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Naked Run

And of course, more discussions, because after being so bold, all of the herd must he heard.

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Seeing more danger in the distance, it was time for those of us that could, to redon our gear and ensure the safety of all, as everyone was asked to use the ember monolith and get back to the city.

We had been duped into leaving our city unguarded and unclothed, in hindsight we had not been all that intelligent in our choices.

Was it too late?

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The city looked strangely empty, where was everyone, and why did I trip on the emberstones and fall flat on my back.

What a day.

But no, it was time to stand up, get refreshed, and re defend our home.

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As the light faded, and no threat ensued, we decided we had no idea what was going on, and did what you do in that situation, go to the bar and have a few ales.

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Three beers later, I forgot where I left my shirt, and things got blurry.

And I have not been seen since.

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