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QA May 2023


Stormhaven Studios
  • New Ember Veins
  • Weapon Flanking Revamp
  • Stat caps
  • New hats
  • Tooltip improvements.
  • New Quests
  • Tree billboard improvements.


May 3rd:
  • Live characters copied to QA as of May 3rd 2023.
  • Tutorial Log:
    • The quest log has been extended to include tutorial information. Tabs have been added to the top of the window to allow you to switch between "Quests" and "Tutorial", and the window will soon be renamed to "Log". The new tutorial section serves as a place to revisit previously viewed tutorial tooltips. We hope this new resource will help new players more easily navigate the early game. (see screenshot below)
  • Hunting Log: we have added tech which allows the game to track how many of each type of creature you have slain.
    • This information is currently only visible via the "/huntinglog" chat command, but as you can imagine a new tab will soon be added to the log window (described above) to display this information.
    • You will be awarded a new title once you reach the thresholds of 5/10/15/20 for each creature type. These titles and thresholds are placeholders to test functionality and will change before it goes live. You can expect the thresholds to be much higher. We would love to hear your thoughts on what those thresholds and titles should be though!
    • This system will likely be extended in the future by tying into the faction system and possibly offering creature-specific "perks" at certain milestones.
    • Note that humanoids are NOT currently tallied in the hunting log.
  • Group Window:
    • When a group member is in a different zone or out of range their role, level, and group leader icon will continue to show in the group window
    • Simplified the method in which we update members within the group window. Hopefully this will fix the issue of keyboard shortcut labels being out of order.
    • Known issues: the status of an out of range/diff zone group member does not always update correctly. Currently investigating potential fixes.
  • Monoliths
    • Can now only be used out of combat.
    • Added a confirmation dialog on usage.
  • Dual Wield: increased ability off-hand weapon contribution for different weapon types (10% is the current live value for all weapons)
    • Hatchet --> 20%
    • Dagger --> 25%
    • Sword --> 30%
    • Knuckles --> 35%
  • Brigand:
    • Overpower, Hidden Strike and Mark have had their damage values increased.
  • Warden:
    • Venom Strike and Acid Strike have had their damage values increased.
    • Eagle Eye increased +HIT amount
  • Berserker:
    • Fury and Assault no longer reduce in stamina cost as part of their progression
    • Wind Up and Fury no longer stack
    • Fury has had its execution time reduced from 2s to 1s
  • Increased global interaction distance from 3m to 4m. The interaction distance on ember drift exits was a bit too restrictive, along with some other perception issues in first person mode we have globally increased the interaction distance. I can already tell you however, that this will be dialed back and I will more selectively increase interaction distance for items as needed. (did some more testing and the EV exit issue is something else I'm looking into - expect this change to be fully reverted)
  • Increased damage of mobs lvl 25+ by 5-10%
  • Feared mobs now have a chance to call for help when fear expires or is broken.
  • Carrion Ravens, Redmane Prowlers, and Redmane Lurkers can no longer go Ashen.
  • Reduced spawn rate of Shrieks in Grimstone Canyon
  • Confirmation dialogs for Monoliths & Egress points (inside of dungeons) will now auto-cancel if you get too far away from the object you are interacting with.
  • Added icon tinting for refined logs
  • Added a different icon for higher level dopants
  • Fixed skinning and resource level on Stark the bear.
  • Fixed armor weight on Scale Mesh Mask to zero.
  • Fixed a bug where NPC dots from the same name NPC could not stack. This could make Spiders a bit more dangerous...
  • Fixed Ash consumable sharing a cooldown with potions
  • Fixed issues with AoE line of sight checks (impacts which targets are selected in an AoE). This should make abilities like Intimidate easier to use.
  • Fixed missing icon on CR1 hulking spider
  • Fixed incorrect exp modifier on Great Axe recipes, they should now grant full experience.
Tutorial log (will be continually updated and improved throughout the month):

/huntinglog results:

