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Introduce yourself


Stormhaven Studios

Let's have fun! Let's get to know each other and warmly welcome each others. For OGs, it's always nice to introduce yourself again for all the new and returning members ;)
Feel free to use this form or another!


IRL Location:
First language:
year of birth:

How did you ended on this forum?:

What interest you most about Embers Adrift?

Significant other?
Astral Sign
Favourite MMORPG
Favourite role/class in MMORPG
Favourite activity in MMORPG
Horde or Alliance?
Starwars or StarTrek?
GoT or The Walking Dead
dwarfs or elves?
Beer or water?
Pineapple on pizza?

What will you play in Embers Adrift?

Nickname: Tinker
IRL Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
First language: Scots
year of birth: cant remember

How did you end up on this forum?: Alpha tester since 2020

What interests you most about Embers Adrift? Top of the list is group play and exploring a massive and beautiful world

Kids? Grown up and grandkids too
Pets? Poppy the Visla (half puppy, half monkey)
Significant other? For over 40 years
Astral Sign. Whats that?
Favourite role/class in MMORPG CC/Enchanter Druid/Shaman Ranger/Hunter
Favourite activity in MMORPG Definitely exploring, followed by dungeon crawling
Horde or Alliance? HORDE!!!!!!!!
Starwars or StarTrek? Gotta be StarWars
GoT or The Walking Dead I fell in love with Danerys
dwarfs or elves? No contest. Dwarves.
Beer or water? Hmmm. Is scotch beer, or water?
Pineapple on pizza? Does that go with anchovies?

What will you play in Embers Adrift? Striker/Archer

Nickname: Adric, AdricLives
IRL Location: New Hampshire
First language: English
year of birth: 1985

How did you ended on this forum?:

Been following the game for a long time, found a great community of people who enjoy going on adventures

What interest you most about Embers Adrift?

The tabletop and group focused gameplay, going on adventures with friends.

Kids? Daughter
Pets? Cat and dog
Significant other? Yes
Astral Sign: Fish
Favourite MMORPG: Everquest (but really any that have family/friends to play with)
Favourite role/class in MMORPG: Tank/Support
Favourite activity in MMORPG: Adventuring/Exploration
Horde or Alliance? Alliance
Starwars or StarTrek? StarTrek
GoT or The Walking Dead? GoT
dwarfs or elves? Dwarves
Beer or water? Water
Pineapple on pizza? No.

What will you play in Embers Adrift? Leader/Controller/Tank

Nickname: Korvre
IRL Location: Texas
First language: English
year of birth: 1984

How did you ended on this forum?: Alpha tester

What interest you most about Embers Adrift?

Exploring a new world with friends

Kids? First on the way
Pets? 2 dogs, 1 bearded dragon, 2 frogs
Significant other? Wife
Astral Sign - Leo
Favourite MMORPG - FFXI, FFXIV, Tabula Rasa, Star Wars Galaxies
Favourite role/class in MMORPG - Heals or Tank
Favourite activity in MMORPG - Fishing, Crafting and Exploring
Horde or Alliance?
Starwars or StarTrek? Wars please
GoT or The Walking Dead - Something with a better ending
dwarfs or elves? Dwarf
Beer or water? Beer
Pineapple on pizza? Pineapple & Pepperoni

What will you play in Embers Adrift? Heals/Tank
Nickname: Dalton
IRL Location: New England
First language: English

How did you ended on this forum?:
Followed the game for a few years, first saw probably on MassivelyOP.

What interest you most about Embers Adrift?
Group focused content and dungeons with friends.

Kids? Nope
Pets? Yes (2 cats)
Significant other? Yes
Favourite MMORPG: WoW pre-Cata
Favourite role/class in MMORPG: Healer
Favourite activity in MMORPG: Fishing
Horde or Alliance? Alliance
Starwars or StarTrek? Star Trek (I liked Enterprise)
GoT or The Walking Dead: Neither. Futurama or 30 Rock haha
dwarfs or elves? Dwarf
Beer or water? Water
Pineapple on pizza? Never.

