Embers Adrift

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Recent content by Sintax

  1. Sintax

    A question re: grouping and community

    Yep. And this is inescapable because everybody has their own schedule and passion for the game, so leveling will vary greatly even among friends leading to the dreaded level gaps. I genuinely believe Embers Adrift would get vastly more mileage out of systems that encourage players of all levels...
  2. Sintax

    Feedback Bulletin Board tasks

    I've noticed this as well in other zones, FWIW. Double check the level requirement on the task. Sometimes, it's impossible to tell like when things are gray. For this reason, it would be really helpful if mobs were tagged with some kind of visible icon (say, a gold diamond) on their nameplates...
  3. Sintax

    Prepping for the Trial

    That may be because a) it's unreliable, especially in areas where the surfaces are not level, and b) other skills are considerably more practical or just better at killing things quickly. I've found this to be especially true as you get to higher levels. Berserker Motto: Why avoid things when...
  4. Sintax

    Bug Status Bar UI Not Resizable

    Sometimes, the status bar UI above the skill icons automatically resizes. I haven't been able to observe exactly when or how this happens, but my suspicion is that it happens when the number of buffs + debuffs exceed a single row, which is possible when facing a large group of mobs like I was...
  5. Sintax

    Reading while resting

    That would be great. Same with eating and drinking. Guessing it's an animation issue, but I really don't mind if there's no animation for this while seated as long as we can do it.
  6. Sintax

    Feedback Running Away Is *Always* A Valid Strategy?

    I second this sentiment. I think this is why I've been getting the feeling that the design philosophy behind the game is deliberately punitive, seeing measures like this being chosen over the more reasonable options available. Having said that, I also feel like I've been giving a lot of...
  7. Sintax

    Feedback Running Away Is *Always* A Valid Strategy?

    That may be true under the hood, but the end result is that most everything still behaves largely the same way. There are some exceptions, notably between humanoids and creatures, but for the most part, any differences that exist are too marginal to detect. Which is why running away almost...
  8. Sintax

    Feedback Running Away Is *Always* A Valid Strategy?

    It is definitely confusing because it looks like a bug at first, until it happens again. Then it's clear that it's deliberate, but it's not clear why it's happening or what to even do about it. The game is now inflicting damage to you that you can't escape or mitigate. Upon further reflection...
  9. Sintax

    Hot Fix February 6th

    Just confirming that this seems to be fixed now. Guild UI is showing offline player status correctly.
  10. Sintax

    Feedback Running Away Is *Always* A Valid Strategy?

    ALSO WORTH NOTING ... In Grizzled Peaks, you cannot even use water to get away (from the stalker). You suffer damage when you attempt to do so — you are hit repeatedly by "Undone's Wrath" — and it's reproducible (I wanted to be sure I was understanding the game mechanics). Presumably, this is a...
  11. Sintax

    Feedback Running Away Is *Always* A Valid Strategy?

    You cannot de-leash mobs that have faster base speed than you, which again appears to be most mobs. You would have to CC them, as you noted, but most classes don't have a CC arsenal to accomplish that. I have been playing the Berserker for several months through all 50 levels. My regular group...
  12. Sintax

    Feedback Running Away Is *Always* A Valid Strategy?

    That's the crux of it — it's extremely frustrating — and the importance/relevance of this really can't be overstated in light of the studio's renewed focus on player retention. Frustration drives people away and works against player retention efforts. These seem like small things, but when...
  13. Sintax

    FIXED Guild & Party UI Player Status

    When players log off, they are no longer showing up offline in the guild or party UI. They don't show up in the /who active player list, as expected. This is a very recent problem, so perhaps caused by something that got introduced in the last patch. Maybe related to whatever you're doing to...
  14. Sintax

    Bug "Unauthorized to zone to [insert zone name]"

    When attempting to exit an EV, I sometimes receive this system notification and nothing happens. It's a fairly frequent occurrence in the Shrieker Barrows EV. It's unclear what this message even means. If the UI shows the pointer icon and I click it, why do I get an error notification and not...
  15. Sintax

    Feedback About character slots...

    FYI. You get additional slots when you sub (so they already kind of support the idea). I believe it's 4 additional.