Our next stress tests are scheduled for:
What's new?
Welcome to June! A lot of back end work was done this week to support upcoming changes (see WIP section). However, we were able to sneak in a number of bug fixes, QoL updates, and minor design improvements for your enjoyment.
REMINDER: the servers will be open for 4hrs Wednesday evening. The servers will open again on Friday @ 12pm central and close on Tuesday at 12pm central. See events in Discord for timezone translations.
Bug fixes / improvements:
Ember Monoliths
Strange new monolithic structures have started appearing throughout the world. It is rumored that they are all somehow connected to each other; some even claim to have found a way to manipulate the energy to their benefit...
In this week's build ember monoliths are now discoverable points of interest. Each zone has a single monolith; once you have discovered 2 or more you can use them as a means of fast travel. Simply right click on them and select your destination from the context menu.
Some things to keep in mind for the future regarding the monoliths:
Works in progress:
As mentioned in previous patch notes we are in the midst of cleaning up player stats. This includes resists, damage, hit, penetration, etc. The goal of this cleanup is to make adding/removing/modifying stats less of a pain in the future, along with cleaning up some of the odd complexities with ability stacking, resists, etc. The code for this consolidation is 90% of the way there. The remaining tasks are fixing up the stat UI, migrating the data to the new system, and validating the migration. Ideally this will be ready for next week. The new layout of stats reduces a lot of complexity on the backend which should make things a bit easier on Adric and more clear for the player.
Guilds (timeline: 1-2 weeks)
For the past month or so @sand32 has been hard at work on adding guild functionality to the game. This includes creation/disbanding, inviting, roles, role permissions, and chat channels. This is nearing completion and ideally you should see it within the next 1 to 2 weeks.
Crafting Updates (timeline: 2-3 weeks)
Adric has started working on some of the design tasks for crafting improvements, and hopefully this week I can start working on some of the minor tech tasks. The current changes we are aiming for are:
Reagent Upgrade System (timeline: after the above tasks)
Ember essence collection and spending is on the list of things to do SOON, but is taking a back seat until we can iron out crafting, Unity 2021, the above mentioned stat consolidation, and reorganizing and prepping of the new dungeons. The first step for getting this in will be allowing you to collect ember essence. Now that we have something for you to spend it on (see above regarding the monoliths) there is more of a reason to get this in the game.
Unity 2021 upgrade
We are nearing the point of finalizing our move to Unity 2021. Before we can make the switch official however, I need to update the server build to Unity 2021. This itself comes with a few challenges as getting our server build machine up to date is not straight forward. I will spare you the details, but I am hoping to get a 2021 server build out for the weekend to make sure nothing terrible happens. The whole process should be transparent for you, but either way I'll let you all know!
Known Issues:
Wed. June 1st @ 8pm central
(Thurs. June 2nd @ 1am UTC)
The developers will meet in Discord and test for approximately one hour. However, the servers will remain open for roughly 4 hours. The most up-to-date client can be retrieved via the patcher found on your account page.(Thurs. June 2nd @ 1am UTC)
What's new?
Welcome to June! A lot of back end work was done this week to support upcoming changes (see WIP section). However, we were able to sneak in a number of bug fixes, QoL updates, and minor design improvements for your enjoyment.
REMINDER: the servers will be open for 4hrs Wednesday evening. The servers will open again on Friday @ 12pm central and close on Tuesday at 12pm central. See events in Discord for timezone translations.
Bug fixes / improvements:
- Redshore:
- Tagged wooden bridges as wood so they play the proper footstep audio
- Rebaking Nav Mesh to fix issues in the North Eastern corner.
- Adjusting large tree colliders to more appropriately represent the geometry.
- Adjusting tree collider layers so they no longer block your camera
- Fixing environment bugs
- Fixing lighting bugs
- Adjusting borders. Swimming to the edge should no longer teleport you to the default spawn point.
- Tech
- Movement via holding left & right mouse buttons now prevents auto-afk.
- Reducing the maximum foot rotation angle for humanoids. This should reduce ankle breakage at the cost of feet not being entirely aligned with the slope.
- The sun should now rise in the East and set in the West.
- Adding triggered effects to tooltips. Tooltips improvements are moving up the priority list!
- Reducing the "max job count" to 75% of your CPU count (previously this was 100%). This should result on less stress on your CPU with minimal performance impact. However, let me know if you notice any significant difference in performance from last week.
- UI:
- Adding Redshore to the LFG/LFM tags
- POIs on the map can now "highlight" when you are near them. This mostly applies to Ember Rings for now, but will expand in the future.
- Slightly increasing the size of the loot roll window which should provide more space between the need/greed/pass options.
- Design:
- Rebaking nav mesh in Meadowlands to fix some issues in the spider area.
- Respawn rate reduced in Meadowlands spider cave
- Rallying Call now stacks with Focusing Chant
- Ant Hill loot tables updated past level 30
- Terrors of War reduced stamina cost
- Updated skill descriptions for always triggering effects like Follow Through and Serration
- Added progression tiers for Fury, Follow Through, Viper Toxins, Serration, Quillback Spines, Acid Strike, and Sharpen Edge
- Increase cost of higher level smelling salts.
- Updated role and specialization bonuses. Defenders now get an increase to out of combat health regen.
- 1H Weapons have quicker delays
- Follow Through proc damage reduced.
Ember Monoliths
Strange new monolithic structures have started appearing throughout the world. It is rumored that they are all somehow connected to each other; some even claim to have found a way to manipulate the energy to their benefit...

In this week's build ember monoliths are now discoverable points of interest. Each zone has a single monolith; once you have discovered 2 or more you can use them as a means of fast travel. Simply right click on them and select your destination from the context menu.