May 4th:
  • Global interaction distance set back to 3m
  • Increase interaction distance on Ember Vein exits
  • Renewing Resonance is now group-only
  • Fixed group nameplate role/level while out of range being illegible.
  • More reliably update group nameplates when players are in a different zone or out of range
  • More reliably update guild member list status
  • Tutorial text now shows dynamic key binds
  • Updates to the Log window
  • Daggers off hand ability damage modifier increased to 35%
May 5th:
  • Weapons & Ember Stones will now show on your characters when on the Character Selection screen.
  • Fixed some stuck spots in Forgotten Depths
  • Fixed more issues with group nameplates showing the wrong information.
  • Fixed a warning that was spamming the logs.
  • Adjusted NPC patrols in Grimstone Canyon and Forgotten Depths to be less frequent.
  • Berserker
    • Reverted previous changes to Fury & Assault\
    • Fury execution time reduced to 1s
    • Reduced stamina cost increase for Assault
  • Brigand:
    • Mark execution time reduced to 1s
    • Reduced stamina cost of Overpower, Execute, Stun, Hidden Strike
  • Warden:
    • Reduced stamina cost of Acid Strike, ViperidToxins, VenomStrike, Assist
  • Juggernaut
    • Reduced cooldown on No Time to Die by 1m
    • Collateral Damage now is a proper AoE and has increased threat.
    • Unstoppable now also prevents Daze
    • Perforate deals more initial damage while the DoT duration is reduced (total damage is the same)
    • Increased multipliers on Breach
    • Increased Roar's damage bonus and duration
    • Reduced damage on Revenge
May 9th:
  • Bat's Screech should no longer stack
  • Replaced water planes in Central Veins, Aquifer, Ember Veins, and all other dungeon rooms. It should look a bit more like water now.
  • Reduced memorization time for Lay of the Land & Resuscitate to 1s.
  • Moved the Redshore Monolith to the western side of the zone.
  • Augments can now be "stacked". You can stack a maximum of 5 on a single item. This only increases the hit count (weapons) and duration (armor) - not the stat itself.
  • Added an Egress point to the Meadowlands' Ember Oasis.
  • Fixed Insulated Trousers to provide Chemical Damage Resist instead of Chemical Damage.
  • Fixed level on Dyed Jack Trousers
  • Fixed some environmental bugs in Meadowlands, Northreach, and Dryfoot
  • Fixed augments displaying information twice on tooltips
  • Fixed +stats displayed on tooltips are now sorted for consistency between different items
  • Started the process of cleaning up tooltips. This will likely take several iterations as there is a lot of data and different situations to work through. This cleanup includes general formatting improvements, spacing improvements, improved durability display, improved weapon dice display, and improved stat displays.

May 17th:
  • Tooltip renovation in progress! Armor, Weapons, Consumables, Reagents, Abilities have all undergone some updates. Work here is still ongoing but please let me know specific items or abilities that are wacky and need some special attention.
    • Holding ALT while an item or ability tooltip is active will show more data for your viewing pleasure.
    • Holding SHIFT while an ability tooltip is active will show you the next ability tier if present.
  • Aura volume slider removed as it served no purpose.
  • Added notification added to chat when a group member gets knocked unconscious
  • Adjusted LODs on some props.
  • Ant hills and Rats nests will now properly call for help when players attack at range.
  • Reduced the amount of durability lost when hit by 10%
  • Addressed differences between the Primary and Secondary flanking direction not having enough impact (see below)
Weapon Flanking Update
Weapons have a Primary and Secondary flanking position, typically denoted by a reduced base flanking value in that position. For example Maul's have +5DMG from rear (Primary) and +3DMG from the front (Secondary). This was meant to offer a less optimal but still useful way of using weapons with flanking. We have changed this system so the Primary Flanking direction will now get a bonus to the flanking stat, but the Secondary will only receive the base value of the flanking stat.

