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Community feedback - Naming places


Stormhaven Studios
Hey guys!

You know how much we enjoy getting the community involved in the creation of Embers Adrift. The close connection with you, the cooperation and the involvement are some of the core aspects of our projects.

It has always been our intention to get you involved beyond feedback, and allow you to give your touch to the world itself!

In this thread, suggest names for the different points of interest of the world.

  • Ember rings
  • Camps
  • Caves
  • Points of interest

To enter your proposition, please take screenshots of the places on the map.

Thank you for your participation in this project!
Do you want a different name than "Ember Rings" or are you actually wanting to name each different ring something? That would be a lot of rings to name. First zone I usually just see people referring to the 3 rings along the path as ring 1, 2 and 3. Fairly easy to understand, especially if you are new to the game.
Do you want a different name than "Ember Rings" or are you actually wanting to name each different ring something? That would be a lot of rings to name. First zone I usually just see people referring to the 3 rings along the path as ring 1, 2 and 3. Fairly easy to understand, especially if you are new to the game.
nothing is set in stone - but "ember ring" likely needs to remain part of the name. but feel free to get creative and just throw ideas out.
You mean town names like Randonia, and Randyland ( I think they are already in game though)? Or zone names like The Magnum Empire? lol...
I think the very first ember ring should be something that pays homage to us escaping the Darklands. Something like "Drifter's Reprieve" or the like.

Will the lakes already have names? The ring at the SNH lake and the ones in the Meadowlands could simply be based off those names. The one DDT suggested be Kidney Creek I always jokingly refer to as "Crocodile Alley" because of the crocs that path by.

Would be cool if the wolf den was named after something that relates to the named wolves, I feel like they all came from the same source but the name is escaping me.
Oh, I see. More for Rings. Well starting in SHN"
Elloa's Embers - She respawns so much here, might as well name it after her...
Stonehenge - self explanatory
Farmer Fire - start of the farms in SNH
Haven Hearth - the third ring in SNH, by store, buildings etc. (aka Noob Campground)
Wraiths Ring - by pond, often frequented by Wraith (also know as Where's my Bag hearth?)
Whats that statue about in CV, I don't remember but the ring could be named after whatever the statue is for

Jimmy's Watchtower
Ravenrock Ring
Forest Glow

In DryFoot, gotta have a Plateau Pyre

Meadowlands should have a prairie sparks or fire, flames

I wish I knew more lore though, would be fun tying lore elements to rings and places (like how the Magnum legacy shaped the world around NewHaven)
I mentioned this in the discord server, but not knowing a lot of the lore or other plans for the zones, questlines, etc... it's really difficult to come up with names that actually fit the lore. Unless you're planning on taking some inspiration from the names suggested and incorporate them into the lore/quests.
I mentioned this in the discord server, but not knowing a lot of the lore or other plans for the zones, questlines, etc... it's really difficult to come up with names that actually fit the lore. Unless you're planning on taking some inspiration from the names suggested and incorporate them into the lore/quests.
We can do all of the above. These would be more along the lines of "nicknames" the locals give the POIs/rings/etc. So they don't have to be technically 100% lore friendly as long as they aren't lore UNfriendly if that makes sense?
In addition, part of the Lore is that some adventurers/travellers/drifters found a wild, empty world in the North. Everything is virgin. Everything need to be build. Everything need to be named.
Obviously, Lore wise, it's the first wave of pioneers that named the world, and not the next ones (YOU), but the principle stay the same. The world was very similiar 100 years ago as YOU find it today. And the pioneers needed to name places.
Therefor you can not really be wrong. Ravenrock... for example is a name that make sense, because it's a rock, with a raven skull on it. It's not orginal. It's not fancy. But make sense that pioneers called that place that way.
In the same fashion, you are going to meet place, and you will give them name. Not because there is history to it, but because they look a certain way, or because they are located in a certain place.
In addition, we also love the idea of double name. The "official one" written in Newhaven charter, and the usual one given by players. It's something pretty cool too. Imagine "Rodenbach Fall" (the place where the hero called Randigo Rodenbach fall in combat, fighting a horde of angry bears) is called by the players "Smuggler Hill" cause it's a hill and there is smugglers on it. (this is just an example. Smuggler Hill is not called Rodenbach Fall :rolleyes:)
The first camp in the game could just be called "basecamp" its the intial camp for new people and the start of your journey. Rest I find hard to name as others have said without lore / npcs in place to add context to the naming.
Necro-rez'ing this post. I like the idea of putting the zone name in the name of the Ember Ring, honestly.

Otherwise, to add to that I'd use names (even temporarily) that clearly denote location. I hope they aren't already like this, I haven't paid attention, lol:

Newhaven South Outpost Ember Ring
Newhaven Central Outpost Ember Ring
Newhaven North Outpost Ember Ring
Newhaven Northeast Wilderness Ember Ring
Newhaven Northwest Lake Ember Ring
Newhaven Central Vein Ember Ring

Sure, it's not beautiful, but I don't think they need to be, either. They clearly denote a location and, if it ends up being a special location that's clearly more about what it's next to than where it is, it may make more sense to defer to the landmark than the compass might denote (maybe).