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Bug "Unauthorized to zone to [insert zone name]"

is this a bug?


When attempting to exit an EV, I sometimes receive this system notification and nothing happens. It's a fairly frequent occurrence in the Shrieker Barrows EV. It's unclear what this message even means.

If the UI shows the pointer icon and I click it, why do I get an error notification and not the expected action? When the UI presents the pointer icon to a player, that implies that the object is interactable.

Moving closer to the object solves the issue, but if I'm too far away, the UI shouldn't present the pointer icon to begin with.
When attempting to exit an EV, I sometimes receive this system notification and nothing happens. It's a fairly frequent occurrence in the Shrieker Barrows EV. It's unclear what this message even means.

If the UI shows the pointer icon and I click it, why do I get an error notification and not the expected action? When the UI presents the pointer icon to a player, that implies that the object is interactable.

Moving closer to the object solves the issue, but if I'm too far away, the UI shouldn't present the pointer icon to begin with.
This is typically due to a slight mismatch in player location between the client and server. Your local client believes you are in range - but when the server gets your request it finds that you are not in range. I'll take a look at this particular exit to see if the collider is off a bit.