or "/debugposition" (if using debugposition you'll need to paste the value here)
- MacOS:
- Zooming the camera while holding the right mouse button can cause your chat window to scroll. This is not intended behavior.
- At some camera angles the sun may go dark. This should not happen frequently but is readily reproducible at some locations. Investigating a fix.
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