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A quick overview of the advanced classes


Well-Known Member
Just some quick notes on what the different advanced classes have available to them ability wise. I might be wrong on what some of these abilities do, I didn't get to try all of them out, I just wanted to create some basic documentation for reference.

First Aid - Reliable heal with high stamina cost
Assailing Strike - Attack that deals bonus damage directly to enemy armor.
Screen - Protects a group member from the first incoming attack against them.

[6] Patch - Quickly patch up your ally[6] Replenish - Heal over time[6]Open Wound - Makes enemies take more damage
[6] Rejuvinating Hymn - AoE Heal over Time
[8] Combined Strike - Cause enemy to bleed[8] Distract - Reduces enemy chance to hit[8] Energizing Battle Chant - AoE Stamina Regen
[10] Disengage - Appear less threatening[10] Bolster Armor - Combat prep, armor up, speed down[10] Terrors of War - Cause fear
[14] Weak Point - Attack which lowers Resistances[14] Weaken - Reduces enemy armor penetration[14] Stifle - Reduce enemy attack speed
[16] Dread Bellow - Reduce enemy combat effectiveness
[18] Serration - Buffs allied weapons with bleed proc chance[18] Fortifying Aura - Resistance buff[18] Focusing Battle Chant - AoE Focus Increase
[22] Triage - Quickly patch up your allies[22] Salvo - Attack multiple times (autoattack)[22] Flinching Strike - Shake enemy defenses
[26] Hemorrhaging Strike - Damage causes more damage[26] Diversion - Get your target's attention[26] Rallying Call - Increase Ally haste
[30] Stim - Increase ally stamina regeneration[30] Treatment - Instant + Delayed Heal[30] Frightful Visage - Aoe fear

Duelist Found SkillsSentinel Found SkillsWarlord Found Skills
[34] Flourish - Attack with increased damage to low health[34] Prepare - Control resistance group buff[34] Presence - Mental damage buff
[38] Upper Hand - Damage buff aura[38] Counter Offensive - Attack with short term damage buff[38] Despair - AoE mental damage and DoT
[42] Amputate - Attack with enemy healing debuff[42] Recuscitate - Bring an ally back to the fight.[42] Death's Door - Heal with increased power at low health.

Provoke - Ranged aggro up
Threatening Strike - Attack with aggro up
Resistant - Resistance buff

[6] Breach - Attack that bypasses armor[6] Enraging Strike - Attack which forces enemy to attack for a short time[6] Halt - AoE root
[8] Roar - AoE aggro up[8] Protect - Resist buff on friendly[8] Pressure - Attack that inflicts disadvantage
[10] No Time to Die - Powerful resilience buff[10] Counter - Counterattack against first incoming hit[10] Pursuit - Slow enemy (?)
[14] Collateral Damage - Attack that can hit two targets[14] Bash - Attack with aggro up[14] Sweep - Attack that can hit multiple targets
[18] Unstoppable - Powerful CC resistance buff[18] Inspire - AoE status effect resist buff.[18] Dodge - Defense Buff
[22] Perforate - Attack that causes bleed[22] Crushing Blow - Attack that causes major armor damage[22] Quick Strike - Attack with advantage
[26] Brace - Strong physical resist buff, long cooldown[26] Bulwark -Strong block rate buff, long cooldown[26] Ready - Haste Buff, long cooldown
[30] Rip - AoE attack that causes bleed[30] Inner Fire - Self heal over time[30] Draw Fire - Force all enemies to attack for a short time
[40] Center Self - Strong elemental resist buff, long cooldown

Fading Strike - Attack with threat down
Advantage Strike - Attack with reliable damage
Bleeding Strike - Bleed damage

[6] Assault - High stamina cost attack with no cooldown[6] Stun - Fragile long term stun[6] Venom Strike - Attack that poisons enemies
[8] Arc - Attack that can hit multiple targets[8] Hidden Strike - Attack with no aggro[8] Assist - Attack which grants advantage to defensive target
[10] Fury - Buff to auto attack, can't use abilities[10] Overpower - Attack that bypasses defenses[10] Aid - Fragile heal over time
[14] Follow Through - Auto attacks have a chance to chain[14] Sharpen Edge - Penetration buff[14] Lay of the Land - AoE increase movement speed
[18] Pummel - Attack that can hit two targets[18] Daze - Prevents enemies from using abilities[18] Acid Strike - Attack that damages enemy armor
[22] Guts - Damage resist buff[22] Flash Powder - AoE stun[22] Eagle Eye - Hit rating buff
[26] Wind Up - Strong buff to next attack damage[26] Execute - Attack with increased damage against low health[26] Viperid Toxins - Poison that damages enemy when they attack
[30] Wild Strikes - AoE attack[30] From the Shadows - Strong buff to next attack hit rating[30] Quillback Spines - Retributive damage buff
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Just some quick notes on what the different advanced classes have available to them ability wise. I might be wrong on what some of these abilities do, I didn't get to try all of them out, I just wanted to create some basic documentation for reference.

(R) Taunt - Ranged aggro up
Threatening Strike - Attack with aggro up
Resistant - Resistance buff

(R) Breach - Attack that bypasses armor(R) Enraging Strike - Attack which forces enemy to attack for a short time(R) Halt - AoE root
Roar - AoE aggro upProtect - Resist buff on friendlyPursuit - Slow enemy (?)
No Time to Die - Powerful resilience buffCounter - Counterattack against first incoming hitDodge - Long duration defense buff
Brace - Powerful resist buff against a single hitMental Resolve - Status effect resistance buffCenter Self - Short term powerful elemental resist buff

Marshal info:

Pursuit - movement+combat movement debuff to mob and movement+combat movement buff to player

Pressure (ability you learn at level 10)- attack that has a chance to apply Disadvantage

Dodge is now the level 14 ability

What does the (R) mean?
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  • 1 Threatening Strike 1.png
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  • 4 Triage 6.png
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  • 5 Distract 8.PNG
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  • 6 Bolster Armor 10.PNG
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  • 4 Open Wound 6.png
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  • 4 Rejuvenating Hymm 6.png
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  • 4 Stun 6.PNG
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  • 5 Hidden Strike 8.PNG
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  • 6 Overpower 10.PNG
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I haven't updated this in a while because Elden Ring. I'll get on that shortly!

The (R) means it has reagents.