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Feedback Bulletin Board tasks

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Bulletin Board tasks for the most part are great. There are two however that have had me on the verge of quitting the game. One took me a solid two days to find enough mobs to complete the task. The task I'm on now is worse. It took me a day and a half to find 1 scout, I need five. The scout was in a camp surrounded by 2c blue mobs. I got that one. Just a little while ago i ran into scout number two in a camp full of 3c blue and whites. These tasks are supposed to be geared for solo play, if I'm not mistaken. Aside from the fact that I cannot pull a scout out of a mass of 3c mobs on my own, I've only seen a total of 2 scouts in the two days I've been looking. I'm pretty much done. Please allow us to drop a task after 24 hours as someone else suggested. I can promise you, my patience is thin and I'm about to cancel my subscrition as a result.
Bulletin Board tasks for the most part are great. There are two however that have had me on the verge of quitting the game. One took me a solid two days to find enough mobs to complete the task. The task I'm on now is worse. It took me a day and a half to find 1 scout, I need five. The scout was in a camp surrounded by 2c blue mobs. I got that one. Just a little while ago i ran into scout number two in a camp full of 3c blue and whites. These tasks are supposed to be geared for solo play, if I'm not mistaken. Aside from the fact that I cannot pull a scout out of a mass of 3c mobs on my own, I've only seen a total of 2 scouts in the two days I've been looking. I'm pretty much done. Please allow us to drop a task after 24 hours as someone else suggested. I can promise you, my patience is thin and I'm about to cancel my subscrition as a result.
These tasks have been updated on QA and will make their way to live come Feb 27th (see patch notes here). We have been re-evaluating all tasks and getting them updated as quick as we can. We are also looking into other solutions but those take a bit more time.
2 BB quests in ML, the one where you are asked to kill 5 Cave Rats, not all cave rats count towards this quest, only the ones that spawn outside of the Mire EV, the Cave Rats inside Aquifer do NOT count. The quillback quest in ML is odd. some of the ones I kill count towards the completion, some don't. I think any in that zone should count towards the completion.
some of the ones I kill count towards the completion, some don't. I think any in that zone should count towards the completion.
I've noticed this as well in other zones, FWIW. Double check the level requirement on the task. Sometimes, it's impossible to tell like when things are gray.

For this reason, it would be really helpful if mobs were tagged with some kind of visible icon (say, a gold diamond) on their nameplates, which would indicate that they are a valid target of an active BB task in the zone.

It might also help to standardize the nomenclature here. BB tasks use LEVELS. Nameplate chevrons use COLORS. That's obviously not straight forward, especially when things are too far below (gray) or above (red) your level. Perhaps it's time to move away from colored chevrons and use actual levels on mobs? Then what is higher or lower is academic. Mob names could be colored to indicate the danger or risk associated to you.

35 Cave Rat
31 Lake Crocodile
30 Aggressive Quillback