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Embers Adrift

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LIVE January 31st; what's new?


Stormhaven Studios
What's new?
This week brings a few UI updates, dynamic threat scaling, and a new Ember Vein.

Bug fixes / improvements:
  • Tech
    • Defender threat role bonus now applies to threat-only abilities such as Provoke.
    • You no longer stand up if hit by a DOT's tick.
  • Environment / Art
    • Fixed rendering issue with the water in Newhaven City on MacOS.
  • UI:
    • Added lock buttons to the Roll, Blacksmith, and Merchant windows.
    • Coloring active defenses in the combat log green.
    • Updating parry and block tooltips.
  • Design:
    • Increasing base parry damage mitigation value
    • Normalized rare spawn rates for Redshore Ridge
    • Increased Riposte damage and threat
    • Added Ashen Quillbacks
    • Added a 2nd reagent to Quillbacks, Raccoons and Ravens
    • Added threat modifiers to shields
    • New inhabitants appear to be leaking out onto the beach in Redshore.
    • Rat Nest rats are now 0 chevron rats.
    • +Heal stat now only impacts actual healing abilities.
New stuff:
Exit Delay
A number of people have been taking advantage of our good will by exploiting the instant exit feature of our game to get around aggro. Because of this a delay has been added to exit the game. Attempting to exit the game will force your character to sit for this delay; which can be cancelled by standing. There are a few exceptions to this rule - the delay timings are as follows:
  • In the city = no delay
  • At an ember ring and NOT in combat = no delay
  • At an ember ring and IN combat = 10s delay
  • Not at an ember ring (combat/no combat) = 20s delay
Dice Modifiers on Crafted Weapons
We've gone through a few balance iterations for the the dice modifier to crafted weapons. This modifier is the ability to go from say a 1d4+2 to a 1d4+6 with certain crafting materials. Unfortunately, weapons at higher levels and of lower delays were close enough to one another in dice modifier that crafted weapons were far exceeding dropped items. This resulted in rare weapon finds feeling worthless and difficult to balance. For the time being, the crafting dice modifier bonus has been replaced with a +Haste bonus. We are actively working to raise up the lvl 30-50 weapon tier gaps to have more room for things like dice modifiers to return on imbued weapons at a future date. But we felt that addressing the imbalance of these items was important enough to address on its own.

Ashen Updates
Ashen creatures have gotten a slight update this patch. Previously, Ashens would "scale down" (2^ to 1^ for example) when spawned and have a blank aggro table. They will no longer scale down (i.e. 2 chevrons will remain 2 chevrons) but will instead spawn at half health. In addition to this change, all targets from their progenitor will be inherited with their threat reset. This means that the ashen will know all of its previous targets but your position on the threat list will be reset.

New Ember Drift
A new high level (45+) Ember Drift has been spotted in Redshore Ridge!

Threat Scaling
New tech has been implemented that allows for a dynamic threat bonus on Provoke, Roar, and Fading Strike. The purpose of this tech is to allow the players to more effectively "close the gap" between themselves and another player on the threat list.

For Provoke and Roar this bonus only applies if you are not on the top of the NPC's threat list; the bonus threat value is proportional to the difference between the top threat and your threat. For Fading Strike this works in the opposite direction: you get a negative threat bonus if you are at the top of the threat list; the negative threat bonus is proportional to the difference between your threat and the next highest person on the threat list.

Works in progress:
To see a full list of what is currently in progress head on over to this thread. I will do my best to update this list on a weekly basis and highlight the differences from the previous week with bold font. Note that what is listed here and in the linked post is not necessarily everything that is currently in progress. Below I will highlight some of the upcoming changes in more detail.

Dueling (1 week)
Have you ever wanted to duel someone in our game? Soon you can! Although, you will be dueling with dice not weapons...
More info to come next week!

QA Server (1-2 weeks)
Our new QA server is up and running internally. There are a few more kinks to work out but we should be able to get this going within the next week or two.

Quests (1-3 weeks)
A number of new quests are currently in testing on QA and will be launched soon (TM).

Patch Size (ongoing)
Improving the patch sizes is still being worked on. But given that this has zero gameplay implications it has taken a back seat to other design and tech related tasks.

Known Issues:
  • Resource nodes may occasionally tell you "invalid target". This means that your client thinks a resource node is there but the server does not. We are still investigating the cause of this.
  • Occasionally a loot roll may be skipped entirely and a carcass will be given. When this happens please provide any relevant details as we are still trying to track this one down.
  • Deconstructing crafted items returns junk 100% of the time.
  • Not all clothing/armor has visuals
  • Dragging a group-nameplate in the group window will set the wrong pivot point for the group window and the whole thing will drag a bit weird.
  • Typing chat text may occasionally become invisible. Unfocus your chat window and trying again a few times typically resolves this.
  • Sometimes when you respawn you don't end up at the proper Hallow --> if this happens please report the position where you died via the "/report" command or "/debugposition" (if using debugposition you'll need to paste the value here)
  • MacOS:
    • Zooming the camera while holding the right mouse button can cause your chat window to scroll. This is not intended behavior.
    • At some camera angles the sun may go dark. This should not happen frequently but is readily reproducible at some locations. Investigating a fix.
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Exit Delay
A number of people have been taking advantage of our good will by exploiting the instant exit feature of our game to get around aggro. Because of this a delay has been added to exit the game. Attempting to exit the game will force your character to sit for this delay; which can be cancelled by standing. There are a few exceptions to this rule - the delay timings are as follows:
  • In the city = no delay
  • At an ember ring and NOT in combat = no delay
  • At an ember ring and IN combat = 10s delay
  • Not at an ember ring (combat/no combat) = 20s delay
While this change is fair, it punishes players who dont have a good way to get back to their bags without a 1 hour rerun of a dungeon. You've placed some ember rings in the middle of dungeons but no respawn ability. I try not to use this instant log off myself, but in certain dungeons, it is needed to avoid party wipes that will cause you to be unable to respawn anywhere near your bag. Can we get a respawn at some of these halfway ember fires?
Amazing patch, can't wait to test it out.

