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Clicking on loot/targeting


New Member
Very difficult to click on loot, sometimes I have to stand there for up to 10 seconds clicking on the corpse in just the right way to get the loot. 10 seconds doesn’t sound long but this is something we should just be able to easily click on and loot. Takes up a lot of time that could be spent moving on and fighting.

Same with ore nodes, I have to stand directly on top of it but not too far on top of it, then click on my feet to mine the ore.

Also clicking on quest NPCs I have to first select them with my left click then spam my right click click to hope I can get the quest window to pop up. Just slows things down a lot.
It appears maybe you are have connection issue. Even in the lowest settings and low fps I have had the UI be rather responsive. Are you by chance playing in a country far outside of the US? That is my only guess on why UI interactions are so delayed.
It appears maybe you are have connection issue. Even in the lowest settings and low fps I have had the UI be rather responsive. Are you by chance playing in a country far outside of the US? That is my only guess on why UI interactions are so delayed.
No, I’m in Atlanta GA. I’m on a mac but my husband has a new gaming pc and he had the same issue. Connection is fine on other games too.

I wasn’t lag. It was difficult to pickup the loot as in the range for how exact you had to be when clicking. I’d have to click several times and then stand on it and try to click. Maybe make a larger area that will allow you to click to pick it up. It was like I had to pinpoint an exact spot to get it to loot.
No, I’m in Atlanta GA. I’m on a mac but my husband has a new gaming pc and he had the same issue. Connection is fine on other games too.

I wasn’t lag. It was difficult to pickup the loot as in the range for how exact you had to be when clicking. I’d have to click several times and then stand on it and try to click. Maybe make a larger area that will allow you to click to pick it up. It was like I had to pinpoint an exact spot to get it to loot.

Was there a specific mob you encountered this issue with or was this general to all?