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Bought Game but Only Free Trial Access?


New Member
Just bought the game for $39.99 (with Nathan Napalm's link) but it says I only have free trial access. Do I need the subscription to proceed past the starter areas? Am I missing something? I have enjoyed the game thus far and hope to continue. Thanks for the help.

Just bought the game for $39.99 (with Nathan Napalm's link) but it says I only have free trial access. Do I need the subscription to proceed past the starter areas? Am I missing something? I have enjoyed the game thus far and hope to continue. Thanks for the help.

No, you do not need the subscription to go past the starter area.

You bought the game, you can play one character as long as you like.

Welcome to the game :)
Last edited:
Just bought the game for $39.99 (with Nathan Napalm's link) but it says I only have free trial access. Do I need the subscription to proceed past the starter areas? Am I missing something? I have enjoyed the game thus far and hope to continue. Thanks for the help.

Did you get an account key in your email? You may have to add that to your account under the "Activate a Key" field in your account.