So you're literally trying to turn this game into every other modern MMO. WHY? That is not what the staff wants. Most of what you acquire in this game is meant to be done in a cooperative manner, whether it is done through trading, dungeon crawling, or quests which the majority of so far have sent us to places not meant to be soloed.
No, I’m not. It’s the suggestion of just one, single possible gameplay concept - there’s no conversion; these games are made up of many such mechanics. I don’t feel that this game is so fragile that one such new (and entirely ignorable) dynamic will peform a complete transformation. That seems a bit too dramatic.
I also don’t feign to know what the staff wants…and I’m not trying to either. I simply share my positive experiences with the Embers team and its players and ask to improve the game in a way that I‘ve enjoyed in other such titles. Again, a repeatable quest system is something that could require a group to complete, so cooperative can be part of the system. I clearly stated that, already.
It's a bit odd that you pretended earlier to care about lore/story, by saying:
yet in this world where resources and help are limited, you're OK with INFINITELY REPEATABLE quests to get all friggin kinds of rewards? Where did these rewards come from? How were these NPCs that can't even walk outside town to kill a wolf able to acquire UNLIMITED resources to give away? Very contradicting viewpoint.
Repeatable doesn’t have to mean indefinite. Perhaps a few dailies and a few weeklies and when they’re out, they’re out until the next day/week. Again, repeatable doesn’t have to mean infinite. I would like to ask that you try not to jam repeatable quests into one very specific framework where you feel comfortable attacking. Broaden your horizons a little, conceptually, and think of ways that they might already exist (or things like them) in the game as it stands, now.
No one was berated except me now, when you put words in my mouth I didn't say. It's hilarious that you tell me to deal with your opinion but can't seem to handle mine.
Here, I’d like to quote myself from a previous reply to one of your posts, “We all make suggestions based around our personal preferences, and I respect that you don't like repeatable quests - they're tied to some bad gaming experiences for you. Understood.”
See, I can handle your opinion. I already stated that I fully accept the fact that you don’t like repeatable quests. I also stated that I respect and appreciate your opinion. I don’t agree with it and I don’t have to, either. In fact, I think you’re dead wrong and I enjoy the freedom I have as an individual to disagree - in this case, I’m kind of enjoying it, but that’s not entirely my fault.
Not like it matters. It's obvious that these won't be added. I mean the OP practically started off by saying it was a bad idea:
I don’t think OP was putting words in anyone’s mouth by stating that “most don’t like them”. It certainly didn’t apply to me - I liked OP’s idea. If I didn’t like it I would say so, but I would still respect the way they feel about it (even if they thought I was “dead wrong”, too).
And then lines like these
just go to show how little some people comprehend about game development - it requires balance. Changing one tiny thing can have catastrophic outcomes. Thought isn't being put into things like inflation and how throwing more materials and money and equipment and consumables affects the game's economy and player to player trading environment. Even having a simple commodity like EXP be a reward changes the game. There are other variables to consider such as time consumption, group content can last a long while, while our group was gathering at the dungeon entrance you finished your first kill 10 wolves quest (maybe even a second one!) and are already gaining EXP, items, consumables, and apparently even upgrades? That is literally the exact opposite of this game's philosophy, is it not?
Some major run-on sentences in there - let’s take a step back and breath a little. I think Xavure understands something very well…they’re a gamer who loves these games (and, more specifically, this one). Their opinion matters and they don’t have to understand end-to-end game development in order to share an idea about a game mechanic that they’ve already enjoyed in this exact game genre.
I don’t think anyone needs to rant about “what it takes” or “what the devs want” or even ”catastrophic outcomes” as we all understand the massive effort that has gone into this game and what these types of changes could mean. No one is threatening the very lifeblood of the game. I’d like to think that you’re not stating that the Embers team is not capable of implementing repeatable quests it in a way that isn’t game breaking…because I think they could, if they wanted to.
It's like I said before, the only way these types of quests fit the game are if the rewards are basically nothing, which then begs the question if they were ever worth wasting time creating in the first place.
They are worth it if they are enjoyed by a significant portion of the player base - of which includes me. So, I continue to respectfully disagree with you. I want you to know that it’s okay for us to disagree. I respect your very serious opinions on the matter, but understand that it’s just that…an opinion. At the end of the day, what’s being suggested is normal for this type of game and can be implemented without any of the negative or catastrophic outcomes you’ve divulged, here. That’s a fact, but don’t let it be unsettling.
Let’s just agree to disagree and leave it at the door. If repeatable quests never make it in, that’s fine - even if the devs say that it’s not their vision. I respect that. If they put them in, AWESOME! I’ll surely take part and be thankful that they took the time. That’s all there is to it.