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Melee weapon choice: speed vs. auto-attack damage

Ive been rocking a dual wield set on my zerker dual with the Lucky Blades (+56 hit each). Frontal hit and my hit is currently sitting at 156. Not a ton of high end damage but tons of crits and a fun build.
I swear by longbow/dual-wield combo on my Warden. You can easily get a longbow hit with both DoTs and either fading strike or acid strike before they're inside your ranged attacks.

I swap to daggers on a 2s delay to continue the fight. I make sure an auto attack hits between ability casts to help pace my stamina use and make the most of the quick damage. I love the fast hits... so much better to kill something quickly than wait up to 6 seconds to land that killing blow. Paired with the Warden DoTs and damage shields you're slicing things up quickly. More hits also means more opportunities for +hit to shine with heavy and critical blows. If I still have DoT duration and the enemy is close to death, I just switch targets and keep going while the DoT finishes the job.

Overall dual-wield stats are +54 haste, +21% 1H damage, +65 Hit, and +62 Penetration (including my positional bonuses).