The threat and polearm changes were much needed!


While this change is fair, it punishes players who dont have a good way to get back to their bags without a 1 hour rerun of a dungeon. You've placed some ember rings in the middle of dungeons but no respawn ability. I try not to use this instant log off myself, but in certain dungeons, it is needed to avoid party wipes that will cause you to be unable to respawn anywhere near your bag. Can we get a respawn at some of these halfway ember fires?
Back in Everquest, we had to clear back to our corpses and retrieve them. I think that is the idea here.
Adding more risk will require more planning, which is great. I've been in groups that relied too heavily on the quick-logout option instead of balancing the group or moving slower and with more communication.
Dice Modifiers on Crafted Weapons
We've gone through a few balance iterations for the the dice modifier to crafted weapons. This modifier is the ability to go from say a 1d4+2 to a 1d4+6 with certain crafting materials. Unfortunately, weapons at higher levels and of lower delays were close enough to one another in dice modifier that crafted weapons were far exceeding dropped items. This resulted in rare weapon finds feeling worthless and difficult to balance. For the time being, the crafting dice modifier bonus has been replaced with a +Haste bonus. We are actively working to raise up the lvl 30-50 weapon tier gaps to have more room for things like dice modifiers to return on imbued weapons at a future date. But we felt that addressing the imbalance of these items was important enough to address on its own.
crafted gear should be comparable to BIS if this is not the case then crafting becomes obsolete . ideally boss gear should also be BOP and crafted BIE. if they are comparable so that say damage is maybe the same but the modifers are different so you have a choice / another idea would be to have boss gear be for 1 or 2 classes and the other are crafted gear . If BIS is boss gear which is essentially free then players will not pay for crafted gear they has to be a reason for people to want crafted gear .
crafted gear should be comparable to BIS if this is not the case then crafting becomes obsolete . ideally boss gear should also be BOP and crafted BIE. if they are comparable so that say damage is maybe the same but the modifers are different so you have a choice / another idea would be to have boss gear be for 1 or 2 classes and the other are crafted gear . If BIS is boss gear which is essentially free then players will not pay for crafted gear they has to be a reason for people to want crafted gear .
Sorry but what is BIE apart from a Ghanan term for sex and apparently biggest idiot ever (that's what google gave me).
Does BIE mean Bound to account in some way, or not bound at all?

I thought the idea of crafted gear was to get you a ticket in the game, i.e. to help you have adequate gear that meant you could assist your group in hunting the BIS rare drops.
But perhaps I'm simplifying it and rare and best crafted gear should be like a DNA strand, with both branches sometimes being dominant depending on a host of other factors.

If you get boss gear that's suitable for only one of the holy trinity and is augmentable to soulbound then you have a choice to make.
Do you soulbind it for better stats or keep it tradeable with lesser stats.
I like choice.

At first glance the patch notes look excellent, and dice duelling a week away, that's a very nice surprise.
I sense a tournament in the near future.
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If we get dice duels can I actually get a cup in my hand? I want to experience a real tavern in a mmo like you would in d&d. Looking forward to some serious questing. Loving the game.
@Undone Was the reset of our Settings deliberate? I'm tired of unexpected resets (not all caused by Ember's updates) and the time it takes to customise everything again.
If we get dice duels can I actually get a cup in my hand? I want to experience a real tavern in a mmo like you would in d&d. Looking forward to some serious questing. Loving the game.
Don'y get your hopes up too much. :D
@Undone Was the reset of our Settings deliberate? I'm tired of unexpected resets (not all caused by Ember's updates) and the time it takes to customise everything again.
If your settings were reset that is not from us. We did not reset any settings this patch. None of my local clients experienced a reset either.
crafted gear should be comparable to BIS if this is not the case then crafting becomes obsolete . ideally boss gear should also be BOP and crafted BIE. if they are comparable so that say damage is maybe the same but the modifers are different so you have a choice / another idea would be to have boss gear be for 1 or 2 classes and the other are crafted gear . If BIS is boss gear which is essentially free then players will not pay for crafted gear they has to be a reason for people to want crafted gear .
No one pays for crafted gear already so that argument is invalid, crafted gear should not be BIS, its MUCH easier to get then a named drop and the stats should reflect that. However to avoid backlash I think the named drops should have been buffed and the crafted kept the same so people would qq less and simply be more enticed to go out and camp/farm named mobs a bit more. the second part of this is still going to happen but the crying over crafted gear is still there.