What will you play in Embers Adrift?
Healer class that can also do some buffing.
Nickname: Kestral
IRL Location: Houston, TX
First language: English
Year of birth: 1970…yeah, I’m old

How did you end up on this forum?: I am always looking for an EQ replacement and jumped in to SoL last year to see if it would scratch that itch. Obviously I have migrated here so that answer is yes!

What interest you most about Embers Adrift? Group focused content that doesn’t hold your hand.

Kids? One of each
Kids? One of each
Pets? 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 lizards
Significant other? Yep, same one for 28 years
Astral Sign: Cthulhu
Favourite MMORPG: EQ, but there have been so many I have truly enjoyed.
Favourite role/class in MMORPG: leader/controller
Favourite activity in MMORPG: quests
Horde or Alliance? For the Horde!
Starwars or StarTrek? The Expanse.
GoT or The Walking Dead: GoT up until they surpassed the books.
dwarfs or elves? Gnomes
Beer or water? Whiskey
Pineapple on pizza? Yep! With pepperoni!

What will you play in Embers Adrift? I’ll try everything but I will likely be a support class.
What will you play in Embers Adrift? I’ll try everything but I will likely be a support class.

Nickname: Ravenwolf
IRL Location: The Milky Way, Orion Arm
First language: English
year of birth: War Era

How did you ended on this forum?: Installed New Patch...

What interest you most about Embers Adrift? Group Focus MMORPG

Significant other?
Astral Sign
Favourite MMORPG
Favourite role/class in MMORPG Healers, Casters or Range Support.
Favourite activity in MMORPG Exploring, with a dash of quests, gathering/harvesting (ores, wood/plants/animals), and adventuring.
Horde or Alliance? Neither
Starwars or StarTrek? Buck Rogers in the 25th Century & Firefly.
GoT or The Walking Dead What? CHiPs & He-Man 80s original version. What's the question?
dwarfs or elves? Both
Beer or water? Juice
Pineapple on pizza? Pan Pizza, yes.

What will you play in Embers Adrift? Not sure yet.

Nickname: Crypton or Fal - Short for Falstaff
IRL Location: Rhome Texas via Brooklyn NY
First language: English
year of birth: 1964

How did you ended on this forum?: Been following the game for quite a while now

What interest you most about Embers Adrift? The group oriented game style ...Lets get back to social gaming I think that's what I missed the most as games seemed to gradually move away from that concept.

Kids? No
Pets? 3 Dogs ...Longhaired German Shepherd 2 Mini Dachshunds
Significant other? Yes 33 years
Astral Sign: Scorpio
Favourite MMORPG: Everquest, Mortal Online, SWG hard to choose
Favourite role/class in MMORPG: Necromancer
Favourite activity in MMORPG: Raiding and grouping any form of social gaming
Horde or Alliance? No WOW
Starwars or StarTrek? Star Trek and its not even close :)
GoT or The Walking Dead: Neither ...Im a Deadwood Guy
dwarfs or elves? Elves
Beer or water? Water
Pineapple on pizza? Ask @Charlizd about pineapples I'm Italian so I'm a purist about my Pizza

What will you play in Embers Adrift? Not sure yet ...Possibly a tank class
Nickname: Ariatras
IRL Location: Netherlands
First language: English, Dutch
year of birth: 1988

How did you end on this forum?: I came here from the old name of the game, which I found when doing my yearly search for a real mmo

What interest you most about Embers Adrift? The return to the roots of the genre. The old ways with more modern graphics and smoother animations.

