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New Member
I enjoy playing, but prefer to play exclusively as a healer, physical combat is not stimulating for me, and I also enjoy the relaxed, calm atmosphere with the possibility of socializing.
Thank you Beastman lvl.6 for touring with me the beautiful landscape.

If Healer role was exclusive no combat, gladly prepay annual subscription.
You need to get in a guild so you can have a regular group to run with. Most groups are more than happy to have a dedicated healer who is not wasting all their stamina trying to fight but holding it back for the healing that needs to be done. A dedicated healer is the difference between a successful and fun dungeon run and a group wipe.

I for one definitely appreciate the dedicated healers we have in game and play one myself. If you play in random groups which is fine as well, I have met some great people that way, then just let them know upfront you will be healing not fighting so if they see you standing there not attacking, they know you're not just running with the group to siphon exps. Most groups will have no problem with that especially when the big damage starts going down and you keep everyone alive.

Glad you're enjoying the game and welcome.
Also, one option is the Duelist (and mayube other classes). They can contribute to physical combat through ranged weapons with minimal APM/attention/focus investment; just auto attack and an ability or two with fairly long cooldowns. When I need to let my fingers rest I stop hopping in and out of combat and weapon swapping (while also healing) and just plunk away at dudes from a distance. Perfectly useful dps.