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Lags despite very low settings


New Member
Hello all,

first of all, yes I know what a stress test is for^^
The thread is supposed to be for the developers to get feedback.
Have now tried everything in the settings from low to full and still runs my graphics card almost continuously at 100%.
Here is my system :

AMD Ryzen 3700x
Sapphire 5700 8 GB GDDR6
32 GB G-Skill Ripshaws
Windows 10 64bit
M2 - SSD 1 TB

Hope this helps you. If there is anything else just let me know :)
Hello all,

first of all, yes I know what a stress test is for^^
The thread is supposed to be for the developers to get feedback.
Have now tried everything in the settings from low to full and still runs my graphics card almost continuously at 100%.
Here is my system :

AMD Ryzen 3700x
Sapphire 5700 8 GB GDDR6
32 GB G-Skill Ripshaws
Windows 10 64bit
M2 - SSD 1 TB

Hope this helps you. If there is anything else just let me know :)
Did you set the fps limiter to 30fps by chance? And is this only lag near others or just in general?
Had them on 30 on 60 and unlimited. All the same.very strong lags had with players. When I was alone I also still had some but very small
Thank you very much for :
1. testing the game
2. reporting your issues

I can not help you personally (unfotunately) but I hope some fixes/some solutions are coming soon. Take care!