Embers Adrift

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Search results

  1. Sadrith

    Bug Guild ranks move up and down in hierarchy on their own, Guild Master title keeps reverting.

    Greetings! I've noticed over the past couple of days that my guild ranks keep moving up and down the list of ranks on their own. The title of the Guild Master rank also keeps reverting from anything I set it to, back to Guild Master. Yesterday, most of my guild ranks seemed out of order. I put...
  2. Sadrith

    Feedback Significant memory utilization.

    Greetings! First and foremost, I'm loving the game. I hadn't played at all since alpha or beta until just the other day, and I'm kicking myself for that, because Embers Adrift is a breath of fresh air in many ways. That said, I noticed some interesting resource utilization issues tonight...