I pledged back in beta and have subbed since the game went live. I really enjoy the community and talking to people while grouping. Not many games give you this experience anymore, but the time has come where I am not enjoying the game as much anymore due to the below reasons. I will continue to check in now and then to see what updates are made. I have cancelled my sub as of yesterday.
I am giving my feedback so the devs understand why I have stopped playing and would suggest others to do so as well. This way they understand why people are leaving the game.
"The most crucial members of the old castle guard, the Sentinel excels at both reinforcing their allies and reducing their enemies effectiveness.The Sentinel is a guardian of the people; both healing and fortifying allies and themselves, while also weakening and damaging their opponents. A Sentinel’s last resort to protect their allies is to enrage enemies into attacking the Sentinel instead of any other groupmates. If healing and protecting people with abilities like ‘Replenish,’ ‘Bolster Armor,’ ‘Diversion,’ and ‘Treatment,’ is your thing then groups will be waiting with open arms to welcome your Sentinel into their adventures."
As stated above- I will check back in occasionally, to see how the game is progressing.
Also, just a recommendation. When people cancel it would be nice to send out a survey to see the reasons why they cancelled. This may help keeping players happy and help with retention.
Best of luck
I am giving my feedback so the devs understand why I have stopped playing and would suggest others to do so as well. This way they understand why people are leaving the game.
- Difficulty finding groups. This got better during the anniversary time but slowing went back to 30-60 people online.
- Solo is boring and very painful- take a very long time to level- killing 4-5 blue/white mobs per 1%.
- Sentinel class is lacking. I have written a few times on how the Sentinel class needs some improvements. I have heard multiple times that the class has changes coming. (I kept playing the class to see these changes but found out nothing else was changing). The change was to add overprovision. This is a decent skill but not what the class needed. The class does not stand up to the description seen below and posted on the website. Yes, the Sentinel does very well at healing but really lacks in all the other areas. Reinforcing/fortifying allies- one group buff that does +5 to physical damage. I would rather see the class focus on buffing instead of spreading out buffing and debuffing and being mediocre at best for both-or increasing the current buff and adding some additional ones. Why give the Sentinel a taunt when they can not take hits? I have been in many groups when tanks lose aggro and go down very fast- never mind me trying to taunt a mob. Increasing armor weight even more and giving more buffs would help the class have a taunt skill. Add a shield to give extra armor. I was very excited about the class when I read the description. Reminded me of the Cleric in Vangaurd SOH where you could heal, and buff well and tank when needed wearing heavy armor.
"The most crucial members of the old castle guard, the Sentinel excels at both reinforcing their allies and reducing their enemies effectiveness.The Sentinel is a guardian of the people; both healing and fortifying allies and themselves, while also weakening and damaging their opponents. A Sentinel’s last resort to protect their allies is to enrage enemies into attacking the Sentinel instead of any other groupmates. If healing and protecting people with abilities like ‘Replenish,’ ‘Bolster Armor,’ ‘Diversion,’ and ‘Treatment,’ is your thing then groups will be waiting with open arms to welcome your Sentinel into their adventures."
- Alchemy was the final draw for me. Nothing like what I would expect, and I barely used it. Especially being a Sentinel where the main skills did nothing additional. The other skills were not worth the cost, especially sharing ember with travel. I would have rather seen the alchemy system used to create new skills- maybe one every 10 levels (20,30,40,50) instead of trying to enhance to current ones. Curious to see how others feel about the system and how often they use it.
- I have given my feedback multiple times on discord and the forums with little to no acknowledgement by the devs so unsure if they are reading mine.
As stated above- I will check back in occasionally, to see how the game is progressing.
Also, just a recommendation. When people cancel it would be nice to send out a survey to see the reasons why they cancelled. This may help keeping players happy and help with retention.
Best of luck