Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. K

    Alchemy System

    Hi, Any plans on making adjustments to the alchemy system? I have asked and spoke about this before. Some classes still see no “additional” benefit from using alchemy for their skills. Just saying using ember over stamina is not a benefit when most of the other classes/skills get some sort of...
  2. K

    State of the Game: Big Announcement, Roadmap, and Solo Snacks

    Awesome! Glad to see the improvements to the game and to help with soloing. The Bulletin Board System seems like a cool idea, and I will have to check it out. I am really excited for the Epic quests! Still curious to know why the Sentinel class has yet to see any Alchemy adjustments. This class...
  3. K

    LIVE December 19th; what's new?

    Nice. Glad to see the game additions and improvements. I have seen alchemy improvements to other classes over the past few weeks but nothing for the Sentinel. There are two if not more of the alchemy skills on the Sentinel that have no additional benefit- just use ember over stamina. Seems like...
  4. K

    Farewell.......for now.

    Thanks- I most likely will. My issue is not with finding a group as a Sentinel its finding groups in general. I have tried a few other classes and found the same issue. My main issue is that Sentinels do not match their descriptions well. They get one minor group buff and two mediocre depuffs...
  5. K

    Farewell.......for now.

    I pledged back in beta and have subbed since the game went live. I really enjoy the community and talking to people while grouping. Not many games give you this experience anymore, but the time has come where I am not enjoying the game as much anymore due to the below reasons. I will continue to...
  6. K

    Feedback Game - List your 3 favourite things and 3 most disliked things about the game

    Reason to start playing Embers Adrift: Game is the closest out right now that reminds me of EQ. Three favorite things about Embers Adrift: 1. Game is a slower paced. Gives you time to explore and make friends. 2. Devs are involved in the community. 3. Focus is on grouping Three most disliked...
  7. K

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    Nathan Napalm put together a solid video for new players or even current players. Video gives some good details on the game. Like below.
  8. K

    Embers Adrift Launch Announcement

    Awesome news! Congrats. I have played many games and MMORPGs in my days, and I will say this team has done an excellent job with this game. The developers ask for feedback and make changes accordingly and fast. They are involved in discord and interact with the community. Hard work has paid off...
  9. K

    Q&A - Ask all your questions here

    It may be a good idea to get a post going with beta testers PC specs/ settings and possible FPs. (CPU, GPU, RAM, OS- settings and FPS.)This will give people an idea on how the game will play on certain builds. Also, potential min requirements and suggested requirements for the game gets closer...