For example: a Crossbow has +5DMG Side Flank (Primary) and +15 Hit Rear Flank (Secondary). An example of how the math plays out for a player with +25 flanking is as follows:

The primary Flanking position from the side will have Base+125% Flanking to DMG, or 5 + 25*1.25 = +36.25 DMG
Whereas the secondary flanking position from the rear will have Base+100% Flanking to HIT or 15 + 25 * 1 = +40 HIT

Please note: Some weapons do not follow traditional conventions of flanking and have higher base values. These weapons have kept their higher base flanking bonuses, but have reduced contributions from +Flanking that go below 100%
  • Hobfly Great Axe
  • Galeeq's Fang
  • Dread Maul
  • Prospector's Pick
  • "Fishing" Pole
  • Encased Tendril
May 19th:
  • More tooltip cleanup (reagents, triggers, more more more)
  • Rebaked Meadowlands' nav to account for tree size changes.
  • Fixed stuck spot in Redshore.
  • Fixed more typos in npc calls for help and ability emotes.
  • Basilisk Tail Whip is now a conal attack.
  • Knuckles and Claws are now referred to as 1H Fist types.
  • Fixed level requirement for harvesting named Stonecoats.
  • Group nameplate UI color will now change depending on the health state of the player. Cyan = default, Blue = selected, Red = unconscious, Purple = selected & unconscious, Black = "dead".
  • Adjusting Hunting log thresholds to more appropriate values (more info to come later).
  • Lighting fixes in some dungeon rooms.
  • Resilience Update! Resilience currently serves as a "saving throw" when your health drops to zero. We have expanded the functionality of Resilience to now also reduce the damage bonus of incoming heavy and critical hits. Reminder that resilience only works in combat stance!
  • Eagle Eye ability now has audio on execute.
  • Environmental spider webs are now even STICKIER! In addition to reducing movement speed they also "grant" negative haste.
  • Added some props in Forgotten Depths.
May 23rd:
  • More tooltip cleanup (targeting, requirements, auto attack)
  • Renamed stat "Flanking" to "Positional"
  • Positional arrows on weapon tooltips are colored blue/yellow/red to match the arrow indicators on nameplates.
  • When using a repair kit with a stack count greater than 1 it will remain in "repair mode" until that stack is exhausted or you cancel the repair mode.
  • Crafting UI should now remember where it was between sessions.
  • Burn effect from Ember Rings now do a fixed percentage damage per tick so that it is equally dangerous to all levels!
  • Stats enhanced by Armor/Clothing augments are now colored green in the stat window to indicate that an augment is applied to that stat.
  • Weapon augments on both main and off hand weapons are now both properly consumed when using abilities while dual wielding.
May 24th:
  • Fixed stuck spot in Forgotten Depths
  • Fixed bug with positional display on weapons and cleaned it up
  • Fixed some minor rendering bugs with targeting reticles.
  • Scurry Boots now provide Ember Dmg Resists rather than Ember Dmg
  • Selected Stat tab (Stats/Combat/Resists) is now saved on a per-character basis between sessions.
  • Adjusted positional bonus colors.
  • Damage types are now shown as a tooltip on some damage numbers in the combat log (hover mouse over the value to see the damage type if present)
  • Disabling Hunting Log. My initial plan was to swing back around to the hunting log once the tooltip revamp was finishing up but it took a bit longer than we originally anticipated. Without the proper UI and other incentives (to be detailed later) we feel the hunting log is wholly incomplete and deserves a bit more attention before taking it live.
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Fixed a bug where NPC dots from the same name NPC could not stack. This could make Spiders a bit more dangerous...
Concerned about this change tbh. Feel its going to make Spiders way harder than they are intended. Also concerned about other abilities that combine dots and debuffs and how this change will affect those.
Concerned about this change tbh. Feel its going to make Spiders way harder than they are intended. Also concerned about other abilities that combine dots and debuffs and how this change will affect those.
That's precisely why it's on QA. Give it a test and let us know what works/doesn't work. This will likely only impact a handful of npc abilities.
Overpower, Hidden Strike and Mark have had their damage values increased.
Just checked Mark in QA. I made a brig skill post a while back which i'll reference here:

"Its a static damage value that deals more or less the same damage as 1 auto attack hit that takes 5% stamina and 2 seconds to cast. I think that says enough about how good it is.

My suggestions
- Make it 3 charges to really be in line with the level its obtained, or triple the amount of damage dealt in a single hit, possibly adding a 4th charge(or quadrupling the damage) when it levels up to Mark II at level 46.

