What's new?
This week is mostly bug fixes and minor updates. In addition, we will be doubling our server's memory to reduce the frequency in which we have to restart zones due to the current memory leaks. These hardware upgrades will cause extended server downtimes but I'll do my best to keep you informed.
This month will also bring some much needed R&R to the team. A number of us will be taking long overdue mini vacations over the holiday break so we have decided to put all new content on hold until the new year. The next patch (December 13th) will be the last for the month barring any issues that may crop up. This should also give us some time to work on some more extended technical tasks such as improving the patch size (see below). We will be keeping a close eye on server health throughout this time so we wont be completely out of it.
Bug fixes / improvements:
Hallow Updates
We have done a poor job up until this point emphasizing that hallows are your respawn points and not ember rings. To drive that point home all ruin hallows throughout the game have been replaced with more thematically appropriate hut/tree/root models with lanterns that are derived from the larger tower-like hallow. The important thing to remember is that only places with these structures are valid respawn points - NOT ember rings.
Works in progress:
To see a full list of what is currently in progress head on over to this thread. I will do my best to update this list on a weekly basis and highlight the differences from the previous week with bold font. Below I will highlight some of the upcoming changes in more detail.
Upcoming for NEXT WEEK:
Here is a tease of what is heading to internal QA testing this week for next week's patch.
Patch Size (ongoing)
We are working on migrating our scenes to a new loading system that will reduce the overall size of patches. At the moment all scenes are lumped together into a large ~3gb file. Any time data within this file changes it must be redownloaded - even if those changes are small. By breaking our data up into smaller chunks those downloads will ideally be minimized to smaller individual files moving forward. The end result will be saving us bandwidth (money), and saving you download time on patch day. The tech required to do this loading has been implemented.
The work remaining is breaking the scenes up into individual files along with creating the shared bundles that contain assets used by multiple scenes. This chunk of work has turned out to be a bit of chore given how most things in our game are interconnected. I'm hoping to have some progress on this front by early January.
Known Issues:
This week is mostly bug fixes and minor updates. In addition, we will be doubling our server's memory to reduce the frequency in which we have to restart zones due to the current memory leaks. These hardware upgrades will cause extended server downtimes but I'll do my best to keep you informed.
This month will also bring some much needed R&R to the team. A number of us will be taking long overdue mini vacations over the holiday break so we have decided to put all new content on hold until the new year. The next patch (December 13th) will be the last for the month barring any issues that may crop up. This should also give us some time to work on some more extended technical tasks such as improving the patch size (see below). We will be keeping a close eye on server health throughout this time so we wont be completely out of it.
Bug fixes / improvements:
- Tech
- Updated vegetation shaders to the latest version (minor performance and visual improvements).
- Improved overhead nameplate rotation near the edge of your screen.
- Fixed execution order of nameplate scripts to reduce the rotation lag in overhead nameplates and chat bubbles
- Fixed issues with chat linking in /tell
- Fixed issues with chat linking items with a colon in their name
- Fixed issues with chat linking too many items (it will give you a notification and ask you to send fewer links)
- Fixed issues with misconfigured spawn controllers that could cause them to get stuck in a loop not spawning anything.
- Environment / Art
- Fixed AO textures on some rock assets.
- Fixed missing vegetation in the northern part of Redshore Ridge.
- Fixed some nav mesh issues in Redshore Ridge.
- Misc. environmental bug fixes.
- Reduced cloud movement speed.
- UI:
- Added "Cancel Execution" keybind that is unbound by default. This keybind will cancel a currently executing ability/consumable/craft/etc (similar to escape or jumping). Note that escape continues to function as it always has.
- Fixed not being able to switch targets via keypresses or clicks while unconscious.
- Design:
- Mushroom Oil is now an accepted material for ground torch fuel
- Mangrove density increased in Redshore Ridge Mangrove Forest
- Mandrake poison is now AoE
- Mobs lvl 25+ have had their damage values increased.
- Mire "Shed" ability changed to chemical status resist
- Fixed issues with NPC global cooldown being too slow. This reduces the gap between auto-attacks and abilities for NPCs which should give them more appropriate DPS levels.
- Flinching Bite debuff also reduces block chance.
- Increased range of Juggernaut Roar ability
- Level 35-50 recipes have been added.
- Fixed incorrect naming on bootstrap augment recipe
- Corrected some crafting weapon and cloth end product names that were lacking their primary material prefix
- Fixed skinning level on Massive Drolsc and Deepwater Crocs
- Adjusted spawn locations in Redshore Ridge away from respawn locations.
- Increased cooldown on NPC ability Pound
- Corrected stats on Speartip Dagger.
- Updated Pack Rat loot tables for higher level spawns.
- Aligned Spider Silk drop level with mob level.
- Fixed issue with crafted items having extra item color text.
Hallow Updates
We have done a poor job up until this point emphasizing that hallows are your respawn points and not ember rings. To drive that point home all ruin hallows throughout the game have been replaced with more thematically appropriate hut/tree/root models with lanterns that are derived from the larger tower-like hallow. The important thing to remember is that only places with these structures are valid respawn points - NOT ember rings.

Works in progress:
To see a full list of what is currently in progress head on over to this thread. I will do my best to update this list on a weekly basis and highlight the differences from the previous week with bold font. Below I will highlight some of the upcoming changes in more detail.
Upcoming for NEXT WEEK:
Here is a tease of what is heading to internal QA testing this week for next week's patch.
- Emberdrift 100% uptime fixes
- Coloring of group nameplates when selected
- Option to disable camera collision smoothing
- Minor optimizations to Redshore & Redshore Ridge rendering.
- Redshore map updates including Redshore Ridge and associated discoveries.
- Bug fixes.
Patch Size (ongoing)
We are working on migrating our scenes to a new loading system that will reduce the overall size of patches. At the moment all scenes are lumped together into a large ~3gb file. Any time data within this file changes it must be redownloaded - even if those changes are small. By breaking our data up into smaller chunks those downloads will ideally be minimized to smaller individual files moving forward. The end result will be saving us bandwidth (money), and saving you download time on patch day. The tech required to do this loading has been implemented.
The work remaining is breaking the scenes up into individual files along with creating the shared bundles that contain assets used by multiple scenes. This chunk of work has turned out to be a bit of chore given how most things in our game are interconnected. I'm hoping to have some progress on this front by early January.
Known Issues:
- A recent change was supposed to make all Emberdrifts available at all times - this seems to not always be occuring. Their spawn system was not designed to operate this way so some tech changes need to happen to iron this out so they have 100% uptime. This should be fixed NEXT week.
- Occasionally a loot roll may be skipped entirely and a carcass will be given. When this happens please provide any relevant details as we are still trying to track this one down.
- Not all ember rings and/or POIs are proper map discoveries.
- Deconstructing crafted items returns junk 100% of the time.
- Not all clothing/armor has visuals
- Dragging a group-nameplate in the group window will set the wrong pivot point for the group window and the whole thing will drag a bit weird.
- Typing chat text may occasionally become invisible. Unfocus your chat window and trying again a few times typically resolves this.
- Sometimes when you respawn you don't end up at the proper hallow --> if this happens please report the position where you died via the "/report" command or "/debugposition" (if using debugposition you'll need to paste the value here)
- MacOS:
- Zooming the camera while holding the right mouse button can cause your chat window to scroll. This is not intended behavior.
- At some camera angles the sun may go dark. This should not happen frequently but is readily reproducible at some locations. Investigating a fix.
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