Embers Adrift

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Recent content by vonnegut

  1. V

    Territorial Play Style

    Again, if people applied logic to a situation it would seem to clear itself up. I don't see any gain in training a group in any game and have never been that type of player. I am approaching 3 decades of gaming in these environments. But in this game, why would a single or duo train a whole...
  2. V

    Territorial Play Style

    Not a misrepresentation at all. You guys were rude and exclusionary. And I did say it in chat before you guys took up the hill by the farm in the exile camp "we are just following and seemingly heading to the same destination." At no time did we pull anything on to you as you say. Nor did any of...
  3. V

    Territorial Play Style

    I generally will stay off of forums for the majority of the games I have played from UO until now. It is not something I find entertaining, but I have to ask this question to the community of this game. Before I ask the question let me lay out some reminders of what this game is. One server, one...