- If that won't do, then I'd say replace the skill entirely. This was originally added to replace Paralyzing Strike so i just assume you have other ideas for skills, and i'd love to see something that is more exciting and fun to use that really compliments Brigand's kit."
What we got is a mild increase to Mark's damage. Mark level II went from 70 to 77. I can't stress enough what i stated in the first sentence quoted above. This ability is way undertuned if it expects to exist in Brigand's arsenal at al. The worst part is the 2 second cast time to deal damage equal to 1 auto attack. I've discussed it with 3 other brigands in the 30s and 40s and we are all on the same page about it.

My suggestions above remain the same. :)
Dual Wield: increased ability off-hand weapon contribution for different weapon types (10% is the current live value for all weapons)
  • Hatchet --> 20%
  • Dagger --> 25%
  • Sword --> 30%
  • Knuckles --> 35%
I believe you want to swap the values for Dagger and Swords here.

Also Knuckles should probably get a 40% bump. Their dice rolls are so low. Another suggestion could be to put them right in line with daggers and just be a nice aesthetic difference.
I believe you want to swap the values for Dagger and Swords here.

Also Knuckles should probably get a 40% bump. Their dice rolls are so low. Another suggestion could be to put them right in line with daggers and just be a nice aesthetic difference.
This is very intentional. This isn't just about adjusting the DPS on a single ability but taking it all in as a whole.
undone did you also read my post on the Halt stuff with respect to the proxy changes while rooted? I really is making the skill un-useable in close quarter combat as it was stated it was intended for. Anyway to get halt moved back to a sleep/stun or address this?
undone did you also read my post on the Halt stuff with respect to the proxy changes while rooted? I really is making the skill un-useable in close quarter combat as it was stated it was intended for. Anyway to get halt moved back to a sleep/stun or address this?
No. Halt is not a sleep nor a stun. Halt is a root which means that NPCs are still conscious and can continue to perform actions with their arms. This may make it more difficult to employ in close quarters but it is still perfectly feasible with good coordination.
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This is very intentional. This isn't just about adjusting the DPS on a single ability but taking it all in as a whole.
I could understand if auto attacks weren't paused but the sword and dagger swap comment definitely looks like a mistake? I'm completely basing it on speed and it makes sense if Hatchets got the lowest increase because theyre the slowest, but next fastest is swords, then daggers, but swords gets the higher bump?
I could understand if auto attacks weren't paused but the sword and dagger swap comment definitely looks like a mistake? I'm completely basing it on speed and it makes sense if Hatchets got the lowest increase because theyre the slowest, but next fastest is swords, then daggers, but swords gets the higher bump?
I had the same initial reaction but @AdricLives can go more in depth as to why. At the end of the day they are all getting a buff and that's the most important thing. We are trying to avoid homogenizing the weaponry because then the choice really would just come down to visuals.
No. Halt is not a sleep nor a stun. Halt is a root which means that NPCs are still conscious and can continue to perform actions with their arms. This may make it more difficult to employ in close quarters but it is still perfectly feasible with good coordination.
I know it is currently a root. I put a post up about the proxy aggro changes. under the old QA CC stuff. with direct feedback and the issues we are running into. Mobs with large hit boxes that are halted in group immediately now turn and kill the ops or healer in range whoever is closer. Coordination is one thing, immediate death to squishy people is another entirely different. Skill is now off my bar most of the time as it is un-useable in many group situations.
I know it is currently a root. I put a post up about the proxy aggro changes. under the old QA CC stuff. with direct feedback and the issues we are running into. Mobs with large hit boxes that are halted in group immediately now turn and kill the ops or healer in range whoever is closer. Coordination is one thing, immediate death to squishy people is another entirely different. Skill is now off my bar most of the time as it is un-useable in many group situations.
If there is an issue with visibility of the overhead icon and players recognizing that something is halted then we can address that. We also tend not to put large hit box NPCs in tight spaces so I would imagine these larger NPCs would give you a bit more room to maneuver. Regardless of size, NPCs prioritize the highest threat that they can reach so if the mob is one shotting your healer when halt is applied it sounds like whoever has primary threat (if it is not already your healer) is not standing close enough to the mob at the time of the halt application.
