Bulletin Board tasks for the most part are great. There are two however that have had me on the verge of quitting the game. One took me a solid two days to find enough mobs to complete the task. The task I'm on now is worse. It took me a day and a half to find 1 scout, I need five. The scout was in a camp surrounded by 2c blue mobs. I got that one. Just a little while ago i ran into scout number two in a camp full of 3c blue and whites. These tasks are supposed to be geared for solo play, if I'm not mistaken. Aside from the fact that I cannot pull a scout out of a mass of 3c mobs on my own, I've only seen a total of 2 scouts in the two days I've been looking. I'm pretty much done. Please allow us to drop a task after 24 hours as someone else suggested. I can promise you, my patience is thin and I'm about to cancel my subscrition as a result.