Some things to keep in mind for the future regarding the monoliths:
- Locations are a first draft. They may be moved in the future.
- Locations are not necessarily "safe" and may have dangerous creatures around them. Nearby spawns will likely be adjusted.
- They are currently free to use. Be aware however, that we fully intend to add an ember essence cost when that system comes online. These costs will likely be proportional to the distance between them (i.e. South Newhaven --> Redshore would be more expensive than Dryfoot --> Redshore).
- Context menu text is still a WIP
Works in progress:
- Zones: 3x additional overland zones have had an initial art pass completed
- Grizzled Peaks - accessed via Highlands, Redshore, and Gorge. Mountainous region with a number of tunnels. High level range (40-50). Has a one-way exit to Newhaven North. This is the snow capped mountains you can see from Redshore.
- Highlands - accessed via Meadowlands. Hilly region with sparse vegetation and water features. Mid level range (approx 30-40, likely to come after Redshore and Grizzled)
- Gorge - accessed via Dryfoot. Large canyon-like area. Mid level range (approx 30-40, likely to come after Redshore and Grizzled)
- Dungeons: All of central veins has been delivered from the art team and is now awaiting integration into the game. This includes the starter dungeon currently found in S. Newhaven, and a larger more difficult area for N. Newhaven. Spawning tech for dungeons is mostly complete so we just have to iron out the details in the spawning workflow. Will likely need to reorganize all of the dungeon prefabs for easier usage moving forward. Will likely start this soon.
- NPCs: fully custom Bear, Elk, and Spider models are complete and integrated into the game. Spider is currently the only one implemented; elk & bear will come soon. Ashen creature varieties have also been integrated into the game but are not yet populating the world.
- Quests: a number of quests are in the queue for implementation/testing. Quest data structure and likely needs a refactor.
- Tech: npc improvements, npc merchants.
- UI: quest dialog redesign, tooltip improvements
- New clothing & armor is still in the works.
As mentioned in previous patch notes we are in the midst of cleaning up player stats. This includes resists, damage, hit, penetration, etc. The goal of this cleanup is to make adding/removing/modifying stats less of a pain in the future, along with cleaning up some of the odd complexities with ability stacking, resists, etc. The code for this consolidation is 90% of the way there. The remaining tasks are fixing up the stat UI, migrating the data to the new system, and validating the migration. Ideally this will be ready for next week. The new layout of stats reduces a lot of complexity on the backend which should make things a bit easier on Adric and more clear for the player.
Guilds (timeline: 1-2 weeks)
For the past month or so @sand32 has been hard at work on adding guild functionality to the game. This includes creation/disbanding, inviting, roles, role permissions, and chat channels. This is nearing completion and ideally you should see it within the next 1 to 2 weeks.
Crafting Updates (timeline: 2-3 weeks)
Adric has started working on some of the design tasks for crafting improvements, and hopefully this week I can start working on some of the minor tech tasks. The current changes we are aiming for are:
- improve progression by unlocking recipes as you level up rather than giving them all to you right away. this can have the added side effect of not giving you a bunch of gear to wear at low levels when you maybe cannot equip it all due to armor weight limitations.
- add an augment system for equipables
- loosely tie crafting level to adventuring level
- make some equipment slots only obtainable via crafting, and some only obtainable via adventuring (at least during the early levels, this may change at higher levels)
- if the we implement the above point, then we can bring regular crafted gear (no flux) back up to par with common drops. the issue has always been crafting stepping on adventurer's toes and vice versa - so by segregating the slots (again, at least at early levels) then we can avoid this and allow non-flux crafted goods to be roughly equivalent to dropped gear.
- make the experience of a craft proportional to the number of materials required to craft it
- increase the number of materials required for some items (which would also increase the xp gain)
- re-evaluate the role of "quality" in the make of an item - this will likely be converted to only impact the durability.
Reagent Upgrade System (timeline: after the above tasks)
Ember essence collection and spending is on the list of things to do SOON, but is taking a back seat until we can iron out crafting, Unity 2021, the above mentioned stat consolidation, and reorganizing and prepping of the new dungeons. The first step for getting this in will be allowing you to collect ember essence. Now that we have something for you to spend it on (see above regarding the monoliths) there is more of a reason to get this in the game.
Unity 2021 upgrade
We are nearing the point of finalizing our move to Unity 2021. Before we can make the switch official however, I need to update the server build to Unity 2021. This itself comes with a few challenges as getting our server build machine up to date is not straight forward. I will spare you the details, but I am hoping to get a 2021 server build out for the weekend to make sure nothing terrible happens. The whole process should be transparent for you, but either way I'll let you all know!
Known Issues:
- Terrain textures have a bit too much tiling. This will be resolved when we finalize our move to Unity 2021
- 2x lights in a redshore cave have artifacts when volumetrics are enabled. Actively trying to fix this.
- Character creation & editing camera on Apple Silicon MacOS is bugged. I isolated the issue and submitted a bug report with Unity.
- Not all ember rings and/or POIs are proper map discoveries. This is especially true in Dryfoot, Dryfoot Stronghold, and Redshore. Discoveries and map uncovering is a WIP and will be revisited soon.
- Redshore has no map
- Ember Monoliths do not have POI icons on the map.
- Deconstructing crafted items returns junk 100% of the time.
- cannot roll on loot while unconscious
- not all clothing/armor has visuals
- Dragging a group-nameplate in the group window will set the wrong pivot point for the group window and the whole thing will drag a bit weird.
- typing chat text may occasionally become invisible. unfocus your chat window and trying again a few times typically resolves this.
- Sometimes when you respawn you don't end up at the proper Ember Ring --> if this happens please report the position where you died via the "/report" command or "/debugposition" (if using debugposition you'll need to paste the value here)
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