"highest threat they can reach" range on halt is 5m, if the marshal has initial aggro then uses halt on a pack while DPS are attacking the original mob the newly rooted ones do not remain on the tank which is less than 5 meters away they immediately turn and kill the DPS player because they are 2 meters away. If a healer happens to be on the other side of the mobs that were just Halted they too are now dead even thou the marshal that originally casted and had threat is less than 5 meters away. The skill is simply not useable in current form. Proxy aggro overrides any threat you may have.
"highest threat they can reach" range on halt is 5m, if the marshal has initial aggro then uses halt on a pack while DPS are attacking the original mob the newly rooted ones do not remain on the tank which is less than 5 meters away they immediately turn and kill the DPS player because they are 2 meters away. If a healer happens to be on the other side of the mobs that were just Halted they too are now dead even thou the marshal that originally casted and had threat is less than 5 meters away. The skill is simply not useable in current form. Proxy aggro overrides any threat you may have.
NPCs evaluate threat based on who they can reach while rooted - so yes, if you place yourself out of reach for an NPC while you have threat and someone else can be reached that person will be the NPCs new target. I fully understand your concerns but from your descriptions it sounds like all of them could be mitigated by better group coordination regarding positioning, timing, and the like. While I appreciate your feedback regarding this change we have no intentions of reverting it; your strategies for using it will simply have to adapt.
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NPCs evaluate threat based on who they can reach while rooted - so yes, if you place yourself out of reach for an NPC while you have threat and someone else can be reached that person will be the NPCs new target. I fully understand your concerns but from your descriptions it sounds like all of them could be mitigated by better group coordination regarding positioning, timing, and the like. While I appreciate your feedback regarding this change we have no intentions of reverting it; your strategies for using it will simply have to adapt.
Not a problem I am already planning a re-roll to Knight from Marshal. Jugg and Marshal are severely lacking vs a Knight as a tank in every way. The recent changes to halt solidify that opinion. The illusion of choice is only an illusion if there is one very clear victor in every regard. Poor design
Not a problem I am already planning a re-roll to Knight from Marshal. Jugg and Marshal are severely lacking vs a Knight as a tank in every way. The recent changes to halt solidify that opinion. The illusion of choice is only an illusion if there is one very clear victor in every regard. Poor design
A player refusing to adapt their strategy to account for changes is somehow poor design on our part? If you genuinely see it that way then I don't think there's much I can do to rectify the situation. Either way I appreciate you continuing to take the time to bring up concerns and keeping things civil.
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A player refusing to adapt their strategy to account for changes is somehow poor design on our part? If you genuinely see it that way then I don't think there's much I can do to rectify the situation. Either way I appreciate you continuing to take the time to bring up concerns and keeping things civil.
I am 100pct willing to adapt to the skill changes implemented however. The skill falls way short of what it should to be currently. The combat speed of this game with respect to skills, threat, aggro transfer, number of available skills is relatively low and slow. To force gameplay which requires perfectly coordinated timing of a full group within a small radius without consideration of many other factors, not the least of which is the lack of threat modifiers on marshal skills and you just have to wonder how the use of the skill after changes is possible. It is not that the skill is impossible to use, it is just that it is more than a pain in the ass to use and not worth the effort. The skill was gutted to put it simply. We can barely put together any group in the 30+ range regardless of player skill or class due to lack of population. Now we are expected to do some type of instant mass coordination to simply use a root skill? Now we are adding additional offhand damage to striker skills without adding more aggro to tanks. Wonderful it was already difficult to keep aggro this should be fun. My feedback simply comes that the tools being given do not match up. The only skills a marshal have with a threat modifier on them is threatening strike which is a low level all defender ability and sweep which if used around CC will break CC. Then we also have provoke which also is a basic defender ability on a relatively longer timer if we consider a multiple mob pull to try to gain aggro.

Make the content difficult. Many of us are all for it. But give us the tools to make it possible. Even if that means a much higher player skill cap.