Kids? None
Pets? Dog and a cat
Significant other? At the time of writing this, no.
Astral Sign Capricorn
Favourite MMORPG: I have not played many. I have played World of Warcraft since the start. So by pure hours, I'd have to go with WoW
Favourite role/class in MMORPG Generally a mobile ranged character
Favourite activity in MMORPG Roleplaying, social acitivities
Horde or Alliance? For the Horde!
Starwars or StarTrek? Both! Though Star Trek would win out if I had to pick one
GoT or The Walking Dead: Both and neither. Both started out good, but became meh
dwarfs or elves? Elves
Beer or water? Depends on context :p Water most of the time, beer during a social gathering and at least two days to recover :p
Pineapple on pizza? Hell no.

What will you play in Embers Adrift? That depends on the type of things the "classes" can do.
Name: Petter
Nickname: SirOwe, Istanin, Thrukhar, The Great DekuTree
IRL Location: Sweden
First language: Swedish
year of birth: 1984

How did you ended on this forum?: Was rallied here by Elloa, and have been folowing this project for some time but havent in a while and just got back to it.

What interest you most about Embers Adrift?: I really enjoy the not hold hand part, and the explore and do things in your own pace. Feels more RPG like and such. Would love to try it out eventually. (beta keys? *coughs*)

Kids: Yes, 2 kids and a grandchild
Pets?: does the kids count?
Significant others?: Yes
Astral Sign: Scorpio
Favourite MMORPG: Oh, I have most great memories from WOW WotLK exp and Lord of the rings online.
Favourite role/class in MMORPG: I like to feel usefull and sturdy so Tank is often my way to go. Lately i dont feel like I have the time to put it to have such a dominant role so i ususally end up with some class that is expendable instead.
Favourite activity in MMORPG: Dungeoning, group content is the best if you have some to play with.
Horde or Alliance? oh a tough one, but Horde to heart.
Starwars or StarTrek? Like them both, but StarWars probably wins in the long run.
GoT or The Walking Dead?: Havent seen any of them really. Something I should maybe?
dwarfs or elves? Elves, dwarfs are for tossing.
Beer or water? Dont lke beer so Water I guess.
Pineapple on pizza? Sure, dont think its amazing but i dont disslike it either.

What will you play in Embers Adrift?: I have no idea. Something tanky <3
Nickname: Juris
IRL Location: Charlotte, NC
First language: English
year of birth: It was a groovy time, baby!

How did you ended on this forum?: Looking for a game much like, well, this one.

What interest you most about Embers Adrift? Cooperation being emphasized. I'm a PvE type, heavy into crafting, exploring and gathering. PvP should have meaning (think DAoC) instead of just ganking.

Kids? Nope
Pets? Meow x2
Significant other? Yup, she's significant
Astral Sign Scorpio (and Dragon)
Favourite MMORPG EQ for PvE, DAoC for PvP
Favourite role/class in MMORPG Crafter, Ranger, Healer
Favourite activity in MMORPG Crafting, exploring, building
Horde or Alliance? Alliance
Starwars or StarTrek? Star Wars
GoT or The Walking Dead? I might watch GoT someday
dwarfs or elves? Dwarves for crafting, Elves for Rangers
Beer or water? Water (frozen) for putting in my Bailey's
Pineapple on pizza? Yes, with ham

What will you play in Embers Adrift? A little of everything until I find what works for me and whatever group I end up adopting.
Nickname: Duxn
IRL Location: Illinois
First language: English
year of birth: 66

How did you ended on this forum?: Searching for MMO

What interest you most about Embers Adrift? PVE

Kids? Nope
Pets? Pit
Significant other? Pit
Astral Sign Bull
Favourite MMORPG SWG
Favourite role/class in MMORPG Melee / Tank
Favourite activity in MMORPG Crafting / Exploring ? Grouping
Horde or Alliance? Alliance
Starwars or StarTrek? Star Wars
GoT or The Walking Dead Neither
dwarfs or elves? Elves
Beer or water? Water frozen with my Crown
Pineapple on pizza? No

What will you play in Embers Adrift? Not sure haven't seen classes so invite me to Beta :D

Nickname: Dj
IRL Location: United states virgin
First language: English
year of birth: 2002

How did you end on this forum?:
played the last game and its test

What interests you most about Embers Adrift?
The difficulty

Kids? Ha nope
Pets? Turtles ( i love them)
Significant other? (Ha )
Astral Sign Libra?
Favorite MMORPG I've never had one

Favorite role/class in MMORPG
Tank /healer ( or super damage )

Favorite activity in MMORPG

being with people
Horde or Alliance?

