I've heard slightly conflicting info about which melee weapon types are best, and figured I would start a discussion about the topic that's more general than just for my Warden. Here are some things I would like to learn about:
- How does auto-attack speed relate to baseline damage, skill attack damage, and total DPS? For example, 2-handers have bigger damage but a long 5- or 6-second autoattack, whereas daggers are super fast at 2 seconds but of course lower per-strike damage. Base damage per strike seems to scale to skill attack damage, and skills are on their own cooldowns. So, does it make sense to usually go with the biggest, baddest weapon for even bigger skill damage, or do I want to maximize the sustained auto-attack damage over time? Or, keep reading for more factors!
- How does skill use and cooldowns interact with the auto-attack timer? I know skill use resets the auto-attack timer, but I have not managed yet to look into how this might affect my combat rotation. Usually after my initial rotation I just pop my skills as they come off cooldown, unless I know I need to time a particular effect for its own sake.
- How do things like +Hit, +Penetration, and such relate to auto-attack time? Do they correlate to wanting faster/smaller-damage weapons versus slower/bigger-damage weapons?
- More generally, how do you handle the various bonuses and their pairings with weapons? I have been stacking +Haste and +Stamina Regen, for example, so I can use more skills for longer. Do you prefer +Hit, +Damage, +Penetration, something else? Why? If you have a choice between two weapons of the same type, with similar bonuses but on different stats, which do you give priority to?
- Are particular roles/specializations more suited to particular weapon types? I heard a couple times that Wardens and Berserkers want 2H weapons, for example. What about Brigands though?
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