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Embers Adrift

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New Member
Hi all, just hoping for some quick help so i can try the Beta. I have my account set up, have my user name ETC. But the server won't let me log in. I know what my account info is, it just won't go through and i'm not finding a way to reset my password/account info
Hi all, just hoping for some quick help so i can try the Beta. I have my account set up, have my user name ETC. But the server won't let me log in. I know what my account info is, it just won't go through and i'm not finding a way to reset my password/account info
Did you get this resolved? Your username & password are the same one used here on the forums.
Hi all, just hoping for some quick help so i can try the Beta. I have my account set up, have my user name ETC. But the server won't let me log in. I know what my account info is, it just won't go through and i'm not finding a way to reset my password/account info
Did you try "run as Administrator"? I had to select that to get past the launcher.