For the horde

Starwars or StarTrek?


GoT or The Walking Dead
both trash shows
dwarfs or elves?
Dwarfes baby
Beer or water?

Pineapple on pizza?
i refuse to answer this
Nickname: Publicly, none. But I personally like being called Inverse.
IRL Location: India
First language: I have learnt three languages since birth. I use English as much as I use Hindi or the the other regional language I know.
year of birth: 1998

How did you ended on this forum?: From MMORPG.com

What interest you most about Embers Adrift? ...to be honest? that it's an MMORPG. I just love the idea of MMORPGs, although I have yet to find a good one.

Kids? Nope
Pets? Nyet
Significant other? I get bored of things wayy too quickly, so never.
Astral Sign Aquarius
Favourite MMORPG As much as I love the idea of MMORPGs, as I said above, I like none. Although, I did briefly get addicted a mobile MMORPG named Toram Online (It's like the mobile version of Final fantasy but less boring)
Favourite role/class in MMORPG DPS
Favourite activity in MMORPG In Toram online, you could gather materials from monsters and make potions or craft equipment, there used to be like seasonal events where monster would drop seasonal materials which you could craft into season--- you get the point. I kinda fell in love with Crafting/Alchemy and grinding materials. But that was back in the day. Recently I tried FF and from my understanding it has similar mechanics but now I just couldn't bring myself to run around the map and grind that much. Hopefully its just a phase. Anyways, before I stray further, Onwards!
Horde or Alliance? Neither, I'm a lone wolf.
Starwars or StarTrek? Haven't watched either.
GoT or The Walking Dead Nope, haven't watched these either.
dwarfs or elves? Elves.
Beer or water? Water
Pineapple on pizza? This question shouldn't exi--- why am I even answering this ques- moving on.

What will you play in Embers Adrift? Uhh... Elemental DPS class or something... I don't know.
Letter of Introduction:

Nickname: Woe, fewer letters the better.
IRL Location: Wisconsin - I am considering teleporting out.
First language: English
year of birth: Waiting to find out.

How did you ended on this forum?: QAnon and Crypto research was sated. Crypto prices currently sideways. Researching 'PENDING' releases for mmorpgs. https://whatoplay.com/videos/upcoming-mmorpgs-2021

What interest you most about Embers Adrift? It is one of two prospects, that I am monitoring. Your narrative has appeal.

Kids? ?seriously?
Pets? Maybe, someday. I would have to feed it though.
Significant other? Maybe, someday. I would have to feed it though.
Astral Sign ?seriously? What is the lunar phase and astral constellation cycle during game launch?
Favourite MMORPG? EQ1 - I could always sort out another twist in the game for a daring do.
Favourite role/class in MMORPG? Wizard, Ranger or Enchanter.
Favourite activity in MMORPG? kiting, doing AE damage and traveling rapidly through bizarre sequences
Horde or Alliance? either
Starwars or StarTrek? either
GoT or The Walking Dead? GoT
dwarfs or elves? elves, more rare the better
Beer or water? water
Pineapple on pizza? pineapple

What will you play in Embers Adrift? fast footed dps, perhaps


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Nickname: real changeling
IRL Location: us
First language: english
year of birth:

How did you ended on this forum?: Searching for mmo's that are both sandbox and pve

What interest you most about Embers Adrift?: After trying several mmo's I found I like sandbox mmo's more than theme park mmo's, but i am not really a fan of competitive games (there's already too much competition in real life, not keen on doing more of it in free time), and most mmo's are either theme park, or highly competitive pvp, so a pve sandbox mmo is really interesting

