Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. B

    Launch announcement image is only readable when logged in

    If not logged in, I can see the thumbnail image, but not the full readable announcement image.
  2. B

    Ability Queue and Target Timing

    An ability queue would be nice so that if you hit a button half a second before the cooldown expires, it will fire after the cooldown. I remember when they put this in EQ and it made button pressing flow better. You don't have to stare at the ability bar to make sure you didn't hit the button...
  3. B

    Forum Guest Message

    When a visitor goes to https://forums.embersadrift.com/index.php without being logged in, they see a message "This is a sample guest message..." You should delete that part.
  4. B

    Crashing within a few seconds of loading character.

    AMD 5600G CPU 16GB RAM AMD RX 580 8Gb GPU MSI B550 MB Samsung 980 Pro NVME Windows 10 fresh install but with Debloat scripts run on it AMD Adrenaline 22.5.1 2560 x 1440 (32 bit) (75Hz) I turned everything down to minimum. The game crashes a few seconds after loading in the world. My computer...