Kids? no
Pets? no
Significant other? no
Astral Sign: not really
Favourite MMORPG: Planeshift
Favourite role/class in MMORPG: mages
Favourite activity in MMORPG: crafting or pve
Horde or Alliance? ?
Starwars or StarTrek? star wars
GoT or The Walking Dead: not really
dwarfs or elves? more alike than different
Beer or water? water
Pineapple on pizza? Don't know

What will you play in Embers Adrift? don't know yet
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Spitzname: Bloody
IRL-StandortDeutschland/NRW Castrop-Rauxel
Muttersprache Deutsch
Geburtsjahr: 1964

Wie bist du auf dieses Forum gekommen? :D Internet wo das Spiel noch den alten Namen hatte.

War interessiert Sie am meisten an Embers Adrift? Die neue Welt Erkunden,Berufe,usw ^^und wann die Test
in der Woche sind von den Uhrzeiten auch für Europäer Spielbar sind^^

Kinder? keine

Haustiere?Ja Franz.Bulldoge Name^^Manhattan

Bessere Hälfte? ja seit 27 Jahren und sie kann noch nicht mit dem besen fliegen.

Astralzeichen:Ein Fisch aber ob ich in ein Aquarium passe glaube ich nicht auch kein Guppy:)

Lieblings-MMORPG: Gothic, WOW, GW2 ,Starwars na ja Rift war auch ok.

Lieblingsrolle/-klasse im MMORPG :DDD-Caster am liebsten Jäger/Waldi oder Hexe/Nekro^^

Lieblingsaktivität im MMORPG: PVE Gebiete erkunden,Instanzen laufen, in einer Gilde mitarbeiten,Berufe leveln usw.

Horde oder Allianz? mag beide seiten gerne lag aber an den Rassen.

Starwars oder StarTrek? beides egal was davon läuft, früher gerne Buck Rogers -Kampfstern Galactica „Captain Future“ 1980 vom ZDF ausgestrahlt.

GoT oder The Walking Dead: Habe beide Serien gesuchtet die eine läuft ja noch,vieles was Amazon und Neflix bietet.

Zwerge oder Elfen? Zwerge,Gnome,horde die Dicke Muhkuh, Weibliche Elfen nur nackt und beim Tanzen am Brunnen:verwirrt:

Bier oder Wasser? Da Bier den grössten Teil aus Wasser besteht^^ mag ich selber lieber Jägermeister,Ouzo, Metaxa ,Honey-Rum^^

Ananas auf Pizza? Ich mag jede Pizza wichtig Doppelt Käse^^Gegenfrage: wieviel pizza sorten gibt es auf der Welt?

Was wirst du in Embers Adrift spielen? mhm da werde ich mich noch nicht festlegen, erstmal Testen.

PS: Huhu Elloa ich warte auf Deine Vorstellung hier:Hoppla:

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Nickname: Whanaopeo
IRL Location: Finland
First language: Finnish
year of birth: 1972

How did you ended on this forum?: Followed game when it was Saga of Lucimia, finally bought preorder this autumn and here I am!

What interest you most about Embers Adrift? Exploring the beautiful world for the first time, grouping up for stuff.

Kids? Yes, two boys.
Pets? Not at the moment.
Significant other? Yes, for over 20 years.
Astral Sign Aquarius
Favourite MMORPG LotRO, Vanguard, EQII, WoW Pre-Cata
Favourite role/class in MMORPG DPS Hunter/Ranger type
Favourite activity in MMORPG Questing, exploring, dungeon groups
Horde or Alliance? Horde!
Starwars or StarTrek? Star Wars
GoT or The Walking Dead: GoT
dwarfs or elves? Dwarves!
Beer or water? Beer
Pineapple on pizza? Sure sometimes but not always

What will you play in Embers Adrift? Striker probably
Thanks everyone for your introductions! This make me very happy! May you all be welcome inthe community!!